- Reaction score
- 5,386
- Points
- 1,260
That right there is why a lot of people prefer renting out a few days/weeks at a time rather than over mid-to-longer term. Big structural thing that varies from province to province, but can generally put a WHOLE lot more workload on a rental landlord than on an AirBnB operator.We airbnbed our house for a few years, eventfully became not worth the effort. What stops us from renting out is the Landlord Tenancy Act. It's not worth being a landlord in your own home ...
Given how many more units are going into short-term Airbnb-ville compared to units opening to longer-term tenant rentals, I suspect the former has a LOT less regulation involved. I was very lucky having great tenants for 10 years, but after hearing horror stories about bad tenants, I just sold the family house. And this was 20+ years ago, so tenant-landlord legislation has been a deterrent to potential landlords for some time now - and that appears to be the case (in Ontario, anyway) under both Team Red and Team Blue franchises.... there's a big difference between selling your rental property for quick cash, and someone who's got 8 or 9 properties they are managing but because it's Airbnb aren't properly reporting for tax purposes. Amending regulations to adjust for changing times isn't a bad thing on its own.
Meanwhile, back into the leadership fracas, word of a big caucus meeting (6 hours long) coming up Wednesday - 28th time the charm?
Michelle Rempel Garner's take:Subject: Notice of Special National Caucus Meeting/Avis de réunion spéciale du Caucus national
To all Liberal MPs,Special Notice from National Caucus Chair Brenda Shanahan
A special hybrid meeting of the National Liberal Caucus will be held:Wednesday, January 8th, 202511am-5pm ESTWest Block 225-A
Please note Hybrid Regional and Representative Caucus meetings will be held at various times Monday and Tuesday January 6th and 7th- you will be notified by your respective caucus chair shortly.
Virtual Access:While all Liberal MPs are encouraged to attend this Special National Caucus meeting in-person- we recognize that this short notice will prevent some members from being able to come to Ottawa. Therefore we are allowing virtual access to all members who request the zoom link by their P9 email to the National Liberal Caucus email in cc- provided the usual precautions, including being physically present in Canada, are observed.
When accessing National Caucus by Zoom, members are expected to be alone in a closed confidential space, face visible at all times on screen and be wearing an HOC approved headsetwhether intending to speak or not. Any use of a cellphone or speaking with 3rd parties or other inappropriate activity while on zoom link will be reason for being disconnected from the zoom without warning at the Chair's discretion.
I regret that for cyber security reasons, we cannot accommodate members who are travelling outside Canada. Affected members are free to communicate with their regional caucus chairs for an update on the matters discussed at this special meeting.
Brenda Shanahan
National Caucus Chair

Trudeau may announce decision to leave before Monday
But Canada needs the certainty a general election will provide, not more Liberal Party drama.