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Trump administration 2024-2028

Some might say they look “serious” and “had gravitas” but I think they look like they were voluntold to take a picture.
At least the Veep's photo looks OK for an official photo (hell, even for a profile photo on LinkedIn), but POTUS47's, while bracing, intense & memorable for sure, brings to mind this Calvin & Hobbes cartoon ...
Some might say they look “serious” and “had gravitas” but I think they look like they were voluntold to take a picture.
The silver filter is a nice touch, as is the VP's decision to dial up the wrinkle quotient.
This doesn’t really concern the Trump Admin but since the RedNote thread is here:

3D-printed firearms are already a controversial topic in the U.S., a country with a long history of civilian firearm ownership. In China, a strict ban on private firearm ownership only allows for military, police, and approved security personnel to possess guns.

Nevertheless, YZY remains undeterred.

“The right to a firearm is universal and innate to our humanity and doesn’t require a 2nd Amendment,” he added. “The Chinese have every right to own a gun, the same that we do, and I feel that I have a moral obligation to show them my knowledge.”
His go-to for anything is to post on Truth Social. If he wanted to tell the WEF to go pound sand, he wouldn’t be travelling there to do so.
Virtual link according to the WEF tweet, so he can give a remote FU if that’s his tack.
Waiting for the vacation Nazis here to criticize her being on vacation at this important time for Alberta…

You're probably going to be waiting a while. I don't think many people are going to see this trip like a vacation to Hawaii.