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Trust in our Institutions

Has your trust in our institutions changed?

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Like it's prevented Elizabeth May from commenting publicly?
I'm just interested in learning enough to decide whether May's comments are a reasonable reflection of reality, or a carefully worded partial representation of what's under the hood. I haven't got time to carefully parse everything every politician says, and default to "distrust" if they can't or won't make clear, simple, candid, accurate statements about the way things are. And "trust" isn't something either politicians or journalists can demand.
I'm just interested in learning enough to decide whether May's comments are a reasonable reflection of reality, or a carefully worded partial representation of what's under the hood. I haven't got time to carefully parse everything every politician says, and default to "distrust" if they can't or won't make clear, simple, candid, accurate statements about the way things are. And "trust" isn't something either politicians or journalists can demand.
She has a history of taking reality with a grain of salt….
The more I think about, the more I think PP is refusing to get cleared to read the report so he can remain ignorant of who the compromised Tory parliamentarians are. I mean, if he finds out who the compromised Tories are, he would have to deal with that reality, instead of just (rightly) bashing Trudeau over the head with this. He can’t deal with what he doesn’t know!

They’re all fucking spineless.
It just seems so unlikely that unfriendly foreign countries would attempt to interfere in, or influence, our elections and the elections of our friends on a regular basis, with or without assistance from our own politicians and their staff.
She has a history of taking reality with a grain of salt….
BIG time - but don't all politicians to some degree? Granted, not like some of LM's ... historic flights of fancy, to be as kind as you've been.

As I've said before, it'll be interesting to have at least one more data point once Singh dishes a bit - assuming he has something to say after his read-in.
The more I think about, the more I think PP is refusing to get cleared to read the report so he can remain ignorant of who the compromised Tory parliamentarians are. I mean, if he finds out who the compromised Tories are, he would have to deal with that reality, instead of just (rightly) bashing Trudeau over the head with this. He can’t deal with what he doesn’t know!
Frankly, I don't think he's that dumb - and he doesn't look the opposite of keen, either, when it comes to enforcing party discipline. Agree or disagree with him, I haven't heard even his harshest critics say he's stupid.

It's never outside the realm of possibility, given human frailty in any individual, and nobody can read his heart, but barring evidence to the contrary, I'm still leaning toward his wanting to have the tactical advantage of being able to keep this as available in the "Bash Team Red" tool kit that he's been using quite well and in a generally disciplined way so far.
They’re all fucking spineless.
When it comes to politics, sadly, some more than the others, but these days, it seems increasingly few at zero :(

While we wait for more, whatever happened to this tidbit (sources: CBC & Global)?
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While we wait for more, whatever happened to this tidbit (sources: CBC & Global)?
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I think she’s waiting to get her Disney+ acct reactivated to get an update on ‘next steps’…
Expect that PP feels the Trudeaus are trying to lay a trap. He gets his TS updated, views the Report, finds that relevant info is redacted, Cabinet Docs not included.....
Expect that PP feels the Trudeaus are trying to lay a trap. He gets his TS updated, views the Report, finds that relevant info is redacted, Cabinet Docs not included.....

There is a certain power in objectivity.... especially when your opponents are infamous Gaslighters ;)
I think PP is playing this right, and I would hope when is PM he informs Canadians as to the content of the report and takes all action required.
There is a certain power in objectivity.... especially when your opponents are infamous Gaslighters ;)
And cynics will also say one can be objective when you can say "I didn't know about stuff" when you could know more ;)
... I would hope when is PM he informs Canadians as to the content of the report and takes all action required.
Same - we'll see.

Singh's newser post-read-in has just wrapped up - said he was "a target" (didn't say how), wants PMJT to get a grip, but wouldn't say he'd pull Team Orange's support for the government, didn't name names, agrees that MP's have knowingly provided help to other governments (but won't say if sitting MPs are involved - only says "there's MPs", but not clear if that means right now - and when asked about whether people should be expelled by other parties, he said that's up to other parties) - agreed the worst are traitors, dug @ PP saying his not wanting to be briefed up "disqualifies" him from being leader of Canada, says no senators mentioned and that nobody's getting booted from Team Orange's roster ....

Full statement (~27 minutes) here @ CPAC
Initial Canadian Press report ....
WAY more political waffling, way less meat than I'd hoped for (yeah, yeah, call me naive) :( - let the messiness continue ...

Meanwhile, elsewhere ....
I'm just interested in learning enough to decide whether May's comments are a reasonable reflection of reality, or a carefully worded partial representation of what's under the hood …
Always good for any politician.

Past goofiness aside, until we hear from others who’re briefed in more fully, I’m prepared to be a tiny bit charitable and wonder if her read may be closer to that if the averages taxpayer with next to no expert knowledge. She sounds like the one with the least to lose politically of the two so far, and she sure didn’t look as eager to GTFO. Then again, she’s not running the same political game as Singh . Watch & shoot …
Original Post:
Has your trust in our institutions changed?

Something similar in another political thread yesterday,

No governments are popular... let the rage flow ;)

A documentary regarding political "Rage Farming" on social media,

The 2020 Netflix docudrama The Social Dilemma analyzed how social media was intentionally designed for profit maximization through Internet manipulation which can include spreading conspiracy theories and disinformation and promoting problematic social media use. Topics covered in the film included the role of social media in political polarization in the United States, political radicalization, including online youth radicalization, the spread of fake news and as a propaganda tool used by political parties and governmental bodies.

Apparently, May cleared her press conference notes with the PCO.

I am sure all the Party heads have done some investigation within their own Parties by now. Except Trudeau of course because he knows who and he is trying to find a way to lie, obfuscate, word salad the mess his party is in.

Yes, I believe most, if not all are members of LPC incl Trudeau.
Apparently, May cleared her press conference notes with the PCO.
Haven’t seen that mentioned yet - where’d you pick up that tidbit?
I am sure all the Party heads have done some investigation within their own Parties by now. Except Trudeau of course because he knows who and he is trying to find a way to lie, obfuscate, word salad the mess his party is in.
Well, we’ve heard Freeland say Team Red is investigating internally (an "internal follow-up" in her words*- although that hasn’t received much play in the tsunami of coverage). If Team Blue’s done the same, why wouldn’t they say so? If they hold back for political reasons, shows they’re putting politics above public trust about his members. And if he hasn’t, that feeds the haters’ position of “he doesn’t want to know” narrative.
… I believe most, if not all are members of LPC incl Trudeau.
In spite of most players saying all parties are involved, including Singh saying he himself was a target?

* - OP edit to add phrasing used by Freeland re: Liberal internal probe of interference
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