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Turkey Opens Bases to the US

Kat Stevens said:
Boot Turkey out of NATO on the grounds of nonstepupness, mine the Bosphorus, and let them have at it.

Normally, when Turkish politicians got out of hand, the military stepped in and we had a nice little coup and things would sort themselves out. Unfortunately, Erdogan has been very successful in emasculating the Turkish military and security agencies and therefore been able to stay in power.

Kicking Turkey out of NATO would probably be the worse thing that could happen and, I suspect would actually play into Erdogan's hand and only strengthen his position.
Retired AF Guy said:
Kicking Turkey out of NATO would probably be the worse thing that could happen and, I suspect would actually play into Erdogan's hand and only strengthen his position.

Point of order. A member (including Turkey) can't be kicked out of NATO. Period. The North Atlantic Treaty spells out very specific rules on membership. And the only way a member state can leave is by quitting. It's all in Article 13.