Medical bankruptcy! So great!Stronger military, lower taxes, stronger dollar, real leadership, less handouts, etc etc. Fucking horrific!
I am a little surprised that you called the current POTUS “real leadership”. I wasn’t expecting that.
This is a discussion forum. I am under no aspirations that Canadians or whoever at large give a single shit about what I, you, or anyone else here has to say.Good thing very few give a damn about your views.
I would say the same about your views, but I think we both have shown our biases.
So? Were all Opposition leaders like that? It takes two to tango, as they say. Compromise requires compromise, on both sides.Because in opposition that's his job, and I expect he will face that from his opposition.
I am not saying that PP is like Trump as personalities go. I am saying that PP’s position is analogous to Trump’s position now, since there is no way the CPC isn’t winning the next election. So the way PP handles things, given his pretty much sure-fire victory (and again, I say words like “pretty much” because “events, dear boy” that @Edward Campbell mentioned upthread), can and should be indicative of how he will govern as the next PM.Just stop, he's not trump at all. Pull your pants up your bias is showing mate.