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U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

IMHO the last thing we need on this site is one component slanging the other with a broad brush. I thought we were past that in this group. Cheers.

Amen, brother, Amen.
Well I don't think that the Iraq war was fully justified, but if in your mind you don't agree with the politicians sending you there don't go for them, go to support the man next to you in the trench.

If I was him, I would be ashamed of what my buddies would be thinking of me.

Just my thoughts

Listen, let's not sabotage this thread.   You obviously have an inferiority complex, and need to find any chance to take a dig at a reservist.   As I said, PM me and we can discuss. I don't have to broadcast to everyone on this thread who I am or what I have done.

This thread is about a coward that feels he needs to let everyone feel sorry for him, when in reality he wanted an easy way to pay his bills, or so he thought.   When push came to shove and his country asked that he answer the call, well his true self came out and tucked tail and ran.

Funny how that happens to some...

Ok, enough.  Since the comment was about a page and a half ago, take it to the PMs.  No point getting into an arguement over this Hinzman turd....
Hinzman has a nice little webpage


Now you can all write Hinzman and tell him how you feel:

Some of the emails he got are posted on his site. I have a funny feeling that most of you won't be writing a letter like this:

Dear Jeremy, Nga and Liam,

I want to wish all of the best for you and your family as you start your new life here in Toronto. I have lived here all of my life and cant think of a better place for you to raise your son.

I have unspeakable respect for the amount of courage which you have shown in resisitng the forces of corruption that unfortunately plague the most powerful military in the world. Can you imagine if all of those troops you were stationed with were fighting for true justice and not just playing security guards for Bush the inferior and his Oily friends?

In any event, I am glad that you are a warrior for the truth, and I hope that your message is spread far across the world. You will be a symbol of courage for those who stand up for themselves against immense injustice and seemingly impossible odds.

Thank you for standing up for what you believe in. Thank you for proving that all Americans are not mindless dronesdoing what Fox tells them to do, but rather, they can be compassionate, peace-loving individuals who think for themselves. Thank you for coming to Toronto.

You are welcome in my home at any time.

Warmest Regards,

Funny how the definition of 'hero' and 'coward' is so different for different people. Sigh, if he was being drafted and forced into the war, I could probably take his side...but he signed up, it is pretty rotten he is portraying himself as a 'conscientious objector' when he is really walking away from his responsibilities.

Here is what I sent along:

As a Canadian soldier I cannot wait to see you tossed back over to the United States.  The only atrocity of this whole story is that the mainstream press is still giving you attention.  As far as I'm concerned, you left your squadmates behind and screwed the team you had sworn to serve alongside (remember, you signed that contract) - you are a selfish shirker and a coward; you don't rate the paper your story is printed on.

Hopefully, a few years in Levenworth will teach you something about responsibility and obligation.
I sent him something a little more pungent, but with the same general idea.  Maybe if enough of us do it, he'll get the message that he's unwanted here by everyone other than the left-lib media and their followers - who don't have the brains to pour piss out of a boot anyways.
I like how some of the letters on his site state "we as Canadians" and we is bolded and capitalized......since when the hell does a single person from toronto state a country's opinion..... sure would like to see the prick sent back home and get what he deserves......hes basically trying to steal a education and get out of his responsibilitys.....
I wrote the tool an email. I was really nice considering he pisses me off. I'm sure they wont be posting it on his site. hehe
Yup - I've no doubt they won't post my e-mail to him, either:

You signed a legally binding contract when you enlisted in the US Army - in return for wearing the uniform, you wanted the Army to pay for your university education.

Now you want to break the contract by running away to Canada?

Please go home - we have enough thieves here already - we don't need to import American ones.

A Canadian soldier who served in Afghanistan
Infanteer said:
You know what I think is an atrocity - the fact that this weasel is still gathering media attention.
great post infanteer that little wussy is a disgrace to the Marines
armyrules said:
great post infanteer that little wussy is a disgrace to the Marines

Yes-especially because he is in the Army. Cheers.
S_Baker said:
I want to know why didn't he go to Mexico or even better N-Korea? He is a punk and if I ever see him on the street I would kick his goat smelling AZZ! ;)

    ;D great post S_Baker that guy makes me so  :rage: I share the same opinion as you do and probably most people on the boards.
Closing the famed Leavenworth?  That's like the closure of Sing Sing....a momentous moment in history.

What are they replacing it with?  What's the plan?
Believe me this guy put me in trouble  ;D

my girlfriend  (wife next year) asked me yesterday if i'll do the same thing for my family if i join the cf...  since joining the CF as an infantry officer is my goal, she's now worried since this coward story.

I will not tell you what i told her, but since i'm volunteer to give a nice trip  throught the frontier to this bloody coward who betrayed is comrades, she know now. Never in my life i will betrayed my comrades.

I think that the worst part of this tragedy is that guy, did sign a contract, was volunteer and betrayed is brothers.

In french, C'est un égoiste, un menteur et un profiteur de première. Un beau trou de cul quoi ;D

I used his site against him. I got the pm's email addy from there (not like I couldnt find it elsewhere) and sent him an email about not letting this guy stay. They sent me some form letter about how they would forward it to Judy Sgro and that my email was now on file. Great, now they know me hehe.
camochick said:
I used his site against him. I got the pm's email addy from there (not like I couldnt find it elsewhere) and sent him an email about not letting this guy stay. They sent me some form letter about how they would forward it to Judy Sgro and that my email was now on file. Great, now they know me hehe.
                Nice job I think I will also send a letter letting them know my opinion.
Careful camochick. Sgro might be looking for other sources to replace the Romanian strippers she no longer provides support for.

That seems silly.  There are no U.S. citizens being pressed into service in Iraq right now.  There are professional soldiers who are being deployed - so he'd only be shielding people who've abandoned their obligation.

Is Martin trying to get at not supporting a U.S. Draft?