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U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

signalsguy said:
How many combat jumps have members of this board got? I believe he's got 18 in Afghanistan... Doesn't sound very cowardly to me.

Jumps have nothing to do with it for me. He signed up, knew the possible consequences, nuff said. In fact, an argument could be made that this guy should know way better because of his experience in Afghanistan, no?

Michael Dorosh said:
He's entitled to a fair hearing. He's also entitled to be shackled immediately after and send south on the first cattle car.

I totally agree.
Just because someone is a Buddhist it doesn't mean they don't worry about money. You don't need to be an expert in Buddhism to realize that a Buddhist needs to pay rent just like a Christian or Muslim would. Buddhism teaches mindfulness and awareness so one can deal with emotions such as worry, but they are not immune to those emotions.

I guess you're right, I was getting at the worldly possestion thing. When he lands in the brig, he will have lots of time to meditate.
CBH99 said:
Hey Infanteer - not to sound disrespectful of a staff member like yourself, but in your comment "I hope you stay away from my army" - I've already been in your army for 4yrs now (Reserve).   So, no disrespect - but get to know someone before you chomp down on em'.

Well, now you know why we keep asking people to fill out their profile.

signalsguy said:
How many combat jumps have members of this board got? I believe he's got 18 in Afghanistan... Doesn't sound very cowardly to me.

Did the 82nd do 18 combat jumps in Afghanistan?  That's more then WWII veterans have.
the way I see it is that there are plenty of families who have lost love ones in iraq, and here is this guy sitting prietty up here in Canada. He gets to live the rest of his life , meanwhile, others who chose the same path he did with the exception that they followed orders, don't have that option. If he really wanted to take a stand he should have done it in the U.S., instead of running away. I think the one word that is constant in this thread sums it all up. Coward.
Well I guess its easy for us to sit here and judge this guy, since none of us (Canadians that is, I know there are Americans here too) have to face what he has faced...
It is pretty cut and dried. You sign the dotted line, you make a commitment. Like a marriage, or richer or poorer, in good times or bad.... As a soldier (no matter how much or how little TI) doesn't t get to pick and choose with war to fight in. You get set where your told. I hesitate to use the "c" word but if he had problems with actually engaging in combat, then he could have become a medic and helped his fellow soldiers.

  I think this is a prime example of an individual rights superceding the collective. As I said somewhere else, the group is more then important then individual, but you see more and more that isn't so anymore. How can any true soldier abandon his fellow teammates.

Why did the peckerwood come to Canada instead of Mexico. My guess is we speak English and have a high standard of living. Another sign of his character. He could of hid in Mexico easier.

But this is Canada, and we do have  a refugee policy (as well as immigration - separate issue). It is not up to the individual customs officer etc to evacuate his claim. We, also being a free country has process of law. And before anyone jumps in, the goal of refugee status is good, its the execution that is flawed (We actually do believe in "taking in your huddled masses). Once his refugee status is refused (I seen it for less and dis happen before), then off to the border he goes.

My politics tends to be left of centre, so I do not believe in the leftist conspire theories. I do believe in one doing ones duty, especially if you volunteered for it.

That was an excellent post, I was starting to get at way before. When you're in the Army, you can't expect to get free money. You only get free money if you are a politician/friend of one.

My politics tends to be left of centre...

Haven't seen too many others, I thought I was the only one. (Before I get made fun of, no I'm not communist/Marxist/hippie/other sterotype)
I don't know if Divorce was good analogy, since divorce is legal and is always preceded by separation. If the RB does not find in his favour, he can and will apply for a review. In any event, we let worse people than him stay here, on a daily basis. Using the RB aproach was a mistake, but it's a correctable one. Nobody really cares about his contract to serve in the US forces. That's not even relevant .. what is relevant is what might happen to him if he is sent back home. Can anybody speak to that point with authority, I'm curious to know what due process he will be entitled to, or whether he will be dealt with summarily.  Cheers.
    Re: U.S. army deserter feared committing atrocities
« Reply #41 on: Today at 15:05:42 » 

How many combat jumps have members of this board got? I believe he's got 18 in Afghanistan... Doesn't sound very cowardly to me.

18 combat jumps hmmm . well lets see i havent seen anything from many of my friends down south in ref to this . it all depends on what you call combat .  in some cases i know of ppl getting a "combat" jump when the combat was  way far away and they were just training is that what happend here ?i know of many ppl in the US army  / sf and they dont know of anyone with 5 + jumps into a hot area ....
He probably has 18 jumps TOTAL. The 82nd AB Div is not a jump club  ::)
Apart from small SF drops that may have happened, the only operational para drop in Afghanistan was a Coy of Rangers jumping into Kandahar Airfield on Oct 19th 2002.
In Iraq, about 1000 troops from the 173rd AB Bde were para-inserted in Northern Iraq.
I hate the fact that tax dollars are being wasted on this guy. He is also wasting time that could be spent on refugees of a more urgent nature. People who cant go home because they actually face death.
You wanna know what pisses me off more than anything?   it's not the fact he ditched his duty, funny how he wasn't a conscientious objector in the recruiting office, it's the fact he is up here and he is wasting the time and money of our system.

So Hinzman, from Tess, "On yer bike!"

Let me ask you this. Have you looked at Infanteer's profile, or the profile of anyone else here for that matter. Sorry bud. It takes more than showing up for a bunch of Tuesday nights for a couple of years, to make a soldier.

You might want to remember that the next time you start claiming to be one too.

Hey Slim

What the F*** is up with that comment??   I showed up for many a Tuesday and am proud to call myself a soldier.   PM me if you want to know a little bit more about my "Tuesday Soldier" experience. 

hey regulator i ll back you up on that . before i joined the regs i was a reservist . when i went out with the regs i brought in a lot of experience that the  jnr nco's did not have  i had worked with all 3 PPCLI bns and 1 of the  RCR and a short stint with the RCDs  when i said something i was scoffed at till they tried my way and it worked . I was ranked #4 in the entire  coy when deployed operationally . thats with all the a mech coy . so while yes there are troops out there who do not have the knowledge their rank may req there are troops out there with knowledge / experience that their rank may not show .....
I agree with many of the opinions, when you raise your right hand and do solemnly swear--- then by god they have your a$$ for as long as you signed up for.  But you wait and see this country of ours, though I love it dearly and would defend it to my last breath, is full of bleeding hearts that will treat this slug like a hero.
Umm...just as a disclaimer, I was a reservist to.
camochick is right ... the travesty here is that this twerp is tying up an overloaded refugee system that could be hearing REAL refugee claims. People who have been tortured or jailed for their political beliefs, religion or skin colour and who would be killed if sent back to their home country. And the whole thing costs us taxpayers $50,000 to $100,000 a day.
If he loses this round, as seems likely, his lawyer (a former Vietnam draft dodger, go figure) appeals and appeals and appeals. Meanwhile this guy collects welfare and we pay for the whole tortuous process, which will take years. One refugee claimant -- a convicted terrorist -- has been appealing for 17 years! If Hinzman takes his case to the Supreme Court and loses, he can then make a humanitarian appeal directly to the Immigration Minister based on the fact ... you might want to sit down for this ... that he's been in the country so long it would be an undue hardship to deport him.
There oughta be a revolt over this refugee system. It makes a lot of Liberal lawyers rich, but has turned us into an international laughingstock. Again.
Hey Slim

What the F*** is up with that comment??   I showed up for many a Tuesday and am proud to call myself a soldier.   PM me if you want to know a little bit more about my "Tuesday Soldier" experience.  


I've been reserve...I've been reg. As a reservist I thought I knew all that there was to know about being a soldier...

Then I hit Cornwallis...And the Armoured Battleschool...Then was an armoured recce soldier for 7 years...Full time service. I've seen reserves who can't hold a candle to to a reg force second year trooper in terms of dedication, drive, job knowledge, professionallism...the list goes on.

I realize that reservists these days do alot more than I did as one...However, for the most part, regs and reserves are NOT equal in terms of training, job knowledge, drive and experience.

If some of you disagree...Well I am speaking from my own personal experience and feelings on the matter. No doubt there are those who will dispute this. So be it.

As for the person that those remarks were aimed at. At the time of my post his profile was blank...Which says to me that he has none.

I went to that guys website,into his scrap book section and looked at his pictures.
The one thing that really made me sick is all the pictures he took in front of Pier 21 in Halifax.How can this,cowardly and selfish individual,try and put himself on the same plateau as all the other people who came to Canada through those gates.Every war bride and honest to goodness refugee must be spinning in thier graves........
Boil em in oil!
I've seen reserves who can't hold a candle to to a reg force second year trooper in terms of dedication, drive, job knowledge, professionallism...the list goes on.

And both you and I, (if we are honest with ourselves as RegF soldiers...) can point out any number of people in the RegF who are not "soldiers" at all but just time-serving ration thieves. It goes both ways. IMHO the last thing we need on this site is one component slanging the other with a broad brush. I thought we were past that in this group. Cheers.