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Unsure of which section of a regiment to join


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I live in Montreal and I want to join the reserves(army), but I am unsure what regiment(I know I have to be in the 22nd regiment, but what section?) is the most appropriate. I have heard over and over by one of my friends that the blackwatch is were its at, but im not Irish, and I feel no need to join the blackwatch. I am very gratefull for any advice or links you might suggest.

Thanks  ???
You do not HAVE to be in the 22nd regiment - 22e Regiment "Van Doos" is a regiment in the Regular force but have a 4th Bn that is reserve (I believe)

The Black Watch is a reserve regt of which you don't have to be Irish to be in (the regt has a Scotish heritage but NO you don't have to be Scotish to be in it)

Try calling a recruiting center near you and find out which units are recruiting
The Royal 22nd Regiment consists of five battalions:

1st and 3nd Bns, Regular Force, in Valcartier;
2nd Bn, Regular Force, in Quebec City;
4th and 6th Bns, Reserve Force.

In Montreal, there are other reserve infantry units as well:

The Canadian Grenadier Guards;
The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada;
Les Fusiliers de Montreal;
Le Regiment de Maisonneuve; and
The Royal Montreal Regiment.

In addition, should other military occupations be of interest, there are other reserve units in Montreal:

HMCS Donnaconna;
The Royal Canadian Hussars;
2nd Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery;
34 Combat Engineer Regiment;
712 Communication Squadron;
51 Service Battalion; and
51 Field Ambulance Company.

The fine folks at the Recruiting centre can give you more information on the occupations available in Montreal area reserve units.

As for the Black Watch / Scottish question:  I have known people of all backgrounds serving with Highland units.  They are very open.  Indeed, the incoming CO of the unit is of French Canadian extraction - see http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20090416/black_watch_090416/20090416/
Thank you very much, that is of great help. Which according to you would be the most likely to get me into CSOR or JTF2?
Alpha032 said:
Thank you very much, that is of great help. Which according to you would be the most likely to get me into CSOR or JTF2?
No certain regiment will get you into those units, meaning one regiment doesn't look better then another on paper. After 3 years in the reserves you can apply to either of those two units. I would worry about getting into the CF first.
Alpha032 said:
Thank you very much, that is of great help. Which according to you would be the most likely to get me into CSOR or JTF2?
It's already been said "how" to get to either unit, and it's already been said that no one unit will put you in a position of great chance.  It all comes to you.  You must demonstrate the abilities they seek in either of those units. 
My recommendation would be to get into a unit.  If it's a reserve unit, then all units mentioned have rich histories, and are open to all Canadians, irrespective of origin/heritage.  Some may be designated as french speaking, others as english speaking.  I know of anglophone Canadians who ended up with the Royal 22e.  And I know of francophones who joined PPCLI and The RCR. 
So, speak to a recruiter, tell them your career goals, and they should be able to help you.  If you have specific questions that they cannot answer, try again here after you search for the answer.  In most cases, it's been asked and answered.
dapaterson said:
In addition, should other military occupations be of interest, there are other reserve units in Montreal:

HMCS Donnaconna;
The Royal Canadian Hussars;
2nd Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery;
34 Combat Engineer Regiment;
712 Communication Squadron;
51 Service Battalion; and
51 Field Ambulance Company.

You overlooked 438 Squadron, but as there is little chance of anyone being accepted right off of the street it is of no great consequence to the OP.
Mea culpa on 438 Sqn.  And I think I  heard that the Air Reserve recruiting nationally may hit double digits some time soon...