Given that something approaching 90% of the global economy moves by sea, on over 100,000 merchant ships, I would argue that your strategy is back-asswards. The only useful thing a global superpower does, it seems, to me, is to secure the sea-lines of communication ... and it does that 100% for its own benefit.
For the rest, you support your friends who are, in almost every case during, say, the last 500 years (the 'age of exploration' fundamentally altered global economics), your main trading partners ... once again there's no altruism involved, it's pure self-interest.
You seem to me to be rather like President Trump: a mercantilist, not a strategist, as Yadong Liu says in
a very useful article in Foreign Affairs in which he suggests that President Trump is, still, despite the trade war and tariffs, China's long-term saviour because of his own personal traits which include a lack of strategic vision and a penchant for satisfying his own, personal desires and interests.