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Thank you to the Administrators and all those who have posted on this site. I am a 40 year old civi journeyman Machinist/Tool and Die Maker who's not liking how the future looks in my chosen field. I tried the forces back in 1987, ROTP, had my heart set on being a pilot. I got accepted, but not for aircrew. I went to Chilliwack anyway, but the dissappointment put me on a path to failure and i didn't make it very far- my heart just wasn't in it. It took me a long time to get over that and to realize that I gave up way too easy; by then it was too late to become :piper: a pilot. Now, I'm happy the way things worked out, and I have been considering giving the forces another try. Its a much bigger decision for me now as I'm married, 3 kids, and deep roots planted on Vancouver Island. If it was just me, I would have been in the recruiting office a few weeks ago, but I know the forces will have a huge impact on my family, the children in particular.  The biggest problem I had back in 87 was that I knew almost nothing of the forces. This site has changed that. Being able to access such a wealth of experiences is invaluable. I know now that I am going to join, but I haven't finalized reserves vs regs and NCM vs Officer. I've been talking to a recruiter and gathering as much info as I can to make an informed decision this time around. In the next few days I will be posting some questions and would greatly appreciate any input.

Thanks for taking the time to tell your story! Sometimes it's easy for us to get caught up in the "day to day" here and lose site of how we might be impacting others for better or worse. It's nice to hear that you've found the site useful... I truly believe the community and (generally) helpful folks we have here are a real asset.

Best of luck to you, whatever your decisions!

Ask away!

For what it's worth, if they have your chosen trade, go reserve if you just want to get your feet wet. That way, you and your family can ease into it.

Personal opinion disclaimer (do not hold it against me): if you can, go officer. They seem to have it a bit easier in the long run (not to mention a slightly better pay and perks).
Thanks for the words of encouragement Mike and the suggestions RumRunner. I am finding the search function most useful and doubt if I will have to make many new posts- that was the main reason for starting this thread. Most of my questions have been discussed before.