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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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Take your PLQ for sure, won't have to do it in the RegF.

Is the Navy trade you want one of the In demand jobs? Your CT/OT could take a little while, so if that's your ultimate goal, apply now. You can delay your transfer to finish the PLQ if you're course loaded as long as you take the CT/OT within the same fiscal year.
Are you? And why do you ask?

One enrolls in the Canadian Forces by the way, rather than enlisting.
In my experience, I've seen NCM's come back into the RegF up to the age of 48 with a 5 year contract.
thewildandelusivebacon said:
You guys dont understand, I mean is there forced retirement?

55. A small extention from there is possible under strict circumstance.
thewildandelusivebacon said:
You guys dont understand, I mean is there forced retirement?

You claimed to have been an officer?  Your question has me baffled?  Of course there is forced retirement.  When you reach CRA you have to retire.  That is also explained in the links I posted.  Are you sure you are whom you claim to be?
thewildandelusivebacon said:
You guys dont understand, I mean is there forced retirement?

We did not understand because you did not ask that question.

Compulsory Release Age (CRA) is sixty.

That, too, can be found here by using the Search Function.
recceguy said:
55. A small extention from there is possible under strict circumstance.

WOW really...I hardly see the point if I have to stop at 55.

The only reason for me joining the military is becasue I dont want to be stuck behind a desk.

If I have to retire sooooo early Ill probably have to be in the civilian sector anyways.
George Wallace said:
You claimed to have been an officer?  Your question has me baffled?  Of course there is forced retirement.  When you reach CRA you have to retire.  That is also explained in the links I posted.  Are you sure you are whom you claim to be?

Sorry, I worded my post wrong, let me make this clear. I AM NOT an officer. I AM NOT in the military. I am a student who is considering it as an option. The main criteria is if there is forced retierment.
thewildandelusivebacon said:
WOW really...I hardly see the point if I have to stop at 55.

The only reason for me joining the military is becasue I dont want to be stuck behind a desk.

If I have to retire sooooo early Ill probably have to be in the civilian sector anyways.

Because it's the rules. Don't like it, don't join. You can extend to 60 but there are contingincies that need to be met first.

The rest of your post borders on trolling.
recceguy said:
The rest of your post borders on trolling.

How? trolling is just trying to annoy people. My posts were ment as actual questions. Just becasue I worded them wrong or used  the wrong term does make me a pest.
As an Officer, you will spend a fair amount of your career (if you are successful in the application and training stages) "stuck behind a desk". I've been a Pilot for thirty years, and I've spent almost half of that "stuck behind a desk".

"Stuck behind a desk" does not mean "completely devoid of job satisfaction", though.

Many people leave before CRA, for various personal reasons, just like many people switch civilian careers.

Even having been "stuck behind a desk" for as much as I have been, I'd still do everything over again if I could be seventeen once more, with very few changes.

Your reason for not joining is trivial, but indicates that this is not likely a good career choice for you.
Provided to me via PM by Celticgirl:

CRA is now 60.  Anyone enlisting or re-enlisting now can (and will be expected to, unless they VR) work to age 60 if they are medically fit to do so.  Also, anyone currently serving can 'elect' to change their CRA of 55 to 60 (exeption: if you have already had your 54th birthday, this is no longer an option for you).  Once you elect age 60 as your CRA, however, you cannot change it back to 55. 

For serving mbrs, if you are not sure if your CRA is 55 or 60, it will be on your MPRR (entered through HRMS).  Direct any queries to your Orderly Room staff."

I didn't make it up - it's in the CFAOs.  I'm a newbie clerk getting ready for my 5's and pub searches are a big part of my preparation.  The CRA issue is one that we actually deal with a lot in our unit as well, so I am confident that it is not 55 anymore (since 2004, I believe).

The same info can be found a few replies down from the one at the link provided earlier in this thread by PMedMoe.

I am looking for information regarding the current policy for the Recruit School By-Pass entry option. I have spoken to a number of recruiters regarding this and have gotten several different pieces of conflicting information.

I have previously completed BMQ in 2000 through a reserve course, though completed on a full time basis, as opposed to a weekend course. I had also completed roughly 75% of the current 13 week BMQ in 2007, but due to an injury on course was released, and advised to re-apply upon recovery.

The information I have been given has been that a Recruit School By-Pass is availabe if you have ever completed BMQ, without any time restriction, to it only being valid for 3 years, to 5 years, to 10 years. Any information as to what the current policy is regarding this entry option would be greatly appreciated.

I have attempted to search the forums, so i do apologize if I have missed information already posted. The only information I was able to find is several years old.

Thanks in advance.
LCIS Tech 2011 said:

I am looking for information regarding the current policy for the Recruit School By-Pass entry option. I have spoken to a number of recruiters regarding this and have gotten several different pieces of conflicting information.

I have previously completed BMQ in 2000 through a reserve course, though completed on a full time basis, as opposed to a weekend course. I had also completed roughly 75% of the current 13 week BMQ in 2007, but due to an injury on course was released, and advised to re-apply upon recovery.

The information I have been given has been that a Recruit School By-Pass is availabe if you have ever completed BMQ, without any time restriction, to it only being valid for 3 years, to 5 years, to 10 years. Any information as to what the current policy is regarding this entry option would be greatly appreciated.

I have attempted to search the forums, so i do apologize if I have missed information already posted. The only information I was able to find is several years old.

Thanks in advance.

With my knowledge of the Recruiting process, if a person has been out for less than five years they often get to keep their Qualifications, but may be required to do BMQ(L) (SQ) over again.  If a person has been out for ten years, they may be able to keep their Qualifications, but are most likely to be required to do both BMQ and BMQ(L) again.  As you have no Qualifications other than a Reserve BMQ and that is from ten years ago, your most recent attempt not successfully completed, then in all likelihood you will have to start with the Regular Force BMQ.

This topic has been covered in numerous other questions on Recruit School Bypass.