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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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You're entitled to your thoughts and feelings; however obviously something in your blog went against the intent of Operation Honour (sidenote: thank you Lumber for calling it "Operation Honour" - to CaptainCookieMonster, Operation Honour is not short formed to "Op"). 

I have been a member of the CAF for over 20 years and I have my own opinions and feelings, Operation Honour doesn't stop you from having your own opinions.  What it does is make you accountable if you are to say or write stuff that is contrary to the intent of the Operation, thus bringing discredit upon the Member and the CAF.

In your post you even state you criticized another religion.  Why? What was the purpose of criticizing a religion? This is the point of Operation Honour; it's about inclusion, not exclusion.
Buck_HRA said:
In your post you even state you criticized another religion.  Why? What was the purpose of criticizing a religion? This is the point of Operation Honour; it's about inclusion, not exclusion.

Yes, I criticized another religion, but as a Christian apologist, although in somewhat of a spicy fashion, but not as bad as you might imagine. Forgive me for not elaborating. I owned up to my words and acknowledge them as against the CF Ethos, I did my time and understand why intended members of certain jobs need to keep quiet and not be outspoken.
I sought out fellow Christians who were professors for counsel and they suggested I take more of a tentative and charitable approach to these matters, because people are on the end of these ideas, people with feelings of their own. I heeded their wisdom and am ready to move on.
Also, forgive my abbreviation. I just remember everything in the army being truncated as much as possible, to the point of it almost being unintelligible.
I served 7 years in the army P Res and made it to CPL.

i got out to transfer my pension to my civilian job. 

I applied to re-enrolling and have been waiting for a ToS for over 1.5 years and have been told to re-enroll and they will back fill my promotion.

when I re-joined they offered me Pte 1 as if I had never served. I was told there is hope that I can get all my time back as I have been out less then 3 year.

Does any one have any references on polices about this.

so far i have been able to find CBI 204. Section 5, para 204.50, 204.511(2) Qualifying service

CBI 204
This is a bit of a long one. I was in the reserves for 4 years and put in a CT waited for 2 years. Released. Tried out for the French Foreign Legion (believe it or not) didn't pass selection so moved home reapplied to Canadian Forces last year in July.

So I already replied for my posting preferences in February and was told May I would have a job offer by my file manager. But it didn't come and my file manager is still waiting to hear what's on the go. I'm under alot of pressure to get back in by some external things atm.

My posting preferences were asked from me in an email from Borden(not by the individual whose my file manager) so I tried to follow up a few times via email and called today but not sure why the phone number given isn't working.

So right now there's no one else I can ask about it or anything else I can do except wait? And I don't believe I should have keep trying to contact the person from Borden repeatedly since they aren't my file manager.

And I'm wondering how long should I wait before just moving on in life because again I'm under alot of pressure right now and some other things in between aren't going real swell either.

I'm not sure what's otg? So basically just asking here because I've run out of people to ask. I won't go into the personal things here but someone else has alot less patience than me and theres no leveling with them as to why I haven't got a job offer yet.
Sorry for the delay in response.

I know the poster has now been in contact.  However for the sake of others who might read this, when someone from Borden contacts you, it's CFRG HQ - if the number they've left isn't working or you're not being able  to get in touch with them always revert back to your CFRC. Worse case scenario your CFRC point of contact can reach out to CFRG HQ for further follow up.
Buck_HRA said:
Sorry for the delay in response.

I know the poster has now been in contact.  However for the sake of others who might read this, when someone from Borden contacts you, it's CFRG HQ - if the number they've left isn't working or you're not being able  to get in touch with them always revert back to your CFRC. Worse case scenario your CFRC point of contact can reach out to CFRG HQ for further follow up.

Thank you for the information I was talking to my CFRC point of contact. Anyways it was all sorted out. Hopefully I didn't come across as venting too much. It's a long story about getting out and getting back in for me ha.
Hey Buck,

When I make the transition from PSSA to CAF, do you know what would happen to the vacation and sick time that I accumulated until the formal transition? Does it get moved over?
If not, should I use it all before leaving?

Thanks so much!
Attie3 said:
When I make the transition from PSSA to CAF,

Are you re-enrolling with prior service in the CAF?

From: General CFRC Questions – Regular Forces

Attie3 said:
So I am thinking of joining and I am currently employed within PSSA.

mariomike said:
Are you re-enrolling with prior service in the CAF?

From: General CFRC Questions – Regular Forces

No prior service from CAF. But I have vacation and sick time from public service.
I thought my questions would be a bit related so I asked here. Sorry if it wasn't related.
Attie3 said:
No prior service from CAF. But I have vacation and sick time from public service.
I thought my questions would be a bit related so I asked here. Sorry if it wasn't related.

No need to be sorry.

Thank-you for the clarification.
On departure from the PS, any banked vacation leave will be cashed out; it does not carry over to the military.

The military does not have banked sick leave; it is given as/when required.  Any accumulated sick leave in the PS, to my knowledge, will be lost on termination.

Attie3 said:
Hey Buck,

When I make the transition from PSSA to CAF, do you know what would happen to the vacation and sick time that I accumulated until the formal transition? Does it get moved over?
If not, should I use it all before leaving?

Thanks so much!

CAF "vacation" (leave) is a separate policy from PSSA vacation.  Any vacation that you have with the PSSA will need to be utilized prior to you leaving your PSSA job.
The CAF Leave Manual is the authority for leave in the CAF and sick leave is given/used when needed and cannot be "banked".  Annual Leave in the CAF can no longer be banked/carried forward either (unless for operational requirements).
The last item pending on my application is a 4C re-enrollment waiver.  It was requested over 2 months ago, and yet, I have heard nothing of the process.  Older posts allude to writing a letter addressed to the CO CFRC, yet this hasn't been communicated to me.  The MCC interviewing me didn't mention it, but when I've checked in with the file manager over the last 2 months, the consensus is that this waiver has been initiated and pending approval.  Can anybody shed any light on this?  I released prior to reaching OFP.  The MCC got confirmation that I would bypass CFLRS which to me would indicate the PLAR process has also been completed.  Medical was approved.  I looked on the online application portal and my file reverted from "ready for competition list" to "final processing".  The file manager claimed it was a mistake, noting that the 4C waiver hadn't been approved, which I believe.  It seems like everything is finished except for the waiver.  Is there anything I should be doing here, or wait it out?
My MCC got in touch with me in mid-March to write the letter explaining why I should be allowed to re-enroll.  Finished it promptly and returned it.  Granted, with the Covid pandemic, I remind myself that things take time, and CFRCs are still on minimum manning (according to the MCC at the end of June).  Anyway, I checked the online application portal and my file again went from 'final processing' to 'ready for competition list' at the end of July.  I emailed the MCC again yesterday, and the status again was reverted to 'final processing', within the hour and no response from the MCC either.  I'd love to know what's happening, but of course unlikely I'll get an answer.  I'm thinking somebody has moved me over to a new bin by mistake (twice now), or the waiver is in fact approved, and the CFRC is doing one final check of my file before moving me over for the last time.  Oh well, at least I have a job with federal government, so it's all pensionable time ;)