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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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Welcome to Army.ca, JJ09.

One of the Site Rules - you did read those when you registered, right? - is that one may pose one's question in one place only; multiple posts is considered to be spam. I have therefore removed your post in the "Ask a CAF Recruiter" forum.

We also expect people to do some basic research on this Site before blasting away with questions (frequently within seconds of registering), which have most likely been asked multiple times before.

I will be merging this thread with the one at mariomike's generously-provided link shortly. Once you have worked your way through all 26 pages, you should have learned two things: all of the answers to your questions, and why we are so strict about people reading what is already here. If mariomike can find this information, you can too.

Thanks, and happy reading...
I was in the CAF 2012-13. I let go to do an irregular enrollment. I re-applied in 2014 and was brutally honest about my insomnia.I had seen a specialist who even told them that my insomnia was do to stress from a lack of work locally. The illness has long gone now. I am just curious to know if anyone has ever appealed the CMO and how long did it take before they granted enrollment.
Ryan_T said:
I am just curious to know if anyone has ever appealed the CMO and how long did it take before they granted enrollment.

Some have,

Appealing a medical evaluation for re-enrollment 

Challenging a medical decision/Requesting second review 
2 pages.

appealing medical rejection

Failed to meet Medical Standards.
3 pages.
"As I said, all you can do is appeal.  We can't (and won't) answer medical questions here."

Medical appeal 

Hi there, I released from the RES force in 2012 (30th Fld Ottawa), under class 4C. I was sworn-in June of 2009 but did not reach full operational status.

I have begun the hiring process and have sent in an online application as I wish to re-enlist but this time with the REG force (primary-Combat Eng, secondary-Infantry).

I was surprised when I received a call last week informing me that I cannot obtain a CFAT by-pass because when I went down to CFRC Ottawa I was told that since Combat Eng falls under the same qualifications as my prior Trade in artillery that I will not have to re-do the CFAT.

Now I'm confused as to what is going on and After calling CFRC Ottawa I was advised that they have received my prior MED docs and now waiting for a CFAT Waiver.

Why is that? I do not mind re-writing the CFAT, I'm just curious how long a waiver will take because after reading this forum I was under the impression that first re test waivers are automatic, what exactly is the long wait for? I applied April 1st 2016 and have not heard back regarding a re-write since and I'm worried that perhaps I'm supposed too seek a waiver independently? I'm a little confused.

Thanks all for your input.
Foxtrot330 said:
I was surprised when I received a call last week informing me that I cannot obtain a CFAT by-pass because when I went down to CFRC Ottawa I was told that since Combat Eng falls under the same qualifications as my prior Trade in artillery that I will not have to re-do the CFAT.

Now I'm confused as to what is going on and After calling CFRC Ottawa I was advised that they have received my prior MED docs and now waiting for a CFAT Waiver.

Why is that? I do not mind re-writing the CFAT, I'm just curious how long a waiver will take because after reading this forum I was under the impression that first re test waivers are automatic, what exactly is the long wait for? I applied April 1st 2016 and have not heard back regarding a re-write since and I'm worried that perhaps I'm supposed too seek a waiver independently?

CFAT waiver?

? waiver on the CFAT?

Waivers and the CFAT 

Anyone have experience or knowledge surrounding CFAT waivers?


See also,

Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) FAQ 
33 pages.
Thank you, I have already checked on those links in the last few weeks but none seem to answer my question as I have not failed the CFAT I completed it and continued on with my military career for 3 years, also tried to investigate as to the process of a waiver I'm wondering if it is automatic or if I have to do anything to receive one or what exactly is the wait pertaining too in order to receive a waiver, i did not fail it so I'm wondering what and why I am waiting on one if the trade I am going for has the same standards as my previous trade.

Thank you, sir.
Foxtrot330 said:
Thank you, I have already checked on those links in the last few weeks but none seem to answer my question as I have not failed the CFAT I completed it and continued on with my military career for 3 years, also tried to investigate as to the process of a waiver I'm wondering if it is automatic or if I have to do anything to receive one or what exactly is the wait pertaining too in order to receive a waiver, i did not fail it so I'm wondering what and why I am waiting on one if the trade I am going for has the same standards as my previous trade.

Thank you, sir.

Good morning.  The requirement to write the CFAT upon enrollment can vary depending on the circumstances.  It is likely since the time you originally wrote in 2009 the cut score for your chosen MOSIDs has changed . . . it does happen from time to time but not yearly.  I suspect that is the reason for you have to write again as you must meet the current entry standards regardless of past test results.

WRT waiver process the first level rewrite is not automatic in the true sense of the word but must be authorized by the UPSO at the CFRC.  However in your case I suspect because they are awaiting medical documents and other admin documents they are holding until that review is done before scheduling you for a rewrite.

I note that you last wrote in 2008 . . . so, unless you have been using grade 10 level math (or higher) for past while you might want to brush up on those concepts before you write the CFAT.  It is likely the CFRC is going to ask you what you have done to prepare for the CFAT as a matter of procedure. You only get three kicks at the can when it comes to the CFAT so it is important you go in prepared and nail it this time around as that will be time 2.  This leaves you one more potential rewrite should you wish to apply for an in-service selection program once in the Regular Force or commissioning. 

Good luck

Foxtrot330 said:
Thank you, I have already checked on those links in the last few weeks but none seem to answer my question as I have not failed the CFAT I completed it and continued on with my military career for 3 years, also tried to investigate as to the process of a waiver I'm wondering if it is automatic or if I have to do anything to receive one or what exactly is the wait pertaining too in order to receive a waiver, i did not fail it so I'm wondering what and why I am waiting on one if the trade I am going for has the same standards as my previous trade.

Thank you, sir.

No, the request for a CFAT Waiver is NOT automatic as there are a couple of hoops to jump through first.  I'd suggest that you make contact with your local CFRC to determine just what the status of your application is.  It shouldn't take this long!
Andraste said:
Good morning.  The requirement to write the CFAT upon enrollment can vary depending on the circumstances.  It is likely since the time you originally wrote in 2009 the cut score for your chosen MOSIDs has changed . . . it does happen from time to time but not yearly.  I suspect that is the reason for you have to write again as you must meet the current entry standards regardless of past test results.

WRT waiver process the first level rewrite is not automatic in the true sense of the word but must be authorized by the UPSO at the CFRC.  However in your case I suspect because they are awaiting medical documents and other admin documents they are holding until that review is done before scheduling you for a rewrite.

I note that you last wrote in 2008 . . . so, unless you have been using grade 10 level math (or higher) for past while you might want to brush up on those concepts before you write the CFAT.  It is likely the CFRC is going to ask you what you have done to prepare for the CFAT as a matter of procedure. You only get three kicks at the can when it comes to the CFAT so it is important you go in prepared and nail it this time around as that will be time 2.  This leaves you one more potential rewrite should you wish to apply for an in-service selection program once in the Regular Force or commissioning. 

Good luck


Thank you very much, I have been practising and brushing up on grade 10 academic math. Thank you for your insight and clarification I will heed your advice and await further instruction from CFRC Ottawa.


Bear in mind, there is nothing wrong with contacting the CFRC just to get a status on your application.

Good luck

mariomike said:
CFAT waiver?

? waiver on the CFAT?

Waivers and the CFAT 

Anyone have experience or knowledge surrounding CFAT waivers?

These have now been merged into CFAT Waiver https://army.ca/forums/threads/28030.0.html.
Hey Everyone.
This is my first post, sorry in advance.

Im doing some initial recce on this site. I'll write a quick intro to myself followed by some questions recruiters are to busy for.

I am Reenlisting after 3 years of VRing from week 11 of BMQ at age 18. Release status: 4C. I enlisted right out of my private catholic highschool, Needless to say I wasn't worldly at the time. Time has passed and I've spent some time in the real world gaining varied life experience.

That being said, Ive never been happier or prouder then when I think back to having that flag on my left arm. Im already in the system and just wrote my TSD test (the new one) and am awaiting response from recruitment HMFIC. I have a few questions for some of you veteran members, They are as follows:

1: Should I have any trouble being selected?

2: If I'm selected and I going to get lit the f*** up for quiting before? 

3: Can I wear my cornflake/tags when I go back to CFLRS if I'm selected?

4: I'd love to hear from a Bosn about everything to be expected and learnt after BMQ.

5: I'd love to know about extra courses I could take Ex: TCCC etc. (Yes I wanna be a boyscout)

Thanks for any constructive advice.

CanadianJackass said:
I am Reenlisting after 3 years of VRing from week 11 of BMQ

Congratulations, you may find these discussions of interest,

Getting Back In/Re-enrolling Mega Thread 
27 pages.

CanadianJackass said:
I'd love to hear from a Bosn


( BOSN )


CanadianJackass said:
I'd love to know about extra courses I could take Ex: TCCC etc.


CanadianJackass said:
Should I have any trouble being selected?

Re enlist after a vr?

VR'd, want back in, chances?

re-applying after a "VR"

VR and getting back In

VR/Get back in for OT?

back from VR


As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

Just a little background about myself, I started off in the Reg force in 2009 in the army, finished my 3 year contract, transferred in the reserves and got out of the forces in 2015 at the rank of a Cpl. I decided to go back in the cf in the airforce, got my employment offer but they offered me the rank of pte basic with a pte trained pay. Ive been out for 1 year. I thought that when you get out and get back in within 5 years you get to keep your last rank and pay. If this is true what should I tell the recruitment centre to reconsider my employment offer?

Thank you
If you are selected for re-enrollment, then my advice to you is to go through BMQ saying as little as possible about your previous experience.  You won't make any friends saying you've done all this before, but you may get a few awkward questions about why you quit the first time.  BMQ is not the place to attract attention to yourself.  Now, don't lie about your past (your instructors will know anyway), but don't make a big deal about it.  The best you thing you can do is help your mates by GUIDING (do not lecture, nor do it for them) with things like polishing boots, ironing and preparing for inspections.  Subtly helping others is the best thing for everybody and will be noticed (in a good way).  Forget wearing the cap badge - I would wait until they're issued to everyone.  It would be different if you were occupation qualified, but that's not the case here.
Dan99 said:
I decided to go back in the cf...

For reference, perhaps "Re-enlistment" will be merged with "Getting Back In/Re-enrolling Mega Thread".
27 pages.

Also asked and answered in, Ask a CAF Recruiter,

Re-enlistment into the CF 
Dan99: "I decided to go back in the cf..."
For reference, perhaps "Reenlisting as Bosn" will be merged with "Getting Back In/Re-enrolling Mega Thread". 
27 pages.
Adding a few "getting back in" discussions not yet merged into these 27 pages for reference,

OP: "I decided to go back in the cf..."

Same OP as above:
Re-enlistment into the CF 
OP: "I decided to go back in the cf..."

Reenlisting as Bosn 
OP: "I am Reenlisting after 3 years of VRing..."

Released Canadian Forces member looking to rejoin? 
OP: "Awhile back I got a release for continuing education but interested in rejoining..."

OP: "I am a VR got another month till im out but I am going to join back up in the desired trade."

Re-enlistment Questions 
OP: "I have been out of the Canadian Forces Reserves for about 2 years and am thinking about re-enlisting,"

Re-entry in the Forces 

Question about Release and Reenrollment 

released f5, possible reinlist?

Maximum reinlisment age 

Medical Release, but want back in 

Want to get back in

looking to get back in

VR'd from regular forces now I want back in

Getting Back In? How soon?

Getting back in help 

Trying to get back in 15 years later.
4 pages.

I want to get back in


All merged, except for the one in the "Ask a CAF Recruiter" sub-forum. I'll bring that one in once it's run its course.

Eventually, maybe we'll get this whole Site down to just one humungous mega-thread.