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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

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Armystrong94 said:
Today's recruits xD

It’s getting to be about time you told us about all the cool and hard stuff you did to be taking shots like that. The difference between you and today’s recruits- they’re actually in. So far as I can tell you did at best a handful of years, got out, changed your mind, spent two years managing not to get back in even with the reserves, and not you’re basically coming across as entitled to a priority hire. Please tell us what makes you so impressive as to justify that.
Theirs always great leaders that go down in history as the best in war times. And that my friends will be me, as soon as I get in =)

Unless you have something constructive to say, or are wiling to engage with the questions you have been asked, please stop.  Further posts of the nature of your last two will be considered trolling and action taken accordingly.

Thanks in advance.

- Milnet.ca Staff
Can anyone please explain why a file needs to go through about 20 person to be processed? I mean last week was told by the recruiting center to keep my phone close and check my email they had an update that my offer was on the way and should get contacted by email within a couple of days. A week as passed by and no news so I called and was told : well you file is with our stage 3 approver(or something like that) and when he gets to your file you'll get an email? SO how many stages are there?
Legz said:
As anyone been through the re-enrollment process and thought the process just takes forever? Reapplied in april, went through PLAR and am qualified in my trade got an Offer from the CM(position number and unit) Back in June, Passed Medical and interview early July, All the other paperwork(background check and last signature from RMO ) got back Early August. Now the only thing missing is the final Offer that i need to sign to be able to start and still being told that if you haven't heard anything from us in a month call back.

Anyone can explain what takes so long to get an offer put together?

Even if your CM wants you back there are still things required on the recruiting level that are required to be completed.  CRNC (background check), medical are the main two.  Even though you were previously in these are items that still need to be completed and from my experience the Career Managers often give out position numbers before these are done which makes the person wanting to re-enrol "antsy" but the checks and balances still have to be completed by the recruiting system.

Armystrong94 said:
When the military learns to respect their members, maybe the rest of the country will follow.


I've always been respected; please don't paint your personal experience on the rest of us! :-)

Legz said:
Can anyone please explain why a file needs to go through about 20 person to be processed? I mean last week was told by the recruiting center to keep my phone close and check my email they had an update that my offer was on the way and should get contacted by email within a couple of days. A week as passed by and no news so I called and was told : well you file is with our stage 3 approver(or something like that) and when he gets to your file you'll get an email? SO how many stages are there?

Because recruiting is done on a national level.  When you first applied online, your file goes to a team at CFRG HQ that makes sure your file passes "ACE", if it does your file gets move to the CFRC where they will review your CFAT/TSD scores from previous - if you need to do rewrites (or write the TSD if you never did before), then you need to do that.  You will need to have a medical done again regardless of when you released, and the same with a background check.  Since you have prior service a Prior Learning Assessment (PLAR) needs to be done; depending on what branch your PLAR is going to depends on the turn around time to get it back (each branch has it's own PLAR cell, and within each branch most of the MOSIDS also have an OA who is responsible for reviewing PLAR's and in most cases these are secondary duties...).  Next is if there are already more people on the competition list than there are positions for your occupation you will not be approved for further processing, or if you're at a CFRC with limited processing and a higher priority campaign is happening (e.g. ROTP) you will not be approved for further processing.  Assuming CFAT/TSD, interview, CRNC, medical all come back as ok then your file will goto the competition list.  If you're coming in as skilled then a further review needs to be done to see if you can come back at the same rank / pay; if you didn't have substantive rank upon release this complicates the file further.  Once you are cleared to get an offer, the selections team has to select you in an official selection (which occurs twice a month for NCM occupations normally, however block leave / etc can delay that), then your file goes to the offers team, once an offer team staff member generates your offer, than another has to review it for accuracy.  Then it's released to the CFRC to contact you.  Then comes the whole enrolment process.

Only 20 people involved in a file is a low number from my experience.  Within your CFRC you will likely deal with a Recruiter, MCC, File Manager among other staff.  At the CFRG Level you have the Intake Team (normally 1 person), National Processing (PLAR) (with Health Services I know there is a total 5 people involved in a PLAR), Intake Management (normally 2 different people), Selections (at least 4 people, as the Selections is a Board, sometimes more than 4), Offers (minimum 2 people), then it goes back to your CFRC to give you your offer and normally multiple people are involved in the enrollment.  Plus you have the Medical (minimum of the med tech/PA, plus the RMO); security checks (could be as low as 2 people, if you have something on your CRNC causing concern than a board sits and up to 10 people can be involved depending the issue).  I'm sure I'm missing people as well; but all this to say there is a great deal of work that goes into someone applying to the CAF - this is part of the reason I don't think ex members should be given preference / front of line treatment (and I served, got out and came back in - when I came back in I didn't feel like the CAF should give me priority treatment).

  Just have some questions regarding rejoining the CF.  I served from 2006-2012 in 2RCR including a combat tour in Afghanistan. I was qualified in most vehicles, Airborne jump course qualified, Recce, PLQ qualified. I finished my second term contract and was voluntary released.

So my question is, what is the likelihood I'd have to redo BMQ and if I would retain previous Corporal Rank. I would be rejoining in a administrative trade not in the Combat arms.

SJAP said:

  Just have some questions regarding rejoining the CF.  I served from 2006-2012 in 2RCR including a combat tour in Afghanistan. I was qualified in most vehicles, Airborne jump course qualified, Recce, PLQ qualified. I finished my second term contract and was voluntary released.

So my question is, what is the likelihood I'd have to redo BMQ and if I would retain previous Corporal Rank. I would be rejoining in a administrative trade not in the Combat arms.

With your qualifications and experience it would make sense that you would not have to do BMQ. Good lawd I hope the CF would not have an issue with granting you a bypass for BMQ.

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Anecdotally there have been people here out longer than you, with less total time in, who have gotten BMQ bypass. You should be fine.
I have a question about re-enrolling in the Reserves.

I was in the Reserves from 2006-2013 with the RMR in Montreal and PWOR in Kingston. I left the CF in 2013 because I was moving a lot and couldn't keep transferring from unit to unit. I am now settled in the Okanagan and would like to join the BC Dragoons in Kelowna but am wondering if I will have to redo my BMQ/SQ?
I was released in June 2013 so I am just over the 5 year mark but am wondering if the CF would let me bypass those courses and go straight to the armored recce course (I was Infantry before).
I left a Cpl and did not do any tours.
Your file will need to be reviewed by the PLAR cell; all that you can receive here are opinions and best guesses.  Start the application process, you'll go through the PLAR process and be told 100% whether you'll need to do it or not.

This isn't trying not to answer your question; but even as a recruiter I gave someone information based on previous files I saw and their PLAR turned out different.
Buck_HRA said:
Your file will need to be reviewed by the PLAR cell; all that you can receive here are opinions and best guesses.  Start the application process, you'll go through the PLAR process and be told 100% whether you'll need to do it or not.

This isn't trying not to answer your question; but even as a recruiter I gave someone information based on previous files I saw and their PLAR turned out different.

Thank you for you answer, I'll keep the board posted on the result of my application for anyone who is just over the 5 year mark and wants to re-enlist.
Hello, bit of an update/question.

Previously posted in this thread (post #924) regarding re-enrolling as an ED-Tech.

Had an appointment at the local recruiting centre, did the TSD, non prescription drug questionnaire, and had an interview with a Capt.  All is good except I did not meet 1 entrance requirement in that I don’t have an “advanced” high school math credit. I was somewhat taken off guard seeing as how I’m a red seal jman electrician civi side, and I graduated highschool back in the 90’s.

But the rules are the rules and I accept that. So the Capt. put forth an “entry standard waiver”. My questions are, typically how long does such a request take to be processed and decided on, and do “entry standard waivers” generally get approved?

Also, for the people who are interested about re-doing basic/BMQ... I was told, “not going to happen. DND won’t waste the money”.
AlbertaSparky said:
All is good except I did not meet 1 entrance requirement in that I don’t have an “advanced” high school math credit. I was somewhat taken off guard seeing as how I’m a red seal jman electrician civi side, and I graduated highschool back in the 90’s.

But the rules are the rules and I accept that. So the Capt. put forth an “entry standard waiver”. My questions are, typically how long does such a request take to be processed and decided on, and do “entry standard waivers” generally get approved?

In case you have not seen it, you may find this discussion of interest,

Prior Learning Assessment Review( PLAR ) FAQs 
8 pages.

As always, Recruiting is your most trusted source of official, up to date, information.

"Unofficial site, not associated with DND or the Canadian Armed Forces."

Current member of the Supplementary reserve, released from reg force few years ago. Was wondering what the re enrollment process is like and the steps that needed to be taken to get me back to the regular force, (RCR) thanks
RCR967 said:
Current member of the Supplementary reserve, released from reg force few years ago. Was wondering what the re enrollment process is like and the steps that needed to be taken to get me back to the regular force, (RCR) thanks

See also,

Supplementary Reserves to Reg Force

Sup Res to Reg transfer

First of all, to potential recruits: Op Honour isn’t like the old SHARP training that gave us ammo to back to our barracks to harass each other with, this is a real initiative which, like it or not, has some real teeth.

I was in the 1 SVC BN years ago and it just wasn’t a great time in my head to be in the forces, I was young and dumb. About 10 years later, which was last year, I reapplied and was shut down for a year. Why? I had a blog which criticized a certain religion in a less than charitable way, which was my first problem. I was a fool and left the link to my personal philosophy blog on one of my emails to CFRG which they did a recce on and as soon as my foot was in the door it was just as soon out.

Now that my year suspension is up, I have to do some enhanced reliability screening to be considered for readmission, perhaps to demonstrate I am not a yellow vest wearing redneck who will be a public relations nightmare for the CF, which is fair.

What I want to know is do I stand a chance at this point on getting back in, or should I cut my losses and “learn to code,” as some might say?

Ps: take that Op Honour stuff seriously for you new recruits. Keep your sociopolitical views to yourselves, or between trusted friends at personal get togethers. I cannot emphasize this enough. It seems designed to make sure members stick to their jobs and do not divide over personal matters.
CaptainCookieMonster said:
Ps: take that Op Honour stuff seriously for you new recruits. Keep your sociopolitical views to yourselves, or between trusted friends at personal get togethers. I cannot emphasize this enough. It seems designed to make sure members stick to their jobs and do not divide over personal matters.

I think you might (might) be missing the point of Operation Honour. It's not to scare those with unsavoury world views into keeping their opinions secret/within small trusted groups; rather, it is to educate them to the fact that their world views aren't just a matter of opinion, but that they are actually wrong.

I can't really help you with your question, BUT, if you still have opinions/world views that you believe you need to only express in small groups of trusted friends, then I don't think we want you in the CAF.
Disagreement with other people’s worldview seems unavoidable. By virtue of the content of my belief system, I might put myself in ideological opposition with someone who takes up another.

It seems to me the initiative in question is to mitigate how we approach the workplace with our respective values so as to not unnecessarily offend others. We all know how easily religion and politics are topics to be avoided in polite discussion, which is why I offer the caveat to keep sensitive talk amongst trusted groups, where it will not erode a workplace.

Thank you.

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CaptainCookieMonster said:
It seems to me the initiative in question is to mitigate how we approach the workplace with our respective values so as to not unnecessarily offend others.

If that's what you think is the point of the "initiative" (it is in fact a full fledged operation), then you've definitely missed the mark. The purpose of Operation Honour is:

Operation HONOUR is the Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) mission to eliminate harmful and inappropriate sexual behaviour in the Canadian military.

Operation HONOUR is based on the principles that:
•every man and woman who serves their country deserves to be treated with dignity and respect – anything less is simply unacceptable
•any attitudes or behaviours which undermine the camaraderie, cohesion and confidence of serving members threatens the CAF’s long-term operational success

It's sad that we need a named operation to achieve this goal, because this should just be common human decency.

So, if you have opinions/world views that would be contrary to these goals (for example, perhaps you have an opinion that certain sexes, genders, races, etc. should not be treated with the same dignity and respect as some of the others), then we definitely don't want you in the Forces.

I definitely don’t disagree with any of what you cited. I take a libertarian position on these issues, where we should all be free to pursue our own idea of health wealth and happiness, so long as we don’t step on each other’s toes in the process.

All I am saying is we, as humans, will naturally hold views contrary to one another, and the initiative in question here seems to be interested in affording us all dignity no matter what we hold in terms of sexuality, religion, or otherwise.

I am on board with this, but not if it is to the exclusion of me having opinions and thoughts of my own—just within the workplace we keep certain matters and disagreements to ourselves and act charitably toward one another off campus.

I hope this elucidates my understanding of this.

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