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Video games real enough for training

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Not to sure about the regs but as a reservist I have the luxury once in a while to hop infornt of a PC and waste a few hours and brain cells playing video games. Just wondering if anybody out there has played Ghost Recon. I remember reading a few articles stating that the US, go figure, encourages there soldiers to play games like Rainbow SIX and Rogure Spear to enhance tactical thinking abilities. I Think of is as a kind of simulator for the infantry kind of like SAT trainers. I havent played Ghost Recon myself but it looks pretty real and I heard that the enemy AI is damn smart. For that matter is there any games that CF personnel seem to enjoy. Ever have a PS or something in garrison or even with you on roto ??!! I personally enjoy the Command and Conquer series.
I‘ve played Operation Flashpoint ( http://www.flashpoint1985.com ) and it‘s the most realistic "combat simulator" that I‘ve seen out there on the consumer market.

And it‘s fun. :)
It‘s quite funny when, before a lecture starts, some people in the row behind me are talking about a game like counterstrike, and actually beleive that they are getting realistic soldier training from it.
I know simulations have their place in training. Just look at the US Armor Center‘s SIMNET. A modern TEWT - tactical exercise without tanks :)

Some off the shelf sims are doing a damn fine job - I plan to introduce Steel Beasts to my unit. )I hate the name - but don‘t judge a book/sim by it‘s cover!


One could successfully argue that any ‘game‘ which reinforces the principles of war (maintaining the aim, surprise, concentration of force, etc) or tactical principles (fire and movt, mutual support, depth, maintaining a reserve, etc) would be contibuting to professional development. When one includes an after action analysis of the ‘game‘, lessons could be learned and reinforced. Mistakes should be examined and overcome. Playing games without review is almost wasted time.

The game of chess, the game of kings, has been around for thousands of years. The original wargame.
When I was a Kid i was really into flight simulators and the sort, the more complicated the better. I must have logged hundreds of hours playing Falcon 3.0. That was before I joined the Infantry. Now I dont play games that much but when I do they are usually the strat type like Command and Conquer, Red Alert 2 and such. These emphasis good planning, aggressivness and cooperation of forces. Of course there is no excuse for real training, but these games can keep your tactical mindset and they are damn fun !!!! Some of my best sgt‘s admit they love these games for the same reason. Still it makes me laugh when these kids who play too much counterstrike or R6 going on blabbing on all these house clearing tactics and the characteristics on MP5‘s. You wanna learn FIBUA (say that and they wont have a clue what your taling about) then sign up in the infantry !! Still the way these games are looking and playing now adays are pretty impressive. Im looking into buying Ghost Recon. First because it looks really cool and fun, saw a pic of a German Soldier wearing Ger issue uniform similar to CADPAT. Second cause its suppose to play pretty realistic with smart friendly and en AI.

Games are fun and all but there is nothing like the feeling of blasting off a few belts of 7.62. Besides we get paid to do it !!! :fifty:
A good WW2 game is Sudden Strike.
Try it you will become addicted ,in Europe they have contest‘s with big money .

Use‘s Recce,sniper‘s,engineer‘s ,Air Borne,Armour,Arty etc. very well made .
Don‘t know about it‘s realism (probably not too incredibly high) but an addictive game is Swat 3..
You‘re a part of a swat team in the game, so it‘s not soldier combat..
Probably the coolest thing about it is that you can get a Diemanco C7 mod for it.. It‘s a fun game to play from time to time if I have the time. (which I usually don‘t)
I think the best war games for the computer are strategy games. I think any strategy fan would agree that the best and most realistic strategy game is Shogun: Total War (this game concentrates mostly on the middle ages in Japan), and the game Natural Resistance (has not yet come out, but looks amazing!)

Another game that is really good is Empire Earth, I‘ve :D "invested" :D days at a time playing that game. Kind of pricy but is worth it.
Yes... strategy games are good. Gets the mind juiced up to think. :)

I prefer games like Civilization and Master of Orion... taking over the world/universe is fun, too.
Anybody enjoy the CLOSE COMBAT series ? I have been playing CC3 for months, and still enjoy building a scenario for myself once in a while. I also enjoy CIVILISATION 2 on occasion, it is definitaly a classic. :cdn:
Flashpoint is all right, but the story lines are a little to fixed for me, andthere are to many bugs. It gets annoying after awhile.

Ghost recon is a terrible game, waaaaaay to complicated, and boring to boot. very disappointing.

For military the best is easily: Rogue Spear. Just a great game... Especially with the mods. Play with the JTF2 character with a C7 :mg:

Strategy: easily, hands down, no doubt, Civilization 3.... simply amazing.

I‘m doubtful as to the applicability of video games to real life. Until we go to war in nice warm rooms with chairs, keyboards, and mice, it‘s not the same.

Jungle- I didn‘t think crusty old Regs played computer games :eek:
I like Flashpoint, except the game just keeps going and going, it seems a little redundant after a while.

The best PC game for my money is Half-Life and all the mods and such that go with it. The story line is very well done and blasting aliens and evil marines is still fun even though the game is a few years old.
Cant believe nobody mentioned Command and Conquer. Folks at my unit love it. Excellent game, very fast paced. Right now I am really enjoying Red Alert 2 and Yuris Revenge. Also played Age of Empires and enjoyed that to. Does any body else have comments on Ghost Recon. Reviews seem to be very mixed on that game.
Which Command and Conquer?
Red Alert 1 i think is the best one of the series.
tho most of the units are dumb as rocks,it was a pretty balenced game in terms of firepower , advantages/disadvantages
From what I‘ve seen of it, RA 2 seems to be going too far away from realism for my tastes (not that the first one was incredibly realistic)..

Dunno.. For some reason I prefer a boomer/fast attack to a dolphin...

But that was when I had time to sit and play computer games :)
RA 1 was more realistic in terms of today‘s military, I suppose, but it was all tanks...

It‘s hard to keep a balance in these types of games.

Personally, I prefer Starcraft to RA
Delta Force 2, and Close Combat 3 are good games. DF2 is outdoors unlike RS and you can play multyplayer so your teammates and the enemy are actual people, gets interesting.

Close Combat 3 is more of a strategy game but it‘s still a good game.
Network Counterstrike is always fun too... Lots of stuff happening during the fight, including insults, jeers, whoops of triumph, dinners, etc :)
What about non-computer Axis & Allies?

that‘s a fun game to play with some buddies from time to time.. Not as anti-social as most computer games.
Yeah, I drag that down to the mess sometimes, although a few of the guys laugh at us, there is a group of us that can sit a play for six straight hours. (And who said the mess was a mere drinking establishment!)

Anyone play the tank sim Panzer Elite. Now I ain‘t no zipperhead, but that game seems so realistic that I get motion sickness sitting in the commanders seat of the Sherman.