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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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Good enough for combat arms? I just came back from the eye doc. Here's where I'm at.

Away w/o correction
Right Eye - 20/50
Left Eye - 20/40
Both - 20/40

Away w/ correction
Left & right 20/20
Both 20/15

Normal colour vision
Normal eye coordination
No eye disease

One eye is -1.75 and the other is -1.70 (I think ... doc's writing). I asked him to give me a note with this info as well, because I read on here that they'll want it when/if I get to the medical.

On the eye test, do they do it on a standard plain Snellen chart, or do they have the lit up thing... sorta like a projector type screen where they rotate through the different sized letters (sorry, best way to describe it) - like a modern Snelling type thing.

Having trouble seeing now:

(Dilated pupils  :blotto:)

Thanks  :salute:
Hi i realise there are a million posts on vision but none match what i am looking or. I am applying for the military in a few days hoping to get into a armoured soldier role. Basically i went to my optometrist today and got my perscription filled out...for my left eye they gave me +3.25 and -0.75..that is for my left eye. For my right eye my optical nerve is only a quarter way developed so they are just giving me a "balance lens" so my lens's will be the same size i guess. I checked out some other posts and got an impression that my left eye the good one would pass at a v2 but my right eye would go at a v4 or v5 since i can only read the big letter for the eye exam....anyone wanna give me a little help on to what i should expect to hear when i go to the recruiting offices in a few days?? i am really hoping ot get into an infantry role. The only reason i am asking is because my case is a little different since one eye is considered "good" vision and my other eye is opposite.

thanks for your answers!!
It's not an average of your two eyes.  If your bad eye is V4, you're V4.

But I am not a medical professional, nor do I pretend to be one on the internet; only the CFRC and the recruiting medical process can give your a definitive answer for your personal circumstances.

ok thanks...so i can expect to guaranteed not get a combat role. Damnit my eyes piss me off more than anything.  I guess all i can hope for is i pass at v4 so i can actually get into some sort of trade, Thanks for your response.
NFLD Sapper said:
IIRC min is V3 to be enrolled for most trades.

Not true, most trades accept V4, including most officer trades.

Correct me if I am wrong, but combat trades required a V3 or V2 at minimum. However, many interresting trades in Combat Service Support and Branches in which V4 candidates seems to qualify.

Worth a try.
I wish they would let those with "inferior" eye sight do basic and then worry about the eye sight thing.
I am a -2.75 in both eyes and i am scared ill be refused to combat engineer because of this.
The thing is, i'm short on cash. If i go to basic, i'll have enough to get a lasik or pkr operation and then i'd be a v2.

Antoine, you can try lasik and you'll get in what you want. Don't go in a trade you "kinda want". You might regret it later and it's very difficult to change to another trade.
bdave said:
I wish they would let those with "inferior" eye sight do basic and then worry about the eye sight thing.
I am a -2.75 in both eyes and i am scared ill be refused to combat engineer because of this.
The thing is, i'm short on cash. If i go to basic, i'll have enough to get a lasik or pkr operation and then i'd be a v2.

Antoine, you can try lasik and you'll get in what you want. Don't go in a trade you "kinda want". You might regret it later and it's very difficult to change to another trade.

So, you want the CF to hire you because you promise to get your eyes corrected later, after you save the money?  Sure, why not, we'll just guarantee the time off and light duties period after surgery because you're a great guy.  And what if you're in the small percentage that has complications, should we plan to keep you anyway, just because you would want that too?

While we're on the subject, how about we hire everyone who doesn't have the high school credits too, as long as they promise to get them some day?  Waiving one requirement is no different than waiving another.

And drugs, well, as long as they promise to stop after their BMQ, that should be ok too, right?

What is wrong with the CF having recruiting standards and applying them?  Why do so many people show up here trying to justify that they are so special we should accept them no matter what their personal probem might be?
Michael O'Leary said:
So, you want the CF to hire you because you promise to get your eyes corrected later, after you save the money?  Sure, why not, we'll just guarantee the time off and light duties period after surgery because you're a great guy.  And what if you're in the small percentage that has complications, should we plan to keep you anyway, just because you would want that too?

While we're on the subject, how about we hire everyone who doesn't have the high school credits too, as long as they promise to get them some day?  Waiving one requirement is no different than waiving another.

And drugs, well, as long as they promise to stop after their BMQ, that should be ok too, right?

What is wrong with the CF having recruiting standards and applying them?  Why do so many people show up here trying to justify that they are so special we should accept them no matter what their personal probem might be?
I never said i was special (my mom does say it though :-*).
It was more of a rant than anything (I was talking about the reserves :P). I completely understand why they do it.

Yes, I am stuck at the medical step in my application for MARS (reserve) because I am V4. The CFRC gave me sometime to think about it, and I'll pass tomorrow by the CFRC and I'll ask if they can give me the laser eye surgery list that they accept for MARS.

I'll pay for the surgery, I totally understand the recruiting standard of the CF, I realize I am not applying for the normal civilian job, and that is one of the reasons that motivate me to join the CF !

Hopefully, I'll get the surgery done early in June, and as soon as possible get my ticket for the next step in the recruiting process !

In addition, I'll join the club of V4 to V1 (lets be optimistic) and get my 20 years old eyes back  :o
I tried to search for this, but couldn't find specifics.  This seems the most applicable thread, I hope I'm not making a mistake...

There are all kinds of references to minus degree (-) vision corrections and their applicable V values.  There seems to be a near complete lack of reference to anything with positive (+) numbers though...

My vision is around  +3.0/+3.5.  I usually wear contacts outside, and glasses for computer use... I have no intention of trying to wear contacts on duty though.  I know people with farsighted vision can compensate to a certain degree (I do it all the time), but rather than leave the question open I figured I'd ask here in hopes of getting some input.

First, would this put me approximately v3-v4 category?  I know just the corrective value isn't enough to really say, but an estimate is what I'm hoping for.  I really want to enlist in combat arms, specifically infantry or armoured MOC. 

Second, if you're enlisted and opt to have laser correction done, I understand there is a period of being put on 'light duty' while your eyes heal?  How long is it, and what opportunities to further myself could I possibly take advantage of while I'm waiting for that to run out?  I thought maybe taking language courses or something along those lines would be a productive way to spend it.. I'm relearning french and german and trying to pick up pashto now as it is... not sure what happens though to people in that situation.  I only know I wouldn't want to be useless or put on the bench entirely while trying to improve my innate abilities to serve effectively.

Honestly, it's the idea that relying on combat goggles for my vision (not protection, I think that's awesome) in a combat situation might make me a possible liability that has me seriously considering laser correction.  I don't care how much it costs, but I am worried about trying to get it done now and therefore putting off actually getting the process of signing up delayed. 

If I had to put rounds into someone to prevent them tossing a grenade or something at my squadmates, the goggles slipped or something and they got hurt because I had to adjust my goggles.. bleh.... well, I can forsee a major loss of sleep on my part.  It's that someones' life may be in the balance someday due to my decisions on this that bring me to post and ask.
NomadWarriorSoul said:
I tried to search for this, but couldn't find specifics.  This seems the most applicable thread, I hope I'm not making a mistake...

We'll soon see.  Let's see:

NomadWarriorSoul said:
There are all kinds of references to minus degree (-) vision corrections and their applicable V values.  There seems to be a near complete lack of reference to anything with positive (+) numbers though...

Did you find the vision chart that covers these numbers?  The CF would not have published this reference for the last several decades without covering both ranges of vision.

NomadWarriorSoul said:
My vision is around  +3.0/+3.5.  I usually wear contacts outside, and glasses for computer use... I have no intention of trying to wear contacts on duty though.  I know people with farsighted vision can compensate to a certain degree (I do it all the time), but rather than leave the question open I figured I'd ask here in hopes of getting some input.

First, would this put me approximately v3-v4 category?  I know just the corrective value isn't enough to really say, but an estimate is what I'm hoping for.  I really want to enlist in combat arms, specifically infantry or armoured MOC. 

This is one question, you'll have to refer to the chart, and get the official word from the Medical Staff at the CFRC.

NomadWarriorSoul said:
Second, if you're enlisted and opt to have laser correction done, I understand there is a period of being put on 'light duty' while your eyes heal?  How long is it, and what opportunities to further myself could I possibly take advantage of while I'm waiting for that to run out?  I thought maybe taking language courses or something along those lines would be a productive way to spend it.. I'm relearning french and german and trying to pick up pashto now as it is... not sure what happens though to people in that situation.  I only know I wouldn't want to be useless or put on the bench entirely while trying to improve my innate abilities to serve effectively.

Hey! This is a second question, and could be why you couldn't find your info.  Perhaps you should search into Lasik and Laser Eye Surgery to get an idea of what you are looking forward, or not, to.

NomadWarriorSoul said:
Honestly, it's the idea that relying on combat goggles for my vision (not protection, I think that's awesome) in a combat situation might make me a possible liability that has me seriously considering laser correction.  I don't care how much it costs, but I am worried about trying to get it done now and therefore putting off actually getting the process of signing up delayed. 

Yet another question, and another topic.  Try searching for Ballistic Glasses/Eyeware and see what you find there.

NomadWarriorSoul said:
If I had to put rounds into someone to prevent them tossing a grenade or something at my squadmates, the goggles slipped or something and they got hurt because I had to adjust my goggles.. bleh.... well, I can forsee a major loss of sleep on my part.  It's that someones' life may be in the balance someday due to my decisions on this that bring me to post and ask.

Yet another topic, and a signal that you really need to do a lot more reading of some of the topics on this site.
JohnTBay said:
IIRC V1 only applies to uncorrected vision...the most you can get is V2

Having surgery doesn't preclude V1.  I'm currently living the dream!  ;D
I'm sorry, I'll do precisely as you've outlined here.  I did honestly do some searching but probably didn't use the right keywords.
Not a pilot but I have met other people with a lot worse vision then that.

I think you should do fine man all the other stuff looks good.

How much fun was the pupil dilation? I walked into my house ( ran into a few other things on the way in) and had to sit down because I couldn’t see anything 5 feet in front of me. lol

And you did all this before you got your medical done by the med tech?? That’s odd.
What's so odd?  Anyone V2 or worse has to have a refraction done anyway, so better to have something current when you show up for confirmation than having to wait longer to get it done after the fact.

For me is that it was the med tech who gave me the requisition form for the optometrist to fill out and to give back to the med tech.

That’s all I meant by that and yes it would be a good idea to have up to date information but my question is, what is the use of getting an eye examination then  go get the form, have your medical then go back and get the optometrist to fill it out?