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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

Relevant section of the WSBC Regulation:

And the Guidelines (which also quotes the WCA):

I'm no sniper, but I can think of half a dozen ways to trip up that guy. But then what? You have a shitty/angry supervisor...

George Wallace said:
I wonder if he used a super secret ninja sniper rifle that is classified as well?

Hahahha george that's funny, well to start, the first story he ever told that I heard him say, I never believed, the thing is I was new, still on probation and I knew that if I called him out I would have a target on my back, now, I've seen other people call him out and they were fired immediately, or just never came back to work. Seeing as he's not my supervisor anymore, people were asking me questions a few months ago I booked the day off for a ceremonial review they were wondering where I was when I returned, they were asking the physical requirements for JTF2 which are insane and how their reserves work with deployments and training for missions if your one of those special forces community members, and this guy (name redacted by moderator) is 250 lbs and not in any shape at all, lives out of his car, among other things.
There's just no possible way that any of this is possible and I know that, however before I call him out I need to make sure he doesn't have anything to do with the army or CF in any way shape or form.

Thanks for the info I knew I'd get good replies, my whole shift is working in burying him, however were also concerned because of his angry temper that there could be retailiation, he's screaming at me for booking off to be at a funeral and someone forgot to tell him, everyone on my shift was walking on eggshells for the longest time and now that he's gone people are standing up.
I will have to ask him who his RSM and CO were
He apparently has a sniper rifle that um well has this new scope on it that apparently turns green when it automatically locks onto the target.... I'm surprised that DND would allow him to have his rifle at home with him... I mean in his car that he lives in.
Foster jones said:
He apparently has a sniper rifle that um well has this new scope on it that apparently turns green when it automatically locks onto the target.... I'm surprised that DND would allow him to have his rifle at home with him... I mean in his car that he lives in.

All joking aside, if he does have some serious issues as may be the case and he DOES have access to firearms, then as recceguy suggests, you have potential cause for concern...not necessarily for retribution for tripping him up on his sotries, but reasonable concern for your safety and that of your co-workers.  Have you called Workplace Safety BC yet?
Good2Golf said:
All joking aside, if he does have some serious issues as may be the case and he DOES have access to firearms, then as recceguy suggests, you have potential cause for concern...not necessarily for retribution for tripping him up on his sotries, but reasonable concern for your safety and that of your co-workers.  Have you called Workplace Safety BC yet?

Better yet, call the police.
for me..... personally..... stolen valor is a huge issue, and no job is worth keeping if the management is ok with keeping a scumbag like that as an employee, and let go someone who brings that crap to the fore front. I would call that pile of crap out every chance you get, and if he has a complete melt down on you, then like others have mentioned, there is then other grounds for his dismissal.

1.  Supervisor is a bully and has a temper;

2.  Supervisor has a rifle; and

3.  Supervisor lives in his car.

All of the above make me rather worried about his stability.
George Wallace said:

1.  Supervisor is a bully and has a temper;

2.  Supervisor has a rifle; and

3.  Supervisor lives in his car.

All of the above make me rather worried about his stability.

^^^^^^ 100%
recceguy said:
I know for a fact that Wayne was instrumental with WW. Last year I sat at a table at a WW event and listened to the current
bureaucrats belittle, defame and cast him in the worst light possible as their reasoning for taking the organization away from him. He worked hard for the organization.

Despite his transgressions, I'll still buy Wayne a beer.

The last guy that was perfect got nailed to a cross.

I agree with that sentiment. In spite of this foolishness, Wayne worked hard and long for the cause and was instrumental  in the original Wounded Warrior Weekend events.  It's not like the guy is in the same league as other miscreant celebrities like Bill Cosby or Micheal Jackson.
Foster jones said:
.... this guy (name redacted by moderator) is 250 lbs and not in any shape at all, lives out of his car, among other things ....
I'm going to play it small-c conservative here, Foster jones, and remove the name you listed, given that there's the potential for police to be involved.

Given all the flags, I join the others (including those with specific, current expertise in workplace safety) in urging you to call the authorities with these concerns.

Good luck in dealing with this - let us know how it goes.

Milnet.ca Staff
Thanks, everyone.

I'm for starters looking for a new job, but also I am currently dealing with the authorities in this. Work safe BC to be exact. Hopefully they will allow me to remain anonymous because I've got a wife and kids and don't need to be singled out for speaking up, like I said I've seen what happens when people call him out, or speak up. I will let you all know what happens.
Foster jones said:
Thanks, everyone.

I'm for starters looking for a new job, but also I am currently dealing with the authorities in this. Work safe BC to be exact. Hopefully they will allow me to remain anonymous because I've got a wife and kids and don't need to be singled out for speaking up, like I said I've seen what happens when people call him out, or speak up. I will let you all know what happens.

Do you like camping? Do you like shooting guns? Can you use a shovel? I have a job opportunity for you..
Foster jones said:
I was new, still on probation

I can understand a probationary employee not wishing to make waves. But, if you don't mind me asking, is your plant unionized? If so, was this brought to the attention of the union? If it was, did the union take any action?
I recall our union had a "toxic" supervisor temporarily removed from street Operations to a cubicle inside HQ for rest and observation. Came back with a much sunnier disposition.  :)

Foster jones said:
Seeing as he's not my supervisor anymore,

Foster jones said:
, everyone on my shift was walking on eggshells for the longest time and now that he's gone people are standing up.

Glad to hear he is no longer your supervisor.

Enough people have made waves and I've taken the advice from you guys and put it to use, he was fired today brought it all forward to management. I just received the email from the plant manager about it. Did not say what exactly happened as I was not there for his termination, however given the kind of person he is, I'm taking precautions regarding our safety by keeping all the bay doors closed and locked, not entirely sure if management is concerned but I'm trying to find out.

George Wallace is right about his stability. And I do feel like it's warranted being concerned. I will be talking to management tomorrow.

Thank you everyone for all your input and advice. I appreciated as will my fellow employees.
Good idea, Immigration Canada ....
The federal government has implemented safeguards to prevent fake war veterans from taking part in citizenship ceremonies after a Hamilton man was caught posing as a decorated ex-soldier last year.

The procedures include liaising with veteran associations to identify participants, verifying veterans' identification numbers, and preventing those who were dishonourably discharged from taking part.

"The steps above will ensure that CAF members and veterans may continue to play an important role in welcoming new citizens to the Canadian family, while ensuring that incidents such as the one referenced does not happen again," Nancy Caron, spokesperson for Citizenship and Immigration Canada, wrote in an email Wednesday.

Earlier this month, Donald Lemmond was convicted of wearing medals he didn't earn during a Mohawk College Remembrance Day keynote speech and a downtown citizenship ceremony last year.

The 67-year-old received a suspended sentenced and was placed on 12 months of probation during his July 9 court appearance.

"I'd only like to say that I'm extremely sorry that I took and purchased the medals, but I thought it would give me a little more authority in the job that I was performing for the legion that I was in," he told court.

Lemmond pleaded guilty to two counts of wearing medals without lawful excuse that would likely be mistaken for authentic service honours.

In his Nov. 11 college speech, he wore several U.S. service medals, including a Silver Star, Prisoner of War medal and Purple Heart ....
Lemmond would be this guy ....