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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

I can't believe it's still here...like an open sore that won't heal
xena said:
The chaps on arrse are having a field day with his photos.

Puuuurrrrfect!!  >:D

Oh BTW ... T-T-Gap ... is good to go; like there was ever any doubt.
I think we've flushed him.....back to 'garelochead' and the 'Joint Training Force Cadre'.

The sad thing is this loser will be in a bar somewhere telling people he was first off the landing ship in the falklands....

...and the gullible civvies will believe him....

...and think he must have been the landing ship judging by the size of his combat jacket
....and now its at 20 pages. Good thing the other Mods have more patience than I.
Towards_the_gap said:
BTW, big thanks to vern!

Not letting me upgrade your rank though to go with that promotion you got ... I'll get that for you from work tomorrow ... buy one of your troops a beer.

Bruce Monkhouse said:
....and now its at 20 pages. Good thing the other Mods have more patience than I.

You may here-to-forward, call me "Your Fluffiness".  >:D
Jammer said:
I can't believe it's still here...like an open sore that won't heal

...or the accident scene we know is creepy to watch, but can't take our eyes away from?  Guilty as charged....

ArmyVern said:
You may here-to-forward, call me "Your Fluffiness".  >:D

And you thought the CHAPS line was open to naughty misinterpretation!  >:D

Now I'm falling victim to the atmosphere of the thread!!!!
ArmyVern said:
Yes, one huge & overwhelming joke it is, isn't it?

Well, when you see stuff like this on the profile, it's hard not to laugh.  The irony of it is overwhelming (emphasis mine):

There are those who can talk a good Service. Then there are those who can prove it...... A direct translation from the old Roman...... As true today as it was then....... Look into the man and not the internet post.....for there you will find the truth.
Oh Booty.....come out come out where ever you are....

No need to PM such nasty love letters to me sweet heart.

Come out to the forums and play with the big boys and gilrs.



"Holy mackeral" on the profile......  When does the insanity end?

Jammer said:
Don't fight it...it's easier to assimilate

Resistance is futile, right?
the 48th regulator said:
Oh Booty.....come out come out where ever you are....

No need to PM such nasty love letters to me sweet heart.

Come out to the forums and play with the big boys and gilrs.




Nah, he hasn't PMd me for a while now!!  >:D

Royal Marines.......Canadian Airborne Forces........Vancouver........BBJ......Is that you?