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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

There seems to be some editing of the "What do you look like" thread going on.  Some posts being deleted or switched around.
Strike said:
There seems to be some editing of the "What do you look like" thread going on.  Some posts being deleted or switched around.

The "outing" post (with the photo) along with any that directly referenced it were deleted.
Well there has to be a mod in there right now cleaning up the thread.

All of our posts are being slowly deleted...including mine.

One of the offending member's posts said something about him being 6'9".  If he's in the Reserves in Regina (or Saskatoon?) he'd probably be pretty hard to miss.

Let me add that whoever is going around the site and bashing every single post of the guys with "You're an idiot" and "You're a fraud" really isn't helping the cause at all.
being deleted quite fast now...

Strike said:
Let me add that whoever is going around the site and bashing every single post of the guys with "You're an idiot" and "You're a fraud" really isn't helping the cause at all.

Only see one post that's calling him out... Guess the other ones have been removed before I got to see them. oh well, guess the 'mods' are just going to cover it up as was stated by Der Panzerkommandant...
Keep at it then.  I emailed the mods myself to express my displeasure.
I'm already talking to the mod in question.


Der Panzerkommandant.... said:
I'm already talking to the mod in question.



Let him know that we would all like to know what the outcome will be on this Walt.
Having done an exchange tour with the elite Waltenommando over at our British cousins site ARRSE, allow me to add my 2 sheckels.

Copy any and all incriminating evidence such as the pic shown earlier to shove back down the mouth breathers face after he deletes it and denies ever having posted.

Not that we here at army.ca encourage or endorse such cyber vigilantism of course..... oh is that my union mandated mod off line coffee break coming up in 5...4...3...  >:D
Strike said:
Let him know that we would all like to know what the outcome will be on this Walt.

Pacer said:
i fully understand.  i served in Bravo co 3-68 armor in Ft carson Colorado, and i too have lost many old friends to the current engagements. while i do not condone such acts as this, i must moderate fairly also.  once we are done sorting things out we will address the rest.

please tell your mates from the other board to not terrorize this one in defense of fallen commrades, it will just make more work for me and others atm. i do however respect your quick response time  ;)

I'm a mod on the other site. Let's just say that tempers are flaring. Told them to wait out as I was talking to you. I hope that will hold them at bay for a bit.

I do, however, hope that this individual is made an example of in full public view.

Imagine seeing a poser using the photo of your dead buddy as part of his deception.You as a former serving member do know of how this stings.

It's like a slap and a spit in the face.

Cannot find the thread in question, has it been deleted entirely now?
The mods on the wurm site would like us to contain our posts about this to this topic: http://wurmonline.com/forum/index.php?topic=6737.0

[Edit] wow, I can't type today
I just sped-read 110 of his 141 pages (still working on it.)

He claimed in various posts he graduated high school in 1999, he says he was in PPCLI from 2001-2002 and JTF-2 from 2003-2007.

Except in another post he says his daughter is in Grade 9 (dated April/09) which would make her 14. Which would mean she was born in 94-95 when he was 14ish. Hmmm.

Edit: He also claims (again April/09) to be turning 29, with a birthday in October, but that he's "always overseas off-duty in July."

I started to poke holes in his little story....but now it looks like a grape hut hit with 120mm HEAT.

I think this kid is in way over his head and will not be replying to any of the posts.

my hats off to you guys for being so controlled. I may not be a troop but I suppose I can relate as I dont think I could be as calm if for example he claimed to be an emergency worker or used a picture of a dead Firefighter.
Neo Cortex said:
<snip>Except in another post he says his daughter is in Grade 9 (dated April/09) which would make her 14. Which would mean she was born in 94-95 when he was 14ish. Hmmm.<snip>

Though unlikely, my step-son was born when my wife was 14, and the genetic father was 13 at the time of 'fathering', 14 when he was born. Thus its not impossible, just highly unlikely.
ScotiaShooter said:
my hats off to you guys for being so controlled. I may not be a troop but I suppose I can relate as I dont think I could be as calm if for example he claimed to be an emergency worker or used a picture of a dead Firefighter.

Well, my understanding is that it's controlled now....but wasn't in the beginning, leading to the board moderators having to delete a whole lot of ill will directed towards this kid.
skruface said:
Well, my understanding is that it's controlled now....but wasn't in the beginning, leading to the board moderators having to delete a whole lot of ill will directed towards this kid.

Well, maybe he'll think twice about pretending to be a soldier next time.
Strike said:
One of the offending member's posts said something about him being 6'9".  If he's in the Reserves in Regina (or Saskatoon?) he'd probably be pretty hard to miss.

Let me add that whoever is going around the site and bashing every single post of the guys with "You're an idiot" and "You're a fraud" really isn't helping the cause at all.

That was me.  I deleted a bunch of them and their mods got the rest.  Not really my best performance, definitely not Waltenkommando worthy, I must work on my technique.
Why did I have to go out for supper tonight??? Sounds like I missed a good, fast, old fashioned Walt hunt. I sorta miss those, the last one was really fun.