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Walts, posers & wannabes (merged)

GAP said:
This doesn't count the number of times we sent people off to Quang Tri or Da Nang on a Mike boat or LST (a 2 day round trip) to draw a 5 gal pail of frequency grease because radios were not picking up signals..... ;D

On the bright side, they got out of the shyte for 2 days (well, except for the boat ride of course)  ;D

Michael O'Leary said:
A smart one would have spent two weeks looking for it.  ;D
That didn't go over the greatest for me when I was sent to get a pistol BFA and told not to come back without one. Ok it was only a little over a day later that they found me in the mess. ;) Almost got an AWOL charge over it. Luckily I had a few witnesses & could play dumb.
X Royal said:
That didn't go over the greatest for me when I was sent to get a pistol BFA and told not to come back without one. Ok it was only a little over a day later that they found me in the mess. ;) Almost got an AWOL charge over it. Luckily I had a few witnesses & could play dumb.

In California last January, during the battle prep for an op, we had a confused looking RCR Pte come over to our ELAV and ask 'do you guys have an adapter for this?'

In his left hand was a C6 BFA, in his right was a 9mm pistol.

Needless to say we said 'sorry no we lost ours' and sent him to the gunners........
medicineman said:
On the bright side, they got out of the shyte for 2 days (well, except for the boat ride of course)  ;D


Well, running the river was always a lesson in marksmanship....anything more than 2-3 days was a no-no, remember these are newbies....as in young & dumb....
Back on track - I had a co-worker who went to a NATO Med Plans course at Oberammergau. In a bar one night he tried to pass himself off to some lady as a CF Neurosurgeon - didn't  work, as she actually was a doc, and asked him what med school he'd gone to, and where he did his residency.

How does your wingman extricate you when you crash and burn like that?
You don't....plead insanity at her beauty, and ask for her help......sometimes it just works....
Staff Weenie said:
How does your wingman extricate you when you crash and burn like that?

Laugh at him, tell him he failed to pull off his cover story and that lost the bet, collect your 20 bucks and use it to buy the lady a drink.
Staff Weenie said:
Back on track - I had a co-worker who went to a NATO Med Plans course at Oberammergau. In a bar one night he tried to pass himself off to some lady as a CF Neurosurgeon - didn't  work, as she actually was a doc, and asked him what med school he'd gone to, and where he did his residency.

How does your wingman extricate you when you crash and burn like that?

I was once I know someone who was once at an open bar, sponsored by a drug company for young doctors.  Apparently, the secret in chatting up doctors in a bar while pretending to be one is to (a) make sure they've had a few before you move in and (b) have a friend who's a doctor beside you to help out with the more complex questions.

I find I have to BS about my military service -- I tell people I'm a clerk or a Sigs guy -- just to minimize the women pawing me and wannabe guys from fawning over me. When the war-stories start, I just say, "remember Black Hawk Down? I'm Grimes, the guy that types and makes coffee."

It's sad, but necessary.  >:D

(I figured I'd stir the pot, since this thread has been Radio Chatter material for several pages now  ;)  )
Journeyman said:
When the war-stories start, I just say, "remember Black Hawk Down? I'm Grimes, the guy that types and makes coffee."

It's sad, but necessary.  >:D

Of course, you have to use a Black Hawk Down reference now because none of the young girls in the KBC know who Radar O'Riley was.  >:D
Michael O'Leary said:
Of course, you have to use a Black Hawk Down reference now because none of the young girls in the KBC know who Radar O'Riley was.  >:D
Michael O'Leary said:
Of course, you have to use a Black Hawk Down reference now because none of the young girls in the KBC know who Radar O'Riley was.  >:D
Nahhh...most of them go to Queen's so the only coffee reference is that I prefer the coffee beans taken from the hooves of Juan Valdez's donkey, so that no workers are oppressed by the capitalist coffee conglomerates.

....imagine being able to say crap like that with a straight face?  ;) 
Journeyman said:
I find I have to BS about my military service -- I tell people I'm a clerk or a Sigs guy -- just to minimize the women pawing me and wannabe guys from fawning over me. When the war-stories start, I just say, "remember Black Hawk Down? I'm Grimes, the guy that types and makes coffee."

It's sad, but necessary.  >:D

(I figured I'd stir the pot, since this thread has been Radio Chatter material for several pages now  ;)  )

Certainly in line with the thread title since (a) you can't type and (b) even making coffee is beyond your culinary skills.

... though I'm sure there's some KP duty in your past, as there is in mine...
In my experience, if you're talking to someone who seems to undervalue their role, downplay the story, and generally gives short evasive answers, you are likely speaking to a genuine person. I have never heard a BTDT-type freely narrate a fantastic tale in a public place or even the Mess, and I'm suspicious of anyone who does.
I remember telling a very adventurous and thrilling story of danger, evasion and excitement while I was overseas on my first tour. One of the other expirienced corporals caught the tale end of my story and told me that nothing like that happened in Bosnia during that tour, he was calling my bluff.

I had to straighten him out it all happened while on leave in Budapest. Getting back to Bosnia at that time was the nice part.
Rewarded myself Saturday past by escaping the grasps of the D9er and spent part of the afternoon on the patio of a cigar bar on Bayview Ave enjoying a nice smoke. Naturally I joined in the conversation chatting with the other guys there. One was a former USN type and had some good stories for the most part non BS. When his wife showed up and he left, the other two guys, basic yuppie types,  began talking about a mutual acquaintance of theirs. I'd never let on I was ex military and pretended to be suitably awed by the sailors tales of daring ( although was more interested in a cigar place he mention in the Big Easy that I have to check out now).

It seems this mutual friend of theirs was a "former CF sniper" who had numerous confirmed kills against Hezbollah while operating undercover in Beirut, which he was more  than willing to discuss openly  at parties etc.  He also personally reported to some US general. They seem totally taken in by this guy. Kind of hoping he's there next time I show as I do love  exposing Walter's publically.  >:D

JM there's a decent wings joint across the street if you feel like joining me.
Danjanou said:
JM there's a decent wings joint across the street if you feel like joining me.
Wings and Walt-tales? You have my attention. If only they had beer too.  ;D
Journeyman said:
Wings and Walt-tales? You have my attention. If only they had beer too.  ;D

Why do you need beer when you can play Bill Clinton like Danjanou?  :o