Anyways, as to my two most notable stories, they're about two fellas that were a few cans short of a six pack.
The first claimed to be in the PPCLI and that while "serving" he said that he was allowed to carry katanas with his field kit :facepalm:. He'd also refer to our weaponry by American designations (specifically he'd refer to the C9 as the M249 or the SAW and was oblivious as to what C9 meant) amongst other inconsistencies (e.g. saying that the CF had Sergeant First Class as an SNCO rank). This fella was especially....uh....special....I guess you could say. The thing is, when I called him out on his BS he basically blew a gasket and spewed a bunch of nonsense about how he could "use his security clearance to find out who I am", etc, etc. This guy had definite issues. If I remember correctly, he had eventually ended up in hot water with the local university over some inappropriate things that he had written in a paper and then a following inappropriate e-mail to the professor trying to contest the grade.
The second fella was a little bit more sane, but his stories had some major inconsistencies. He claimed to have served and that he was in the Airborne Regiment for the majority of his service. I initially took it at face value, as this fella looks older than his actual age. When I found out how old he actually is, he'd have been about 15 during his "service" (not withstanding the fact that he'd have been about 17 at the time of the Airborne Regiment's disbandment). There were further inconsistencies, namely identification of certain kit items using American names (seems to be a common trait amongst the poseurs that I've met) and that when he enthusiastically gave me his "service number" as a way of trying to prove his so-called service, his SN wasn't even valid, it was just a string of about 4 numbers with a letter on the end. On top of that, there were just so many inconsistencies with
verybasic CF knowledge (e.g. rank, drill) that I called BS on what he was saying.
I know that you guys have much better stories than these, but I just figured I'd share two of my more egregious poseur stories. These guys drive me up the wall, just because they're disrespecting any unit that they claim to be in by pretending to be a member of that unit not to mention they make the entire CF look bad, because quite frankly, most of the poseurs that I've met are nutbars....
EDIT: Mods, could you please merge this post with the existing thread? Thanks
