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Wanted - Modular C7 Bayonet Frog

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Piper said:
You may not care who you protray yourself to be on this site, but most people do.

Those of us actually in the service, and those who use the kit you ask for operationally, happen to care about the rules regarding kit and the sale (legal/illegal) of it. Why you ask? Because, those are the rules, and when you are a member of the CF it is your job to a) follow those rules and b) to raise warning flags when you think those rules are being broken.

It is not because you are a civilian that I and others raised those points, although it is a point of hilarity if nothing else, but rather because you are not entitled to it nor are you supposed to sell it, purchase it (the issue C7 bayonet frog for the TV) or own it. That is why.

Don't worry about showing anyone your credentials, it's not required here. However, it is desired to get an idea of who you are so answers can be tailored as such to confrom to your level of military experience/understanding.

Now, since you are not a CF member, you would not understand what I posted above. I wouldn't expect you to, since we are held to a higher level of professionalism. But I do suggest you try to understand. I don't care why you want to gear, obviously it is to play dress up or as part of a collection. Thats of no concern to me or most folks here. What people were concerned about was you asking for kit that you are not allowed to have. Rules are rules 

+ 1 on that post...

this is the same individual who was trying to sell the Red CI Slip-ons for 20 bucks a pair on an earlier thread IIRC.... the same CI Slip ons that are issued out of the Cadet QM's FOR FREE! 

listen, you want a bayonet on your TV for LCF that fine... maybe you can impress some of the kids with your Parklands CADPAT and your Illegally owned TV..... (Which for someone who is studying law, perhaps you should have a greater respect for it.... here's a hint.. you don't get to pick and choose which ones you follow...) but I can tell you the rest of us on here are just gonna see you as a poser wannabe.... You wanna impress your Cadets, be a real leader by being a good role model... not by telling us on here to "kiss it" since as far as I am concerned your military experience probably consists of a few games of Counterstrike and Ghost Recon..... 

And I'll be honest, I am in no way a "hard corps ex airborne pathfinder commando man on line with big arms and JAG knowledge of the law" by the way its spelt Core, not Corps... if you're gonna insult us, at least spell it right... sheesh....

I am a CSS Soldier in the Reserves and truthfully my arms could use a workout... and hey, I studied a little bit of the law too!
the difference is, I make no attempt to hide who I am on here... meaning everyone on here (including my CoC) can view who I am and what I do... (Short of my Phone number and local ext.)  You don't have to post your Bio on here, but putting up smoke and mirrors on here isn't gonna get you far.... and neither is the attitude you're taking with us... many of the people responding here have been there and done that, or are senior management in their field.... so you, with Zero Army experience makes a smart-arsed comment about Jag knowledge, well... as they say "put up or shut up" either tell us where YOUR experience lies or stop with the hot air.

  - Josh
Bergeron 971 said:
I modify and build gear so I decided to save an internet ake.

Piper Says:  "There are morons everywhere."
LOL no comment, And thats why I do not need to explain my motives regarding this subject.
Everyone is a hard corps ex airborne pathfinder commando man on line with big arms and JAG knowledge of the law.

And again, CIC's or CI's in no way need tactical gear, My involvement with the CCM has nothing to do with this subject.
Maybe I am part of JTF2? who knows, and who cares. Those who have nothing better to do but to judge and comment on everything on line need to find a hobby and get off there butts. Maybe read a book or something.

As for my experiences? Kiss it, no disrespect to the fourms and the Admins. I do not need to show anyone my credentials. This isn't a job interview.



Bergeron et all....Drop the attitudes.

As for your credentials Bergeron....your picture that you linked said it all.

The hope of getting kit for the LCF, (which is all that you are after) on this site through members who are a part of the CF is a waste of time and bandwidth.

Locking this debacle up....before it gets nasty.

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