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Warning ! Attention all Men! Beware!

Niner domestic, that was funny! ;D I've seen it before and it is still as funny as the first time I read it!
What's even funnier is that you guys really think that Big Bertha you got for father's day was a gift?  bwhahahahahaha
Thanks for that info.  And I  would like to comment..

1. I do golf...not that well...but I can hit the f&^&*ing little ball down rangeand get close to that stupid little hole.    :rage:
2. I am happily married, but haven't golfed in years due to...nevermind... ;D

BYT, remind me to let your missus know where to get a Big Bertha. (the bonus is, you might actually have a better game...LOL)
...{rude comment}

Are you saying that the size of the driver makes a differnce for a better game?

It's not the size of the driver, it's how you handle your club.

I hope.
...well, you know what they say about a good driver...?

Psst, and I know the secret of snow.  ;D
Golf ??............you mean hit a ball that no one hits back??....kinda like playing tennis by yourself ??........... ^-^
Well, I had to graduate from "whack-a-mole" at some point...why not keep with the skill set of being able to whack an object not meant to be whacked - Golf.
Men! The origin of this thread had something to do with B E E R.
After golf you drink B E E R.
Methinks there is a plot afoot by the wo-persons here to get us to drink more B E E R.
Men! Resist! 

....Not likely!!!!!!

Last time I had a few rounds, it was at the range. I was advance party and had about half a bucket of golf balls... That Fig 11 was scared.... right... *sigh*    :P
Sorry to resurect, but I can't believe I've missed that thread !