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***Warning *** York University Protest

I think half of the protest went to the intersection of York and University, hence the confusion  :-\


"Did you get any numbers?"

He means PHONE numbers.  You know, hot chicks looking for a REAL man, etc.


A quick glance at the link just screams "Sexual Repression."

Go on, all you youngsters in Toronto, there' a whole hockey sock of mis-guided young women waiting to have the Communism a-loved out of them!

Go forth and practice propagating!

(for the future of Canada, of course!)



For your reading pleasure:
January 20, 2005
The 50-100 students who had gathered to outline York's ties to global and local oppression, racism, and imperialist globalization, were then forcibly dispersed by police called in on the orders of the York Administration. The police with the aid of York security guards then proceeded to arrest and beat five organizers. The action, which represented the latest effort by York-based activists to stand up for free speech and resist corporate power on campus, was brutally repressed, with cops hospitalizing one young organizer. The events of the day exhibit the York insitution's willingness to clamp down on any organized resistance, and the need for more research, popular education and direct action to build a movement for real democracy and justice on campus. Autonomy and Solidarity brings you statements, photos and video related to this action and its aftermath.http://auto_sol.tao.ca/node/view/1119

This year............................................

Reminds me of the good old days, shield and baton practice on the parade square, then off to watch bra burning.
Civil disobedience is still disobedience  :)

Those articles from the links are a year old eh.
Took a look at the videos on that website, specifically the police takin care of business and sorting the protestors out in a nice fashion. Good viewing indeed.
i love reading the posts these hippies put up sayin that that cops were at fault and my favorite one is this one kid sayin he was tryin hard to keep himself contained from doing something stupid.
I'm really quite upset that we no longer practice the shield and baton trg.

I would love to work in this capacity, but the militant left seems to be rather small and timid here in Edmonton - pity. >:D
I've posted a link to a page of pics by an anti-protester on the York thread. The police had to deal with one fellow after he took the officer's pistol from it's holster. Here's the link again, for your further enjoyment: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/image/cops/
I think, to truly support these leftist types in their quest for Carib democracy, we should reduce the 'destabilizing' influence of crime by starting a VISA requirement for travel to Canada from AND TO such island paradises in the Carib that we deem necessary.  Fingerprints on each Visa app.  VK tests when the technology is mature.

Or how about ALL caribean islands are on a Roto, and each unit is REQUIRED to do two weeks on each one, from Bahamas down to St. Maarten to "ensure stability".  Think that would amp up interest in recruiting?
Just to pull the topic even farther off....

Wasn't there a station in the Caribbean for soldiers to de-stress after being on tour, to minimize cases of PTSD?  The whole idea was that you weren't shooting at people one day, ordering a burger with your kids the next with no time to adjust...
From the Leftist Dictionary:
War for Oil! -- We haven't seen the news for 2 years and have formulated no new arguments
When the OAS was here in 2000 it was a big deal with tonnes of police and thousands of filthy white hippie trash.  We got to roam around with OPP partners in packs of 16, and had a great time.  The one time I actually talked to a kid, it was painfully apparent that he had no idea why he was there.  But he new for a damn certainty "NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE".  He couldn't even define what the NO JUSTICE part meant, was not sure about the NO PEACE, and generally came off like you would imagine. 
If you get one of these dinks alone in a discussion, the easiest way to shut them up is ask them for solutions.  They don't usually have much more that a few paragraphs of rhetoric.  If you happen upon one of the leaders, they have a few extra Noam Chomsky quotes, and they usually will bail pretty quickly, since you will obviously be displaying yourself as part of the capitalist oil-for-blood war mongering machine and can't be reasoned with. 

Okay, so when is the next hippie rally and where?  We should go, tag up for some pints, then grab some parachute pants and Grateful Dead t-shirts and go be a pain in the ass.  Maybe make some signs like on the ProtestWarrior site.  It would be a blast!  Then hang back and watch the local PD break some skulls keep the protest orderly, then go for a few more pints. 
zipperhead_cop said:
Or how about ALL caribean islands are on a Roto, and each unit is REQUIRED to do two weeks on each one, from Bahamas down to St. Maarten to "ensure stability".  Think that would amp up interest in recruiting?
This may cause more of a problem with the end result of Canadian Soldiers bringing home "War Brides".
zipperhead_cop said:
When the OAS was here in 2000 it was a big deal with tonnes of police and thousands of filthy white hippie trash.  We got to roam around with OPP partners in packs of 16, and had a great time.  The one time I actually talked to a kid, it was painfully apparent that he had no idea why he was there.  But he new for a damn certainty "NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE".  He couldn't even define what the NO JUSTICE part meant, was not sure about the NO PEACE, and generally came off like you would imagine. 
If you get one of these dinks alone in a discussion, the easiest way to shut them up is ask them for solutions.  They don't usually have much more that a few paragraphs of rhetoric.  If you happen upon one of the leaders, they have a few extra Noam Chomsky quotes, and they usually will bail pretty quickly, since you will obviously be displaying yourself as part of the capitalist oil-for-blood war mongering machine and can't be reasoned with. 

Okay, so when is the next hippie rally and where?  We should go, tag up for some pints, then grab some parachute pants and Grateful Dead t-shirts and go be a pain in the ***.  Maybe make some signs like on the ProtestWarrior site.  It would be a blast!  Then hang back and watch the local PD break some skulls keep the protest orderly, then go for a few more pints. 
Nothing like a few pints after a 'long day' to carry on some cheerful banter and discuss the social and economic ramifications being put forward by the Airheads who come up with these paranoid Leftist protests.  Just think of how dull things were if they hadn't been allowed into the Gene pool (or is that the wadding pool?).

I guarentee I can get atleast 3 protesters interested in the military & to a recruiters office AND find a girl who's boyfriend cares more about the rally then her - who will buy me AND you our first pint :)

Think you can match it?