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Warrant Officers in the US and Canadian Armies - confusion re: status?

WO5 Equivalent to Lieutenant Colonel ? thats not true.

All Warrant Officers are above Enlisted (E1-E9), but below 0-1. Warrant officers all salute 0-1's and up.

WO1's are NOT considered Commissioned officers because they hold a writ not a commission.Meaning until they get their power from the secretary of service, not the president until they reach CW2. Orginally, enlisted was supposed to stand at ease when in the presence of an WO, and was to call them Mr. Or Ms.  ROTC cadets are considered 3LTs (meaning they are considered above enlisted but below warrant officers and Lieutenants. When i was in ROTC we were told to call them Mr. Mrs... Graduated IOBC in november.

2LT John Howard
82nd Airborne Division

Like I said before:

George Wallace said:
Could you have added any more to the confusion?

LieutenantHoward said:
WO5 Equivalent to Lieutenant Colonel ? thats not true.

I missed that one.  I have no idea from whense that came.

LieutenantHoward said:
........  ROTC cadets are considered 3LTs (meaning they are considered above enlisted but below warrant officers and Lieutenants. When i was in ROTC we were told to call them Mr. Mrs... Graduated IOBC in november.

2LT John Howard
82nd Airborne Division

This is a new one for me.  I would have just refered to them as Cadets, or Officer Cadets;  but in all seriousness, not a rank that doesn't exist to the best of my knowledge.
A CWO 5 is comparable to a LTC,but not pay wise. A CWO4 is comparable to a Major. Cadets that participate in the 3d Lt program in the summer are addressed as Mr, same as WO's.
Well I had to go way back a review this topic all over again and can see where there is still room for confusion with a few things.  Here are a few links that can help a bit, or confuse even more, when comparing the ranks in the various militaries.  One has to remember that the persons making some of these charts are as much in the dark as some of us at times.

Here is Wikipedia's chart:



Here is a US Navy produced chart:


Another US Military Ranks chart:





I find that all these sources have variations of the same themes.  I have noticed in the NATO STANAGs that they have the Warrant Officers ranks as W1 to W4, but some of the US charts go to W5.

CWO5 is a relatively new rank,it was created in 04.

3rd LT. is not really a rank, its like a nickname you know? SMP cadets could be called 3rd LTs...its not offical, just tongue in cheek
Heh­... I remember when we used to refer to officer cadets as being "bandaids" (from the white bands they used to wear on their battledress.
geo said:
Heh­... I remember when we used to refer to officer cadets as being "bandaids" (from the white bands they used to wear on their battledress.

LOL, band-aid.Hope they weren't generic.The CVS brand doesn't work worth a damn
But in my opinion the best path to go as  a Cadet is SMP. As a cadet you are still in ROTC, but you serve with either a NG or a RC. You get paid as a E-5 but you wear C/2LT rank. I don't think you hold a MOS tho
LieutenantHoward said:
But in my opinion the best path to go as  a Cadet is SMP.

Hmmm... A standard military pattern cadet?  Can we even GET those here in Canada?? Neat... (Sorry guys, I know i'm trolling here, but I couldn't resist...  ::) i'll leave now...

Cadet Troop Lead Training
I've ref other OCdts as 3Lts before. It was amusing when some of them actually believed that was an alternative title ;D
Ya my biggest regret as an E-4 was not to salute a West Point cadet wearing his "3d Lt" bar.The cadet didnt make an issue of it but it has stayed with me these many years.
tomahawk6 said:
A CWO 5 is comparable to a LTC,but not pay wise. A CWO4 is comparable to a Major.

Comparable in experience, but both CW4 and CW5 would salute a Second Lieutenant.
I found that the Sergeant rank was more confusing to other countries than the Warrent rank, despite the fact that a NATO comparison chart was easily handy...