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Weight Requirement

Hey, I have kind of the opposite situation as the soon to be recruit. I was wondering if you could offer any suggestions..

    I'm 15 years old {Turned 15 about a month ago}
    Approx. 6'3"
    I weigh about 285lbs

I've been considering going into the CF for Legal Officer, But I need a bit more information. Obviously I'm gonna need to cut down my weight a bit. I can only do like half a pushup (sad I know) but right now I'm doing about 40 sit-ups every night before I go to bed and every morning after I wake up. Any suggestions on what I should do

And while I'm on here, I'm looking for a decent pair of Combat Boots.. I'm in South-Western Ontario, I've been considering ABC Surplus, but I need about a sie 16 boot so, Any ideas in that area?
ShadowAdonai said:
Hey, I have kind of the opposite situation as the soon to be recruit. I was wondering if you could offer any suggestions..

     I'm 15 years old {Turned 15 about a month ago}
     Approx. 6'3"
     I weigh about 285lbs

I've been considering going into the CF for Legal Officer, But I need a bit more information. Obviously I'm gonna need to cut down my weight a bit. I can only do like half a pushup (sad I know) but right now I'm doing about 40 sit-ups every night before I go to bed and every morning after I wake up. Any suggestions on what I should do
dude, if you're really 285 lbs and can't do a push-up, the first thing you gotta do is get a complete physical before you even think about starting an exercise regime! Then, start talking to some medical / sports professionals about a diet and exercise regime. At your size and your age, nobody on this site should even think about giving you any advice.
Seriously, don't take any advice over the internet. The potential to really screw yourself up is too great. Go see a doctor, and talk with sports-medicine specialists. Talk to nutritionists, and dieticians.

The good news is that you will probably see some amazing progress in a short time. Luck.
Heres a good question then on weight requirement...

Im 5'2

105 lbs...

And female..

All muscle.

Want to be in the infantry.

Would love to go para.

Am told I would get ripped in half lol..

Anything guys?
lol, all 105 of you is muscle eh? im sure you wouldnt get ripped in half, but that is damn tiny..
mechanic_chick said:
Heres a good question then on weight requirement...

Im 5'2

105 lbs...

And female..

All muscle.

Want to be in the infantry.

Would love to go para.

Am told I would get ripped in half lol..

Anything guys?
1) damn, you hot.
2) I advise against it.
3) if you want it bad enough, you'll ignore #2 and do it anyway. If you can.
When will you numskulls realize that the army isn't a beauty pageant? We're here to do a job, not to look like Mr/Miss Universe. Why do you think anyone would care how much you weighted?

perhaps your not familiar with the concept that other military around the world takes your weight into consideration. thats probably why people are nervous.

As for me I am freak like you people

6'1, 130 pounds. I could star in a ww2 movie as someone who was just saved from the concentration camp. jks. I used to be even less couple of month before. I should really start eating lots of food
In most cases, comparing the CF to other militaries and elements of those militaries is pointless
especially when there isn't any objectivity.   As what Paracowboy has pointed out, comparing
who is fatter, taller, wider, or most facial hair per cm means nothing.   Effectiveness factoring in
many parameters may have more objective merit.

The CF does take weight into consideration indirectly.   In CF Express test, you'll note the VO2 calculation
performed at the end of the Step Test.   Weight, heart rates, and age are included in the calculation.
Alot of excess weight has a bearing on the calculation's result, however fitness, endurance, and strength vary
between individuals.  

Personally, I would forget about the weight and size issue.  Use the CF Fitness Self Test in the application
package and gauge fitness from it.  If more strength, endurance, or cardio endurance is needed, just work
on it and maintain a good exercise routine. 

I'm 15 years old {Turned 15 about a month ago}

If you only just turned 15 then you have lots of time to lose any weight that you might wish.   It would definitely make the whole process, pt test, easier if you wish to lose weight, and do.   If I remember correctly, the recruiting centre won't even look at your file until you are officially 16 years old, and that's if you want to go reserve.   The minimum age for the Reg F is 17.

Best of luck!

Wow you guys are small, I'm 15, physically fit, 5"9-5"10, 180lbs. I think if anyone would have a weight problem it would be me.
hehe If anything, I think it's laughable at my size.  I've just started doing all my tests and such to get in, passed my CFAT and waiting to schedule the rest.  I'm 5'1 and about 95lbs.  I'm doing my training and the goal is to gain about 14 lbs of muscle and lose 4% body fat.  I really don't think it's going to work, but hey you never know LOL.
In my limited experience so far, the weight, height and muscle issues are still pretty huge amongst a lot of CF members. This post started out with a guy who wanted to inquire about the optimal weight for Infanteers and turned into "how to win a fitness/beauty contest". When I did my QL3 031 a few years back, I saw people in all sorts of shapes and sizes...all worrying about the same thing..."Am I fit enough?" That soon changed to..."Am I going to finish?" I was one of the three lightest and shortest guys out of 30 odd pers at 5'8 and 140 lbs; the average being 160 lbs. I will admit that those 20 and 40 km humps were challenging but certainly not impossible and I guess the biggest dificulty I had was the carrying of heavier loads over longer distances...but the advantages of being light were also not things to be taken lightly :) for example I could move faster than most people on fighting patrols and section attacks and obstacle/assault courses were always easier with FFO especially those godforsaken tunnels (in which some of the bigger guys got stuck in from time to time hehe).  After completing the course (and thank God for that!) I started a strict regimen of protein, weight training and smaller meals (5-6 small meals) everyday (with help from a PSP coordinator) and gained the extra lbs of muscle and stability within a couple of years. Now at 165 lbs, playing soldier is a little more fun and sure the loads on the back seem a little lighter (but not all the time as distances can weigh any man/woman down after a while)...moral of the story is that weight or height was never a deciding factor in working within the combat arms, infact it only crossed my mind much later on. To get through training you need a complex combination of certain things; will power, adapatibility, good attitude tied with a good sense of humour and a level of fitness you can deem as your own strength. If you have them you will see that training becomes a lot more fun and manageable to your own mind/body duality. After-all training is what you make it out to be...regardless of weight, height, etc. Hope that helps!

Cheers!  :salute:
The actual # on the scale is so immaterial.

I'm 5'2" standing on my tippie-toes, and I currently weigh 120 lbs. I look like I weigh about 100lbs.

Gotta love that muscle.  ;D

do basic exercises...pushup...situps..chinups...run...as long as you can carry your own weight...size does not matter...plus it means that you can fit your skinny body into the tight spots...so you'll come in handy.