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Wet Weather Combat Boots: Use, Maintenance & Other Stuff.

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Good morning Gentlemen (& ladies),
This being my first post, I'll introduce myself. I was actually trying to hunt down some info on Op Argus as I am tasked there Feb 06 - Sept 06 and this site popped up. Can anybody help me out because I can't seem to find any info on the DIN. Got to reading all about the kit problems and questions. Very very interesting. I am currently the IC of Clothing Stores here in good old Gagetown and have heard all these problems and complaints before.
Regarding WW Boots, they are a CTS item. Entitlement is 2pr Reg F & Res F!! Here's how it works, you go to your supporting Clothing Stores (not your QM...QMs are 1st line and usually have a couple of Sup Techs & lots of cbt storesmen..they are part of your own Unit!!). Clothing Stores is 2nd line support. Maybe this will help all those students who are told to report to the QM by their instructors to pick something up and end up at Clothing where we can't help them out. 
Trying on your WW Boots should take about 15-20 minutes (so book yourself an appt if you don't like to wait), if done properly, and you will be issued 1 pair. After approx 30 days, if your boots still fit properly, come back to Clothing and get issued your second pair. If they are not fitting properly, come in for another size to try out for 30 days etc etc. Make sure they fit properly, they do come in 62 sizes!! After all, they're your feet. These boots are not supposed to be worn for marches...that's what cbt boots are for. These boots are currently only rated for 14 degrees and above, despite what some of the comments on this site say. Currently there is a move underway to have all of our WW Boots resoled, getting rid of the Sierra 1276 vibram sole that is currently on them and replacing it with a Kletterlift Vibram sole. The Kletterlift does not freeze, and therefore, when done the WW Boot will become a year round item. You will be able to tell whether you have the new sole quite simply, turn it over and if one of the knobs on the tread is blue....you are truly good to go. Do not use Kiwi polish etc etc on these boots as it affects the moisture barrier and eats away the leather. Only use the polish that comes with your boots..it is specially designed to work...and does!! You can pick up a can at your QM or...surprise... Clothing Stores. And as for the Res F/Reg F thing....both are entitled to 2 pr, but there are shortages in the system due to all the Depot stock being re-soled. Problem is, as is with most CTS items, your local clothing Stores can only stock sizing kits and minimal qtys that have been returned due to improper fit. We must order this for you individually. If you want your boots to air out properly and quickly, remove the insole as it states on the user phamplet that comes with the boots. The WW Boot is also meant to be worn with the CTS sock system, the Black liner sock and they gray, not the green. You may find that wearing the combination of socks that was meant to be worn with the boots will keep your tootsies warmer and will prevent the moisture buildup within the boot itself. PS for those of you in Halifax and other non-operational Units...welcome to the world of Gagetown where we are also non-operational...rather a "training base" therefore the reason we are last on the list for the Gucci kit. Needless to say, you are still entitled. Tell your Clothing Stores to do an MSO140 demand on your behalf to get you the kit you are entitled to. For 90% of the Army CTS items, you do not have to be on an Army Base to be entitled, you are entitled by virtue of the colour uniform you wear. The exceptions being, the Tactical Vest, snowshoes(!! another topic all on it's own). If your Clothing Stores tells you they can't order the item because they are non-operation ask them to print you off a copy of the DO1301 scale "Basic Land Enviornment Uniform Entitlement", on it, point out to them your entitlement to WW Boots, BEW and everything else they tell you that you can't have.
Sgt Vern
Wow Vern - that was your first post like a month ago and you're already up to 160 something total posts??  You've been a busy man.    ;)

Here's my take on the WWB:

1)  First of all, I've worn the WWB a couple of times.  One time when both sets of Mark 3s got mashed wet and I needed some dry relief on Ex, I turned to the WWBs.  What a relief.  Not usually a big fan, but when you're dealing with rain and WET WEATHER - they are the bomb.  Big shout out to whoever decided we needed these things.  however.........

2)  I find all too often soldiers are "uneducated" about how these boots are to be used.  Some youngins go to the field in the winter and scratch their heads when they're pulling the frozen things from their little tootsies.  Ok - I know, there's enough info out there, so let's not bring up the fact anymore.

3)  I'm not a big fan of the garrison use of these boots.  Now - I understand that some people find some boots more comfortable than others, and doctors/medics may perscribe the wearing of some equipment as opposed to our regular stuff in order to keep the member happy.  BUT, this boot is a wet weather boot.  It is not a theraputic boot that's made to replace this Mark 3.  I however see this happening on the regular.  Am I way off in saying that soldiers shouldn't simply wear these boots because "they like them better"?  Still a believer in uniformity here.  I can't see why I have to see different sets of boots on parade.

4)  My last pet peeve goes back to something already mentioned by others - boot sizing.  Although I believe my boots are the right size (hard to say since I likely didn't wear them enough yet), those people guilty of number 3 above - daily WWB wearers - look and sound like they are walking around in 20 pound rubber boots.  It drives me CRAZY!!  :evil: "Oh here he comes again"  CLOP CLOP CLOP CLOP!  I've been hoping for too long that some of the more picky old school guys (at the SSM level) would pick up on this and start putting the word out about no WWB in garrison without a chit.  Instead, I even heard my unit once had a parade (in my absence) where the SSM stated that WWBs were part of the dress of the day.  That ticked me off - big time.  Guess what kind of boots he likes to wear.......

So that's my take on the WWB - a great boot, but not enough direction, education, and enforcement of dress states (I don't want to say dress regs as they don't technically say that Mark 3's are the boot to be worn).

Let's see if this lights this thread up or not - I'm interested in your views, opinions, and experiences.

Bintheredunthat said:
Wow Vern - that was your first post like a month ago and you're already up to 160 something total posts??   You've been a busy man.     ;)

Correction...I've been a busy girl!! And being an insomniac doesn't help either!!
I stand corrected.  I'm sure you get that a lot with a name like "Vern".

And make that 170 something now.  ;D

Actually, the name's Veronica. Family and ex-Airborne guys call me Ronnie. Only everyone else in the Military calls me Vern. That name started out in the field in Pet one Ex and has continued to this day. Even my mother has started calling me it lately!!
Well Vern, I'll remember to check profiles from now of before posting my replies.

I remember one time I got an e-mail request from a Captain......let's just say Bloggins - can't remember the real name.

So I called this Capt and left a voice mail, with the whole, "Sir, in response to your e-mail......blah blah blah".  Then someone asks me, "You do know that Capt Bloggins is female right?"  :P

Oh yeah, don't we call all officers Sir?  :salute:

The boot is generally a great improvement. I've worn it at temps as low as -25 C for long periods of time (OK, 8-12 hours at a time) and they've kept my tootsies toasty. I prefer wearing smart wool socks vs. the issue socks though. I wear a thin pair under a thick 'expedition' weight pair and use the issue insole. Changing insoles daily helps. One problem, already noted, are the soles - getting sorted thank Gawd. I've also not been too happy with the ankle support. Might be a sizing problem on my part though.
sorry just wandering...slightly off topic, the sock system, are we entitled to replacement after x amount of years? months? Vern could you pleas help with this?
I read the care and maintenance instructions on the cts website on the wet weather boot, but it says nothing about how to clean the inside of the boot. Can anybody help?
  For cleaning the inside, I've used one of those SHOUT sheets that are semi-wet, just give the inside a bit of a scrub and it's clean(er).  On the outside, I give my boots a shot of black paste every couple of months or so, but leave them overnight for the paste to dry a bit.  It also makes the soles more pliable, I've never (so far) had a problem with them cracking, esp since I've never used polish on them.

  I'm VERY fortunate in that my feet really don't sweat, so one good pair of thick white socks wil get me through anything.  If I wear a thinner pair of white sport socks and grey work socks overtop (the white socks, not the boots :D ), not only are my boots good to about -30, but I can go rucking in them as well.  Never had a blister or hotspot (I'd knock on wood, but my head echos).

  Unfortunately, however, they will wear out eventually.  I've had a pair for about six years and they were FINALLY starting to give up the ghost.  Clothing in Wainwright tells me they're no longer issued, and "it was a lucky fluke" I got a last pair from the depot.

  That sucks.  I hate the Mark III's, can't wear orthotics in them, feet aren't falling apart enough to get custom boots, have NO idea who's getting Danners, why, and how much.  What the heck I'm gonna do when these boots wear out, I have no idea.

  Maybe spray paint my feet black.  :)


Redneck said:
  Unfortunately, however, they will wear out eventually.  I've had a pair for about six years and they were FINALLY starting to give up the ghost.  Clothing in Wainwright tells me they're no longer issued, and "it was a lucky fluke" I got a last pair from the depot.

WTF? no longer issued!?  :o Vern clarification on this.
Vern, is there any way to get our old WWB's resoled? That would be awesome now that they are all worked in. I'd rather not waste the Armies money on new boots, but the old sole is too slippery.
    I've had all my boots resoled, although on my own dime.  I called the same place in Edmonchuk that does boots for Clothing.  Orthotech in St. Albert will do them for $80.00, and takes about a week.  They've done a fantastic job (nope, not getting any commission or kickbacks here), and the boots handle the cold weather MUCH better.  I could live in my boots for weeks easily now.

    I'd love to hear what anybody says about the end of issued WWB's.  The Civvies-That-Rule in Clothing stores in Wainwrong still insist that WWB's are history.  Just the gawd-awful Mark III's now.


Let's just say that I think there is some misinformation out there:

Quote from: Redneck on Yesterday at 21:14:27
  Unfortunately, however, they will wear out eventually.  I've had a pair for about six years and they were FINALLY starting to give up the ghost.  Clothing in Wainwright tells me they're no longer issued, and "it was a lucky fluke" I got a last pair from the depot.

I'd love to hear what anybody says about the end of issued WWB's.  The Civvies-That-Rule in Clothing stores in Wainwrong still insist that WWB's are history.  Just the gawd-awful Mark III's now.

I'll just say this. I have yet to hear a single peep about the end of the WWBoots. What I am privy to, and which I have put in other threads on the WWB in this forum is that a project was done to re-sole all the WWBs remaining in-stock from the old-style (Sierra 1276) vibram sole to the new style vibram sole (Kletterlift). As you are all well aware, numerous problems were experienced with the Sierra Vibram sole in that it was too slippery for wear in icy conditions or temperatures below zero etc. The new vibram sole is suitable for wear in winter conditions and all new WWBs coming into stock will arrive with already be equipped with the new vibram sole.

Here it is in a nutshell:

WWBs are NOT history.

WWBs having the old style sole will soon be history. I just got a shipment last week.


Is it possible that they were merely remarking in the context of you getting a pair with the old style sole? As in "Oh didn't you luck out...you got the last pair of those boots this system will ever see?" As in the last pair of WWBs the system will see with the old sole? Possible? I think that's what was meant.

Relax boys, the WWBs aren't going anywhere.
LFQA HQ just had 1 pr of everyone's WWBs resoled with the new soles for XMass..... they work great!

Thank you Santa!
Is there an easy way to tell whether or not a pair of WWB has the new sole or the old one?  If there isn't a quick way to tell just by looking, then there would at least be a different NSN for the new version (I think)- anyone happen to know the new NSN?

The guy I talked to at my local clothing stores said they have the new version, but he looked so unsure of himself when saying that that I have to wonder.
willy said:
Is there an easy way to tell whether or not a pair of WWB has the new sole or the old one?  If there isn't a quick way to tell just by looking, then there would at least be a different NSN for the new version (I think)- anyone happen to know the new NSN?

The guy I talked to at my local clothing stores said they have the new version, but he looked so unsure of himself when saying that that I have to wonder.

Yes there is an easy way to tell.

Look at the sole of your boot. If your sole is black, you have the old style vibram. The new stlye sole has one knob in the tread that is light blue in colour.

If you can see blue, you've got new soles.
