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What is your military status?

What is your military or non military status?

  • Total voters
Rayman said:
Well was in the Air Cadets. Left to take a job that had me working parade night and weekends so I turned in my uniform on a coat hook after three years and 2 chevrons (corporal). I want to get into the Army as either Armour or Air Defense. However it seems my mom (make no mistake im 20 years old), grandma, and girlfriend are all against it. My girlfriend wants me to do something where I at least come home every night. However I still got my application package right on the night stand. 3 vs. 1 guess that means im out-numbered right?

Nope it means you gotta man up and do what's right for you.
Rayman said:
3 vs. 1 guess that means im out-numbered right?

As long as you are certain that having various women rule your life won't provide you with regrets, you should be good to go.  FYI- If the chick will dump you because you are an Army guy, she probably would have punted you anyway.  Fish, oceans, whatnot.  You get the idea. 
Make sure you get your matching Star Wars sheets and PJ's from your mom before you turn in your application.  ;)
LOL well I kind of did just that. Hopefully when I can meet the physical standards ill be joining the 1 RNBR part time.
Rayman said:
LOL well I kind of did just that. Hopefully when I can meet the physical standards ill be joining the 1 RNBR part time.

Good on ya!  Get in the game and they'll see.  Go out of your way to educate your mom on how things really are in the military.  Understanding what we do goes a long way to mitigating parental worries. 
I know this is a bit of a hijack but zipperhead youre right it was mainly the assumption that "I want to go overseas to Afghanistan and blow something up, and I shouldnt be a part of that" and "youre going to end up moved all over the damn world" when in reality I said do you even know what I am planning to do? Do you know the difference between reserves and regular forces? EVEN IF it ever did come to me being sent to fight for Canada 1000000's of veterans did before me and thats probably the reason were singing O Canada and not something else. If no one steps up to the plate of defending Canada what they did years before will have meant nothing. 
Looks like you're ready to make a decision.  Best go see the recruiter and decide which path to take.  Good luck.  :cdn:
Looks like I'm in the 6.5% AF minority.

Air weapons controller at a tactical mobile radar sqn in Bagtown.
Stetson and Spurs said:
RCMP in case you hadn't figured out after seeing the crest and reading the quote.

Pfft no way! What gave you THAT idea!  ;D
Drif10 said:
Fighting my way to retirement in Trenton.

Just retired 09 Nov 07. I'm either retired or unemployed, depends how you look at things!
Can a mod change the poll setting so that those of us that will be entering the CF soon can change from civilian?
2 Cdo said:
Just retired 09 Nov 07. I'm either retired or unemployed, depends how you look at things!

Hey, every day is a day off!  How can you go wrong with that?  ;D
2 Cdo said:
Just retired 09 Nov 07. I'm either retired or unemployed, depends how you look at things!

"Retired" is great - trust me.  Civvies love the term.
4th week in St. Jean right now. Just flew back home on XMas leave til the 5th of Jan.

Looking forward to some R&R  ;D
I wonder how many people could be described, like me, as retired, and a spectator, and a wannabe all at the same time?
Hmmm...  No category for Military Spouse  :salute:  (19 years)  my husband (we've been married nearly 21years  :-* ) joined as Air, switched to Army... 