I believe the so called coalition is actually unable to form a government as currently constituted, and the GG was correct to prorogue the Parliament.
1. The coalition caucus only consists of the Liberals and NDP=114 seats.
2. The BQ is not formally part of the coalition, nor do they have the means to take part in such a government as they have no ministers nor do they caucus with the coalition
3. There are no guarantees that the BQ will support the coalition in government, only that they will not motion or support a non confidence motion.
We need to clear the air, and I am starting to believe that Prime Minister Harper engineered this (knowing or suspecting that a coalition deal was in the works) with the long term goal of clearing out the deadwood parties and preventing future "pizza parliaments" and unstable minorities. I suspect that he would be comfortable with mergers or party extinctions that result in national parties and a clear "Left/Right" choice for voters, and would graciously head the opposition should a real majority of voters elect one opposition party to power, since that would reflect his desired outcome. (If he would be allowed to gracefully lead the Opposition is a different story, of course).