Update, not much has changed, but meh, all good.
Rank: FSgt
Position: Flt Comd(last known position, likely position in 2 weeks when we go back)
Physical Education and Recreational Training (01, Penhold)
Aircrew Survival(03, last year at Lac Sab)
Glider(1 of 320 nationally, 60 or so regionally, 04 at RGS(A))
Power(1 of 250 nationally, 50 or so regionally, 05, run from EVVRE, trained at Gatineau)
Level 5 complete(done training)
Emergency 1st aid
Bronze fitness
Civie quals through cadets:
GPL=Glider Pilot Licence (yes I know it's down twice)
Restricted Radio Operators Permit(Aviation)
PPL=Private Pilot Licence (also down twice)