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what qualifications do you have?

Army Cadets Master Cadet, CLI D&C, CLI Patrolling, Standard First Aid, Bronze Fitness, Legion Medal of Excellence, Army Cadet Service Medal.  
I was:

Master Cadet
CLI Adventure
Lord Strathcona's medal
75th Annyversary RCL medal
gold Fitness
First class shoter
Had been drum major due to medical conditions
Pipe sagrent
Level 4 piper
standard first aid
and that's it...
What I had:

1996-2002 (1996-1997 -> 3FER/ 1997-2002 -> GGHG)
CL (Delta 1999)
CLI D&C (2000)
Leadership & Challenge (RMNACSTC) (2001)
Basic Plt WO (India Coy 2002)
Cross Rifles & Crown
Standard First Aid
Gold Fitness
Master Cadet
Long Service Medal should be on its way

Don't really remember, I think that's it.
Kenchin said:
What I had:

1996-2002 (1996-1997 -> 3FER/ 1997-2002 -> GGHG)
CL (Delta 1999)
CLI D&C (2000)
Leadership & Challenge (RMNACSTC) (2001)
Basic Plt WO (India Coy 2002)
Cross Rifles & Crown
Standard First Aid
Gold Fitness
Master Cadet
Long Service Medal should be on its way

Don't really remember, I think that's it.
I was put on alpha by mistake for 3 days in 2000...1 platoon
well i had  my - NSCE, 2 years staff, MWO,  bronze fitness, 125 pin , First aid, level 4 P&D drums, and level 2 alto sax, CLI P&D, Long service Medal.

C/MWO. Marier (ret)
Black Watch said:
I was put on alpha by mistake for 3 days in 2000...1 platoon
HAHAHAHA! I was in Bravo by mistkae for the first few days... I think we actualy exchanged each other's spots!
I was 1 PLT Bravo (Tent 1) for a few days... then moved to 1 PLT Alpha (Tent 3)

1996-2002 (1996-1997 -> 3FER/ 1997-2002 -> GGHG)
CL (Delta 1999)
CLI D&C (2000)
Leadership & Challenge (RMNACSTC) (2001)
Basic Plt WO (India Coy 2002)
Cross Rifles & Crown
Standard First Aid
Gold Fitness
Master Cadet
Long Service Medal should be on its way

Yea I forgot Duke of Ed (Bronze)
When I was   Cadet, three weeks ago:

Rank: C/CWO

Summer Training:

CL 2001 Vernon DCoy 14Pl
CLI D&C 2002 Vernon ACoy 3Pl
L&C 2003 Rocky Mnt ACoy 1Pl
CLI D&C DS WO 2004 ACoy 2Pl
CL, CLI D&C CSM 2005 E and G Coys respectivly

Qualifications, Awards, and Other Fun Stuff

National Star 2003
Int'l Expedition 2003
National Star PlWO 2004, with Ryan

Marksmanship II (a miracle, ussually I couldn't hit a wall in front of me) 2003
Gold Fitness (except when I joined and I was fat, then   I had Bronze LOL) Several times, obviously...
Emerg. First Aid 2002, 2004
Master Cadet 2004

Bronze D of E 2004

LSM 2004
ACSM 5 2005

LCol Lake Top Army Cadet in BC 2005

General good times all around. 2000-2005
ARMYboi69 said:
(they always found a way to screw me ot of a fitness level at camp, or LHQ)
This probably doesnt include you, but most people don't have a clue how the scoring works, and they then don't receieve the level they want. Most people don't get that the lowest common catagory qualified is your level.
Rank: F/Sgt

Unit: 299 RCACS

Camps: Basic- 2003 (GACSTC)
          Introduction to Rifle Coaching- 2004 (CRPTC)
          Introduction to Aviation- 2005 (RGS-A)

          Parade Position: Squadron Warrant Officer
          Level: 5
          Zone shooting competition
          Rifle Team Captain
          Distinguished Marksman

Sgt, Standard first aid, Bronze, CLI Drill and Ceremonial, Silver Star [Skipped gold, doing my nsce this year]

and thats about it lol...prolly the lowest qualified sgt in my corps lol
Rank- C/WO1
Positions-flight 2IC, Flight comd, SWO, Sqn D/Comd, Sqn comd, NCOIC adventure, NCOIC survivial,  Training NCO, Training officer.
Courses- basic, aircrew, Intro to instruction, survivial instructor. all were top flight for my years/intakes.
Staff on SIC twice as a f/sgt.
Awarded leigon and lord strat medals.
Top cadet once, top flight commander twice.
C/CWO for Survivair in its startup year.
Standard first aid.

List of Quals:

Basic-BACSTC-H Coy-98
Cadet Leader-BACSTC-G Coy-99
(note: BACSTC-is Blackdown Army Cadet Summer Trg Centre, before the 3 elements and the name change)

S/SGT-Blackdown-H Coy-02
S/SGT-Blackdown-I Coy-03
S/SGT-Blackdown-E Coy-04

Rank: MWO-Retired as of Sept 2004

Other Quals:
-Standard First Aid with CPR
-Distingushed Marksman
-Brozne Fitness
-Gold Star
-Certified on the 25pdr Gun Howiter Artillery Field Gun. 


- Legion Medal
-Army Cadet Service Medal 2 bar= 7 Years
-Top Shot in corps
-Piles of NCO award etc, not going to list them, too many after 7 years.
-Bronze Duke of Ed
-CO's Commendation from Blackdown Commanding Officer 04
-Certificate of Service
-Service Plaque
There you have it, nothing special typical Cadet Career
Certified on the 25pdr Gun Howiter Artillery Field Gun. 

And what kind of certification would that be?

Why would anyone get certified on a gun that has been out of service for so many years?

Probably certified just enough to fire blanks for parades, then clean it. Not really to bring the gun to action and engage. Just my guess.
recceguy said:
Probably certified just enough to fire blanks for parades, then clean it. Not really to bring the gun to action and engage. Just my guess.

Basicly we use the field gun owned by 10th field bty assoc. which sits in the links and winks/10th field bty armories. Our cadets are taught pretty much the entire proceedure, take it in and out of action, how to lay the gun, make correction, load and unload (yeah we use blanks which are shotgun shells inserted into the bottom where they bore a hole in the casings).

Basicly we set up a gun detachment entirely cadet run, minus the safety coordinator which was when i was out the cadet corps gun detachment for my seven years in cadets it was Dave Hagan. We do not simply fire blanks, we do demos and go through the entire proceedure, granted for demos it is a set up we use roughly the same numbers but of course, the orginal bearing we take off the theordolite (spelling) changes.

We train the cadets on all 6 postions plus GPO (not the whole deal with that, just the basics) so everyone can do everything technically. It's basicly a way of tying us to our history, and get some interaction with those who actually served on that guns, and believe it or not my last year the detachment myself included, could do the whole demo with any numbers with at least 3 corrections, was pretty quick, doing the full procedure with Dave Hagan timing it, we could put a round in the air every minute if we were firing live ammo...Mr. Hagan always figured that wasnt bad for a cadet corps.

So basicly our gun detachment was used for demos for 10th field assoc..any time the battery was doing any type of anything big as far as cermonial, we were there to fire off the gun, we did tons of demos for the public, Canada day, and of course our own annual.
muskrat89 said:
And what kind of certification would that be?

Why would anyone get certified on a gun that has been out of service for so many years?


Because would you let a bunch of cadets play with a howitzer?...we are a cadet corps not a reserve unit. As far as I know when the whole deal was first set up, the cadet corps had an interesting time getting the army cadet league to actually agree to let us do it, obviously we got what we wanted.
Because would you let a bunch of cadets play with a howitzer?...we are a cadet corps not a reserve unit

Right, which is why I questioned the use of the term "certification". To me, a "certification" implies a more..umm.. practical qualification. Regardless, you explained it pretty thoroughly. Sounds like a pretty neat program.
My rank: Private (for us it's gunner, artillery corps)
Everything else:
Distinguished marksman and a place on our rifle team
Standard first aid
2nd place Junior medal at local marksmanship competition
And, as S.Stewart mentioned up there, my corps fires the 25 pounder field gun on annual and other stuff...I'm a meber of a detachment for that too. I'm either a number two or four...I love firing off stuff. I'm glad we got what we wanted, that gun is the coolest thing and to operate it is really neat...next saturday is our next practise. YEY!
Air Studies, Standard First Aid, Basic Air Cadet, Level 5, Bronze Physical Fitness, Sergeant, Pilot License, Radio operator's certificate...

Oh, I forgot to write down: Flight Comd (Acting), Dep Flight Comd, Flag Party (Sqn and Cdn flag), drill team, Level 3 Senior Instructor...