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What to do- Avor's Journey

I'm very sorry to hear that things aren't going well (I assume thats what you mean by "bad stuff very dark"), but I'm glad that your still with us, and I hope that things get better and you get healthier.
Avor is there anything we can do to help?  How about some company?  If I'm anywhere close I'd love to come and shoot the shit with you for a while.
Yes I do, I tried to come back earlier, to find my old topic and tell everybody that Im not dead or anything. But I am sorry I could not continue to relply to all your coments and thank you for your support. But things got realy bad. I cant remember much, but it sucked alot. Only now has my vision and cordination improved enough to use the computer/internet decently.

Anyways, late merry christmass.

As one of many who silently hoped we would hear from you again, welcome back, soldier.
Avor said:
Only now has my vision and cordination improved enough to use the computer/internet decently.

Is this going to be a continuing trend? I hope so.

Avor said:
Anyways, late merry christmass.

And to you.
Good to see you back, man.
I feel like a bit of a tool, I didn't know my old thread was unnlocked and my first messsage made it through.

I keep it there, sorry for the inconvince,
Jager said:
I'm very sorry to hear that things aren't going well (I assume thats what you mean by "bad stuff very dark"), but I'm glad that your still with us, and I hope that things get better and you get healthier.

Im even getting better from when I wrote that, but things were dark.

The doctors would have left me for dead if it wasnt for my mom telling them, I was on all sorts of drugs and spent the most of the time traped in my own mind and halusinations, fighting contanly the insanity that I thought I once conquered.

I have regained some sanity, but there is alot of damage. I can deal with wounds and infections, but there is a kind of brain damage, The darkest and sickest part is that I have forgotten so much, everythimg from WW2 battle to my only sister''s face
I merged your two threads, Avor, to make things a bit easier for you.

Avor said:
I feel like a bit of a tool,

There is no need to do that, and no need to apologize for anything.

Avor said:
Im even getting better from when I wrote that

This is all that matters. Keep doing it.
I somehow missed this thread over the last couple of years.  Avor, keep up the fight.  You have a large group of supporters here who are behind you all the way.  I hope 2011 brings you everything you wish for, and more.
Good to hear you're still in the fight, Avor.

Nix mentioned it too - whereabouts do you live?  If anyone is close by and you need anything - even just some company - don't be afraid to ask, I'm sure any of us if in the position to do so would be only too happy.
Redeye said:
Good to hear you're still in the fight, Avor.

Nix mentioned it too - whereabouts do you live?  If anyone is close by and you need anything - even just some company - don't be afraid to ask, I'm sure any of us if in the position to do so would be only too happy.

I need somebody to help me drink my whiskey, scotch, vodka and otheer hard drinks that I have hidden around the house.

Serously, I would apprecate some company. Anyways, I'm out in Duncan BC.

There is no need to do that

I feel like a tool not only because I messed up up, but because many years ago that was the kind mistake I would harp on people for. I don't take any kind of failure well, I know it's not the heathiest thing, but its part of me, and one of the things that keep me going.
Avor I am originally from the Island, next time I am out there I will send you a pm.  I wish you well and continuance of your recovery!
I'll likely be in Duncan (Maple Bay) to look at a couple yachts when I am on my break from KAF.  We can set something up!
A small update while I am able. For more than the last month, things got worse, as in that life has been kicking my ass, literaly and figuratively.

Tnere was a cut on my left cheek that grew and became very infected. Infections and the meds to treat them always screw with my mind and sight. Even after getting the infection down, the doctor had to come in anddo  bit a surgury. He had to remove the dead tissue and stich the whole thing up. I assume peole would have prefered that he also stiched up a few other holes while he was at it. But tnat surgery requires me to keep wieght off it it, that means even if I was able to see the screen, and cannot sit up even the slightest to use the computer.

I hate missing the discussion as it takes place on issues like Libya. Although, it's probly best if I don't.