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What to wear to the Interview.

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My interview is tomorrow, and I‘m trying to figure out what to wear.

Is a suit pretty much mandatory, or are dress pants and a sweater okay?

Any tips for taking the interview?
business casual. shirt and tie is good, don‘t wear a tux, don‘t wear jeans. just be well-dressed, but also reasonable comfortable.
Wear something not punkish, but not overly formal.
Stay cool and relaxed. It‘s just an interview.
And don‘t lie.
Thanks for responding.

*laugh* I think it would be hilarious to show up in a tux, complete with cufflinks, bowtie and cumberbun.

But really, I think I‘ll go with black dress pants and a nice, tasteful sweater.

I have to do everything tomorrow - aptitude test, medical, physical test and interview. I hope they do the interview before the physical test. It would be a pain to change out of my nice clothes, get all sweaty, and then change back into them for the interview.

Wish me luck!
If you‘re doing the physical and medical on the same day, you may want to bring a change of clothes. The interview is a peice of cake, as long as you‘re not racist, sexist, and you don‘t say you want to join the forces so that you can go kill people (believe me, this happens).

The aptitude test is a cinch, believe mem I‘ve done it twice; once when I got in, and once for a remuster. Just don‘t stress, take your time and think logically. I finished the whole thing, but most people don‘t so don‘t worry about it if you don‘t.

For the medical they‘ll ask you a million questions down to if you‘re taking vitamins or protein supplements. Do you have any caffeine in your diet, and how much, and at what intervals. They‘ll do a basic eye test, hearing test, strength test, reflexes etc., nothing major.

The physical is also pretty simple. I did it when I was in really awful shape and still passed. But, they will be taking your blood pressure at several points during the test, so don‘t have any caffeine that day or even the day before, cuz it may influence the results. Also, if you smoke... don‘t smoke that day, for the same reason.

That‘s about it. It‘s not too tough if you keep calm and just do it one thing at a time. Good luck!
Well, I had my aptitude test today and filled out a few forms but the center was shorthanded, so my interview, medical and physical test got postponed until next week! I was hoping to get it all over with today, but now I have another week to stress over it. Oh well, c‘est la vie.

I found the aptitude test challenging, but nothing unbearable.

For anyone who has done the medical, what is the eye exam like? Do you just have to read from a basic chart, or do you look into a machine like in a driver‘s licence eye exam?
it‘s your really basic eye chart thing, cover one eye, read, cover the other eye, read. That‘s it. They‘ll also have you read that colour chart thing to make sure you aren‘t colour blind.
How long after submitting your application were contacted for your interview?
I got called 4-5 days after submitting my application. My appointment was scheduled to take place 3 weeks from that date (actually 4 because it got pushed back a week because they were short-staffed).
The GGFG are starting to recurit this month and i have gave my application papers last month so hope fully they will call soon
yay! :)
Well, I had my physical/medical/interview today. Here are my observations:

Physical: The step test was pretty easy, though I couldn‘t help laughing at the great music ("up, two-three, down, two-three...."). Sit-ups and the hand grip test were a breeze, too. I did 32 sit-ups and passed the squeeze test easily. Push-ups were challenging. The guy insisted on very strict form. Hands have to be in very close to the body (with the thumbs next to your nipples) and you have to come down very far, almost to the ground. I managed to do 20 (I actually did 26 but a lot didn‘t count. It was very frustrating. He would count: "One, Two, Three, Four, Nope, Four, Nope, Five, Six, Seven, Nope.. come down lower, Eight, etc...").

Interview: It was a bit more in-depth than I expected (though that may be because I‘m going in for an officer occupation). He asked a lot of questions about my past, education, personal characteristics, and even world events). One thing you should be prepared for; he will ask whether or not you have ever tried drugs. Be honest. I admitted that I tried pot a few times, and was a little nervous about it until he told me that it‘s not a big deal, and just about everyone he interviewed has tried it. Anyway, he said he‘d give me a good recommendation. On the scale of 0-9, he gave me a 6, which is the highest rating they give for a regular, unskilled person going in for a Officer occupation. A 9 would be someone who is already a trained, skilled Officer. 7 & 8 would indicate people who already have training in the Reserves, and are trying to switch over to the Regular Forces.

I still need to get a note from my family doctor about a previous sports injury, which should be no problem, and when I get that they‘ll send my file out to Brampton for approval. If I get approved, I have to go before a selection board in Halifax for more interviews. If I pass the selection board and am picked, then I go on to basic training. As things stand right now, I won‘t hear anything more about my application until after Christmas, so I have a fairly long wait to endure.

Well, at least the first step is over with. With me luck.
My interview was the same. Lots on world events, lots on past education (even high school, which was a long time ago for me), and even more on my work experience and how it relates to the military -- especially in terms of leadership. I still have the medical and phys. exams to do., and am hoping my old and ****ty body will get me by.

For anyone going in to the interview, make sure that you answer everything honestly. There is no point in covering anything up.

I‘m not too sure what my rating was -- they never mentioned it to me. But, I came away from the interview with the understanding that they are looking for mature, stable, and worldly people.
I did the aptitude test about 3 weeks ago and am currently waiting for them to call to inform me of the schedule for medical/physical/interview. But the aptitude wasn‘t too hard, aside from not being able to use a calculator.. I forgot how to do the math problems by writing. Oh well, still passed. Half of it is math though, so if you have trouble with that subject get a tutor or something. I did. Helped a little bit.

For the interview: I have a suit to wear (jacket, pants, tie, etc..) but is that <b>too</b> formal? maybe just wear the shirt/pants/tie ?

- Patrick
shirt pants tie is fine, or even a nice sweater and dress pants. Business casual is fine, and if you‘re doing the physical on the same day as the interview, make sure you bring some workout clothes and shoes with you.
That‘s good to know. Thanks for sharing the information. I still have to get my application in though. I‘m nervous as this is such a life changing event, considering I have 2 little kids to consider.
I have my interview, medcial, and appt test on oct 30 at 7:30 in the morning!!!!!!!!!!
i can‘t wait