1984 is fast approaching.......
No tolerance for language police
By Charles Adler ,QMI Agency
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The “Guidelines for Inclusive Language” is a document developed by the Equity and Inclusive Education Working Group for the Durham District School Board, designed to eliminate all words deemed offensive.
Basically, it’s political correctness gone rampant thanks to a few clueless educrats. Just the title and the group of people who came up with this manifesto of BS tell you everything you need to know about the initiative. The guidelines include a cultural proficiency continuum, with a spiral-like graphic indicating the stages of your tolerance.
If you’re a level one, then you are culturally destructive and likely among the most vile individuals roaming the Earth. You’re probably searching for the nearest cultural minority in order to belittle him or her by calling them a “Muslim” or “janitor” or “wife.”
Yes, all three of those words are considered inappropriate by the Durham District School Board.
On the other hand, if you’re a level six on the cultural proficiency continuum, you’re an angel in the eyes of clueless bureaucrats.
You’ve embraced every culture and you do everything to retain your pristine record of political correctness. Of course, you’re probably so terrified of insulting anyone that you keep your mouth shut all the time, in case you offend the educrats. That’s the biggest problem with imposing political correctness in a free society like Canada. The beauty of a democracy is that if someone uses truly reprehensible language, you can call them out and counter their opinion. I do this all the time on my show.
But you don’t need to be told by the language police that your choice of words is destructive and you should be shunned for the rest of your life. I’m certainly not advocating the use of racial slurs or homophobic insults. I choose not to use such words because, like most rational Canadians, I know they’re offensive and unnecessary.
The educrats are going so far as to eliminate gender, nationalities, religions and even certain kinds of jobs from the English language. You aren’t a mother, you’re a parent or guardian. You aren’t a Korean, you’re a person from Korea. You aren’t Jewish, you’re from a Jewish faith group, a term so vague it could define any group of people who believe in anything.
With previously innocent words banned by the language police, many Canadians are afraid to speak up. Political correctness is stripping away at the very foundation of democracy by reducing the ability to speak freely without being harassed by the state or anyone else.
This reign of nonsense needs to end before politicians seriously start pondering laws that could restrict offensive free speech.
Soon we’ll live in a world where history is rewritten to be politically correct, so we can all live in peace without the fear of offending anybody.
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