DAA said:Yup, just another day in paradise.....
Disabled man wants legalized 'sex assistants'
MONTREAL - A wheelchair-bound man wants Quebec to follow the lead of some European countries by training "sex assistants" to meet the needs of disabled clients.
Andrea Cudini, paralyzed since birth by cerebral palsy, has an active life under the sheets but flouts the law while doing so.
For several years he has regularly received what he calls "moral assistance" from women he pays $60 to $100 for sexual encounters.
"For me, it's like eating or drinking. This is a vital need," Cudini told QMI Agency from his unit in east-end Montreal.
He wants prostitution to be decriminalized for the benefit of disabled people or anyone else willing to pay for sex.
Switzerland, Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany train women to become sexual partners for the disabled. France is considering a similar program.
Disabled Canadians who want such companionship must go underground. Cudini's first sexual encounter was in an abandoned squatter's building, where a young woman approached him and offered him sex for money. He said yes.
They came back to his place and became "bedroom buddies," as he put it.
From then on, he sought out "moral assistants" in parks, bars and from among friends.
He says he'd much rather see the service offered legally.
"I dream of a building in an industrial area that's converted for that (purpose)," Cudini said.
Sexual frustration is a fact of life for as many as 70% of disabled people, according to a recent Laval University study.
A separate 2011 CROP poll suggests just 45% of all people would be willing to have sex with a disabled person.
Disabled-rights advocate Bethsa Leconte says something has to change.
"We don't associate the word disability with sexuality," she said. "Yet it's an essential need. We all want to have a fulfilling life. Sexual life is part of that."
She says Andrea Cudini isn't the only one who is using prostitutes "with all the risks that that entails."
Leconte says an organized sexual-support service would curb the risks.
"We need trained people who know the type of disability who know how to react if a problem arises."
But sexologist Andre Dupras isn't convinced.
He dismisses sex assistants as "a quick fix" and "a panacea for sexual frustration.
"This is a simplistic ... solution," Dupras said. "We can do better than that."
He says a lasting solution will only come if able-bodied Canadians change their attitudes about disabled people and sexuality.
-The Sexuality and Disability association in Switzerland trains "sex assistants."
-Training includes a course on disabilities and psychology as well as practical workshops on massage and masturbation techniques.
-Swiss sex assistants are paid $144 an hour. The service is not covered by insurance.
-Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany offer similar services.
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) -- In a city of boundless bling, Dubai police also are in hot pursuit after adding a nearly $550,000 Lamborghini to its fleet.
The sports car, painted in green-and-white colors of the Dubai force, will not likely be roaring after law breakers. Instead, it will be mostly dispatched to tourist areas to show -- in the words of deputy police director, Gen. Khamis Matter al-Muzaina -- "how classy Dubai is."
Local media reports Thursday say the Italian-made Lamborghini Aventador is the crown jewel of a wider upgrade in Dubai police wheels. The force also is adding some American muscle car Camaros.
Dubai seeks to show it has rebounded from its debt crisis with brash plans that include the world's largest Ferris wheel and a satellite city named after the city- state's ruler.
Mali to give France new camel after first one is eaten
April 10, 2013 12:34am
BAMAKO/PARIS - Malian authorities will give French President Francois Hollande another camel after the one they gave him in thanks for helping repel Islamist rebels was killed and eaten by the family he left it with in Timbuktu, an official in Mali said.
A local government official in northern Mali said on Tuesday a replacement would be sent to France.
"As soon as we heard of this, we quickly replaced it with a bigger and better-looking camel," said the official, who asked not to be named because he was not authorized to speak to the media.
"The new camel will be sent to Paris. We are ashamed of what happened to the camel. It was a present that did not deserve this fate."
Hollande was presented with the camel when he visited Mali in February several weeks after dispatching French troops to the former colony to help combat al Qaeda-linked fighters moving south from a base in the north of the country.
The president joked at the time about using the camel to get around traffic-jammed Paris. But he chose in the end to leave it with a family in the town on the edge of the Sahara desert.
Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian was tasked with giving Hollande regular updates on the camel's status and had to inform him of its death last week, French media said.
"The news came in from soldiers on the ground," said a French government official.
French leaders have received many gifts of exotic or wild animals from Africa and further afield over the years.
Last week, a robber chainsawed a tusk off the skeleton of an elephant offered to Louis XIV by a Portuguese king in 1668. Police caught the robber as he fled, tusk under his arm. — Reuters
PMedMoe said:Melania Trump uses anti-aging moisturizer on her 7 year old
At $100 for 1.7 oz I guess she can afford it.
cupper said:Mother has doomed her to a life of singledom.
What man will want to date someone who appears to be seven years old? And should she date the ones that would?
Are you longing for a boyfriend? Well, if you don’t mind your guy being a semi-creepy, life-size knit person, have we got the self-birthday gift for you.
Dutch designer Noortje de Keijzer has created a pair of cushion men, lovingly hand-stitched by her mother and grandmother and known collectively as “My Knitted Boyfriend.” Their individual names, however, are Arthur and Steve and they both come with their own manly accessories, like mustaches, bowties, glasses and even tattoos (for those who like our stuffed men a bit on the wild side.)
Does a life-size knit man need to brush his teeth? (Noortje de Keijzer)Does a life-size knit man need to brush his teeth? (Noortje de Keijzer)There’s also an illustrated how-to manual for those who need a little tutelage on what to do with an inanimate object.
“My Knitted Boyfriend is a cushion with a story. A cushion with a personality. A cushion to kiss! Or, well… to cuddle, to caress, to hug, and to smile with. Because this man is always happy,” de Keijzer writes on her website.
“But most of all he likes to lay down next to you in bed. With your head on his chest and his arms wrapped around you. This way you will never feel alone ever again. With this man you can be sure, he will never leave you.”
While de Keijzer admits the idea started off as a bit of a joke, she was also inspired by the loneliness she felt for lack of a companion. "I could say that's a joke, but it is partly true," she tells i09.
An accompanying video to promote the product reveals that the Utrecht, Netherlands-based artist has a pretty good sense of humour about the whole thing, although try not to bristle when she carries the knitted skin suit to her bed and stuffs it with a pillow. For those who have never seen Silence of the Lambs, this is pretty much the arts and crafts version.
A little creativity is a good thing, however, and de Keijzer has come up with more of a social statement than a lasting work of art. No matter how busy our lives get, it reminds us of how deeply we as a species need to connect on the most basic, organic level.
It also puts the Japanese Boyfriend Pillow to shame. Because why settle for a disembodied arm when you can snuggle up beside an entire person-shaped replica?
Do you think this is funny or creepy?
A borough woman allegedly shot and killed her husband early Saturday as he was teaching her to use a gun for the first time while they were drinking in their home, according to police and documents supporting her arrest on involuntary manslaughter and related offenses.
“I shot him,” Michele Wanko, 42, reportedly told Parkside Police Patrolman Brian McNeill Jr. The officer arrived at the house at 3:57 a.m. Saturday to find 43-year-old William Wanko lying in the hallway entrance, with an apparent gunshot wound to the upper chest, just below the Adam’s apple, authorities said.
Michele Wanko, who made the 911 call, also told police her wounded husband said, “I can’t believe that happened,” before he ran out of a small room in their basement and collapsed. The blast of gunfire awakened their oldest of two young sons, according to police.
William Wanko was transported to Crozer-Chester Medical Center where he was pronounced dead at 4:23 a.m. Later Saturday, Delaware County Medical Examiner Dr. Fredric Hellman ruled the cause of death as a gunshot wound to the chest and the manner of death as a homicide — one of three in Delaware County on Saturday bringing the homicide toll for the year to nine, the first for Parkside in about a dozen years.
“It was a reckless act,” Police Chief John Egan said Sunday. “They were drinking for hours and they were handling firearms.”
Additionally charged with aggravated assault and possessing an instrument of crime, Michele Wanko was preliminarily arraigned by video at Chester Police headquarters Saturday evening. She was released on $250,000 unsecured bail, which was set by Magisterial District Judge Diane Holefelder, the weekend duty judge. A preliminary hearing is scheduled May 1 before Magisterial District Judge C. Walter McCray III.
Michele Wanko’s arrest capped a daylong investigation Saturday by borough police and county detectives that included at least three interviews with the wife, Egan said, noting her statements were consistent.
“She told us they don’t have money to go out on Friday night and drink so they stay home, like a lot of people do,” Egan said. “Their decision for him to show her the guns cost him his life and perhaps her freedom, and cost her the children, at least temporarily.”
he was teaching her to use a gun for the first time while they were drinking in their home
Who among us hasn't -- just once in our lives -- put a couple of things in a test tube, a bottle, or our mouths and wondered what might happen?
Occasionally, this might have difficult consequences. But rarely does someone try to arrest us for it.
16-year-old Kiera Wilmot wasn't so lucky.
This student at Bartow High School in Florida allegedly thought she'd put a couple of household chemicals in an 8-ounce water bottle, just to see the reaction.
The reaction was that she was expelled and marched off in handcuffs, accused of felony possession/discharge of a dangerous weapon
According to the Ledger, Wilmot performed her experiment behind the school cafeteria. There were some kids in the vicinity.
She believed that there would only be smoke and not the small explosion, which the school principal, who was standing nearby, described as sounding like a firecracker.
It doesn't appear to have been an officially sanctioned school experiment (and police reportedly wouldn't say what the chemicals were). But there is no evidence that there was any malice in her actions.
As WTSP-TV reports, Wilmot's principal, Ron Pritchard, explained that she was notorious -- for being a very nice person.
Pritchard said: "She is a good kid. She has never been in trouble before. Ever."
You might imagine, then, that this explosion caused vast damage to school buildings, which had to be evacuated.
Not quite. The top of the bottle popped off and there was some smoke. No one was hurt.
This all happened around 7 a.m., local time, on Monday of last week. Pritchard agreed that Wilmot had merely been trying an experiment.
He told WTSP: "She wanted to see what would happen (when the chemicals came together), and was shocked by what it did. Her mother is shocked too."
She was completely honest about what she had done.
This wasn't good enough for the Polk County Schools District. Oh, no, Wilmot needed to be made an example of.
The district issued this statement: "Anytime a student makes a bad choice it is disappointing to us. Unfortunately, the incident that occurred at Bartow High School yesterday was a serious breach of conduct. In order to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment, we simply must uphold our code of conduct rules. We urge our parents to join us in conveying the message that there are consequences to actions. We will not compromise the safety and security of our students and staff."
So, despite the fact that Wilmot reportedly told police this was nothing more than the experimentation of a curious mind, she was taken to a juvenile detention center and may now be labeled a felon.
One of the most important parts of a science education lies in the need to experiment. It's only curious minds that make the world progress.
One of the most important parts of a general education is the teaching of judgment.
Who exercised the worse judgment here? Kiera Wilmot or the Polk County Schools District and the local police?
cupper said:Gotta nip this radical in the bud, before she becomes an inspiration to inquisitive teens everywhere. Schools just aren't safe anymore.
Schoolgirl tries science experiment, arrested for felony
A teenage girl puts two household chemicals in a water bottle at school to see what might happen. There is a small explosion. No one is hurt. She is expelled and charged with weapons possession.