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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

I was droping off some forms at the CFRC I came out and there were two neighbours from the south walking ahead of me this is how it happened.

1st walker: That was a long trip up here.
2nd walker: Yeah, I cant wait till we get to Banff... It will be nice to be in Canada

I was in downtown Edmonton.... cool.
:orly: :orly: :brickwall:
Wasn't Jack Layton on TV last night blathering something about Sri Lanka...and he got it wrong? Again? ;D
OldSolduer said:
Wasn't Jack Layton on TV last night blathering something about Sri Lanka...and he got it wrong? Again? ;D

Wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
Journeyman said:
Mom said if the lady from Child Services came by again, we shouldn't call the paint chips "wall candy"  ;D

:rofl: :rofl:
Journeyman said:
Mom said if the lady from Child Services came by again, we shouldn't call the paint chips "wall candy"  ;D

Geee....really?  I always thought that's where M&M's come from....you know....eat the red ones last.......
Journeyman said:
Mom said if the lady from Child Services came by again, we shouldn't call the paint chips "wall candy"  ;D

excellent stuff.

I was discussing it at work and my buddy (who is a quick thinking guy) said I should have told the guy they were not kayaks they were my wifes shoes.
Journeyman said:
Mom said if the lady from Child Services came by again, we shouldn't call the paint chips "wall candy"  ;D

Gotta admit that right there, was pretty funny.
The story:  Canadian Space Agency names two new astronauts (not the dumb thing)


Second comment from story:
Grace Blackstone
Where are the women and visible minorities? This should be an equal opportunity employer!

Okay, that's the DUMB thing!!!!  .....sheesh..... ::)
X-mo-1979 said:
I was discussing it at work and my buddy (who is a quick thinking guy) said I should have told the guy they were not kayaks they were my wifes shoes.

You should of said:  "Crap, you can see those?  Damn it all to h*ll!  Man, I hope I kept that receipt for my giant invisible Ninja water shoes!"
You should of said:  "Crap, you can see those?  Damn it all to h*ll!  Man, I hope I kept that receipt for my giant invisible Ninja water shoes!"

Honestly echo wife I think that would have lead to conversation...and I was totally without words.I'm rarely without something to say...but he got me good.
Pte *BLOGGINS* WAS going to be on extras for the next 5 days for stealing a GWagon for his own personal shower run and then proceeding to refuel several diesel generators with propane.  BUT we'll have to find someone else to fill said extras because he is now going to Afghanistan.

I normally don't pick on the ignorant, because they just don't know, but sometimes you get a question or comment SO dumb ...

Today, someone told me they were applying to the Regular Force and they were wondering, "Just HOW full-time IS it?"

After I went through the trouble to explain the Regular Force Army and postings (to Pet, Shilo, Gagetown etc) I asked why they wanted to know (thinking, like a reasonable person, that maybe they wanted to take courses or something in the evenings).

The applicant told me that they had been asked by their current employer if they could still work part-time at the Warehouse in Toronto when they weren't doing "Army Stuff" and they were hoping that they'd be able to come back every other weekend or so to do that ... you know ... whenever they weren't working doing "Army Stuff" ... because they figured they didn't really want to spend ALL their time away somewhere else.

I confirmed that they knew that Regular Force meant they'd have to go live where we told them (i.e. where the BASE was) and they said they knew ... but ... you know ... when they weren't doing "Army Stuff" they'd want to be back here helping out in the warehouse ...

Sometimes you have to know when to cut your losses and walk away ...

Apparently he is a Gaming wizard.....
CEEBEE501 said:

Apparently he is a Gaming wizard.....

not just a wizard but a wizzard  ^-^
His notes are even better

    3 years in army cadets. Also the first cadet to come up with an electron-based ground laser weapon... Seriously, while in grade 8. I haven't finished it yet, but it will be awesome, changing the world forever. FTR, I'm calling it "oversized scissors" till i can publish it.
He may claim to be the first 15 y/o cadet to think upon such things, but definitely not the first to try to invent one. After a quick google search it looks like they were researching those type of things as early as 1983, oh and of course the Chinese are researching it as well apparently :)

Speaking of dog tags...
SQ - "You cant wear these dog tags any more, they've got 'AUST' on them"
Hales - "Whats wrong with AUST?"
SQ - "The Austrians have the same on theirs so we've changed it"
Hales - "Can i go to the clothing store then and get new ones then?"
SQ - "No, you need to hand an Loss & Damage form into your boss, he'll investigate it, then hand it to me, when we get enough of you needing them I'll fill out an authority to issue then you can all go and get it done at once...It'll probably take a couple of months"

This is for a simple set of ID discs. They cost the ADF $0.20. And it'll take a couple of months for me to get new ones with "AS" on them instead of "AUST". If it wasn't so totally ridiculous it'd be funny
