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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

"Police arrested Denysiuk, who registered blood-alcohol readings of .322 -- more than four times the legal limit for driving."

PMedMoe said:
Baffled?  I'm sure you were as most people with that alcohol level would be unconscious, in a coma or possibly dead.

This story made me curious as to what the world record B.A.C. is:

"...the man remained conscious and talked with them." 

All the more interesting because of his age, and the head injury.
No medical explanation as to why he survived is given in the story.
Perhaps after so many years of heavy drinking he developed a tolerance for alcohol?
mariomike said:
Perhaps after so many years of heavy drinking he developed a tolerance for alcohol?


Alcohol tolerance

Alcohol tolerance is increased by regular drinking.  This reduced sensitivity requires that higher quantities of alcohol be consumed in order to achieve the same effects as before tolerance was established.

Alcohol and Tolerance

Chronic heavy drinkers display functional tolerance when they show few obvious signs of intoxication even at high blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) which in others would be incapacitating or even fatal.

Obviously, this woman's BAC was still affecting her ability to drive.

Reminds me of people who wear the same perfume all the time, to the point where they no longer smell it and just apply more. 

PMedMoe said:
Reminds me of people who wear the same perfume all the time, to the point where they no longer smell it and just apply more. 

Like this?
"It's funny, cuz it's true!" ;D

Regarding: "Permissions to use":
Cartoon creator is Mike Adams.

"Cartoon creator Mike Adams must be conspicuously credited.
Web address www.NaturalNews.com must be posted below or adjacent to the cartoon in a conspicuous manner. If on the web, the link must be clickable."

Oh, it's not just women.  I've had the misfortune to stand beside some guys who probably use both Axe bodywash and cologne.  Trust me, my reaction isn't like that portrayed in the commercials.  ::)
Ah, yes, the soap-dodgers attempt to fool the rest of the world.  :o :-X
xena said:
Ah, yes, the soap-dodgers attempt to fool the rest of the world.  :o :-X

Oh no, they shower and then procede to marinate themselves in perfume/cologne.
PMedMoe said:
A Winnipeg woman pleaded to be released on bail Wednesday, three days after police arrested her allegedly driving her children to school while drunk.

Not getting released after sobering up is really unusual and a bit stupid.  I know many people charged with rape are let out quicker and I suspect some charged with murder are.  The two critical questions are whether she will appear for a trial and whether the public needs protection.  There is no reason to think she will not appear and all drunks have a high liklihood of reoffending but they aren't all retained in custody.  Sounds like a political statement.
PMedMoe said:
Oh, it's not just women.  I've had the misfortune to stand beside some guys who probably use both Axe bodywash and cologne.  Trust me, my reaction isn't like that portrayed in the commercials.  ::)

I could not agree more.
But, we have been exposed to a lot of irresistible TV commercials. I think they even used hypnotism in this one.
( Viewer discretion is advised! )

PMedMoe said:
Denysiuk, 42, claimed she hadn't been drinking for 24 hours prior to her arrest and was "baffled" at her blood-alcohol readings. Denysiuk said she had been ill and was taking cough medications.

Everyday I get someone who claims their last drink was 24 hours ago. Surprising then that their BAC is a multiple of the legal limit.
Reminds me of an episode that Denis Leary show "The Job" - he was told he had to quit drinking, so he took up guzzling NyQuil...showed up at home for a romantic evening with a green moustache on.

Dennis Ruhl said:
Not getting released after sobering up is really unusual and a bit stupid.  I know many people charged with rape are let out quicker and I suspect some charged with murder are.  The two critical questions are whether she will appear for a trial and whether the public needs protection.  There is no reason to think she will not appear and all drunks have a high liklihood of reoffending but they aren't all retained in custody.  Sounds like a political statement.

This is not unusual in Winnipeg. We've had far too many killed by drunk drivers. This one may be a repeat offender.

Read thru the thread...then take a look at the profile of the person in question.  Key words "limited experience'. 

Why some  Pte not even with enough time-in yet to get their first chevron is telling a Supply MWO how the Supply world works is enough to make me want to punch holes in my wall.

Some of your newbies really need to learn to STFU.


Tovasshi, you just earned the Stu Pedidiot challenge.
Thanks Eye, that was a very interesting read, some for amusement and some for realizing the some new younglins do need to learn STFU.  What was most disturbing is the fact that there was in internet argument over something trivial as pants for (big guess)DEU pants  ???  And a declared Private no-hook calling out a well respected MWO in the Sup Tech trade.  I'm not even sure I got the Pte's trade. 

It was also duly noted that Vern is at a specified base going around topless and mowing lawns...to which our minds only ask~~~ :pop: this post is useless without photos  :pop:

Posts of ID 10 T's are always welcomed and graded

:piper: BTYD

BYT Driver said:
It was also duly noted that Vern is at a specified base going around topless and mowing lawns...

My grass is a little long.
Eye In The Sky said:

Read thru the thread...then take a look at the profile of the person in question.  Key words "limited experience'. 

Why some  Pte not even with enough time-in yet to get their first chevron is telling a Supply MWO how the Supply world works is enough to make me want to punch holes in my wall.

Some of your newbies really need to learn to STFU.


Tovasshi, you just earned the Stu Pedidiot challenge.

You know what? After reading that thread ... I'D give her male pants.

It must hurt to stuff those huge balls into female pants ...

(make no mistake, Tovasshi may be genetically female, but it'd take some BIG balls to talk to Vern like that while in the same geographic location!)
;D Must be the steroids in the food at St.Jean.  I remember back in the day when they put salt peter in to curb the "male requirements"  :o
I think this young lady missed the PO on STFU in St.Jean???

Phew! Today's kids...OMG! I sound like my grandfather>> :crybaby:
BYT Driver said:
;D Must be the steroids in the food at St.Jean.  I remember back in the day when they put salt peter in to curb the "male requirements"    :o
I think this young lady missed the PO on STFU in St.Jean???

Phew! Today's kids...OMG! I sound like my grandfather>> :crybaby:

Old wives tale Click Here
LOL, that was the story told to each of us and we passed it on...call it a tradition...like Alice!!!! 
Perhaps it was from shear exhaustion that the "male requirement" never stood to attention... ???

But I like mover1's addition in another thread..."one private says to another..go frak your mother"..to which members at our age say...I probably did!!!" I love being older, it adds spice to the idiots being stupid!    :piper: