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WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

Goldy said:
Hey guys, where are your recruiting center...  ???
I'm from Ottawa and I didn't receive any call yet!!! :crybaby:

I'm in Ottawa too!  I've had my phone on my desk all week, hoping to hear something.  It was the first thing I did this morning!  Hopefully soon!

When did you folks complete your interviews, medical and tests?  I finished mine exactly 2 weeks ago for MARS.  I am praying that will give me enough time to hear back but I am starting to get worried. 
I did my interview and medical on the 23 of April, they got my medical back to Bathurst RC the 3rd of June.
Just a head up for some people... I called my CFRC (Det Victoria) and talked to my file manager. We had a little ESL communication errors, but what I got out of the conversation was that I was merit listed, but she said that she would send it off. They had till the 18th to send it into Ottawa. And that I would know by the end of the week.

So in conclusion I think that I am very happy that I called today for "Just a check up on my file!"

I know for some of you, this is a very frustrating process, I know I like to vent a little here. But just remember, as my RSM Clerk friend reminds me "we can make ya or break ya." Luckily I have a very nice file manager that has been there for a while, but taking your frustrations out on the CFRC staff isn't always a good idea. Only say that because I have seen it.
I applied to both MSEng and NCSEng. My first choice is MSEng.

My medical, interview day was March 29th.
I'm going for NCSEng and MARS, and I think I definitely prefer NCSEng.

I just called up my recruiting centre here in London - they said that they had sent off my application but hadn't received the list from Borden yet.
Hey everyone!  I just got off the phone with CFRC Ottawa and I've been loaded onto the NOAB!

Can't wait to meet you all!
sigh, I'm still waiting.  I had my interview in April/may and THAT went well, I've been hounding my recruiting office for the past couple of weeks...all I get is, They received your name and we're still waiting to hear back.  One more week... Hopefully i get my call .
Well I know two things now. The board is full and they really do use top down marks. I felt bad for the Pte that had to call me today and rescind the good news he gave me last week. I was bumped from the list. Thinking I will ask if I can re-write the CFAT. Unfortunately Borden doesn't tell the CFRC why I was bumped. Wish I knew so that I could do something about it, this is the seconded one I have been bumped from. Next NOAB is September (wait I know three things) and I hope that I make it on that one or my pride will really take a beating. I'm not giving up, hopefully that will show some staying power come the day I actually sit the board. Now failing the board after waiting a year... that would suck.

Had I gone ROTP, I probably could have avoided all this board waiting.

Good luck to the rest of you who are going! The 9th (decision day) is my B-Day, have a weeper for me in the gunroom. I know I will be.
What other requirements besides CFAT do they use?  My CFAT score was high enough that I was able to enter into some of the more mentally challenging officer positions, it was just that my eyes aren't the greatest.  For vision, i met the requirement, but not by much considering i didn't meet it last year and only when the requirement was lowered I was able to reapply.  Anyway, my recruiting center told me that they would have to close my file and i could reapply again in February to ensure that my app gets in among the first bunch.  If the board is meeting again, should I just ask them to resubmit for the next run?
I'm sure they take into account the whole picture and CFAT is just a part of that picture. I'm also just making assumptions. It could be DEO vs CEOTP. If I were choosing candidates, it would be some sort of numbering scale.

I know my medical was a clean bill of health... Because I am a CF Member I had to do my medical at 19 Wing, blood tests and all. Doctor asked if I was going for Pilot, because if not it was a waste of an A1 score... I just laughed. They straight out told me my CFAT wasn't beautiful... so again I assumed. Well we all know what assuming does.

If they closed your file how could they resubmit you to Borden for the next board? Sounds like you pretty much need to start fresh come February. Or am I just reading your post wrong?
Have been drilling through the forum for a few weeks now, and want to confirm that I understand correctly, if anyone could chime in and correct me if I misunderstood something, I would be grateful.

As of yet, I have done my
[list type=decimal]
[*]Security & background

If I understand correctly, from now until the extension of an offer (if I am successful in all the steps, ) there will remain:
[list type=decimal]
[*]Merit List

Also, if I understand correctly, this would mean that if I fly on angels wings, I could make it for the last BMOQ of 2009 (somewhere in Nov.?, or for Jan 2010. Is this timeline realistic or am I being optimistic?


What obstacles can I encounter in the rest of the process?

What is involved in being merit listed, what factors in?

I am asking because I am about to graduate and am planning the next few months... and any input would be appreciated,

