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Which Coast?


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Hi everyone, I have joined the canadian navy starting basic training in borden in january,
just a question, the recruiting office tlod me i would have a choice of where i would be posted im from new brunswick and would like to stay in the maritimes so does anyone know the chances of me going the halifax , im in as a NET acoustic
abramstech said:
Hi everyone, I have joined the canadian navy starting basic training in borden in january,
just a question, the recruiting office tlod me i would have a choice of where i would be posted im from new brunswick and would like to stay in the maritimes so does anyone know the chances of me going the halifax , im in as a NET acoustic

abramstech said:
do you know if theres a way t give them a preference

Normally, when it is time, they will ask you what your preference is and if that preference fits in to the Navy's grand scheme then they will accommodate you.  Otherwise you will go where they tell you to.  Also, you will be in Halifax a very long time training before any Home Port decisions are made.
ralli909 said:

I was like "Oh crap" I can't head in the artic with family and everything then I read this article, the new ships at the north port will be crewed by reserves

thank goodness I'm going reg

From the article that you linked to:
I’m confident that our naval reserves will meet the challenge of contributing to the crewing of these new ships with the same success they enjoy now in crewing the Kingston class coastal defence vessels.

I don't know if you realize it or not, but currently the MCDVs have 2 reg force personnel onboard.  Granted, they aren't MarEng like you are planning on going, however there has not yet been a confirmed decision on the requirements on the new ships.  As well, the reserves are having trouble keeping the MCDVs crewed on their own which means there is a possibility that they will beg/borrow/steal from the regs for assistance and this could continue into the Arctic as well. 

What it boils down to is what you will be told no matter what component/element/trade you are in or going into: you will go where the military sends you or you find something else.  You need to realize that and so does your family.  There is no guarantee for postings.
  I actually spoke to the NET career manager about 6 months ago...........he said he will try to put people on the coast that they want....but in the last couple of years, most people have been wanting to stay east coast. 
  He said that if he has a graduating class of 8...........he is going to most likely split it up 4 per coast.  AND , it doesn't matter if you have a house, wife, kids here in Halifax.................there is still a chance that you will get posted west...........He said he can no longer just keep sending the single guys out west, as that shows discrimination and unfairness to singles.
  There ya go.
CallOfDuty said:
  I actually spoke to the NET career manager about 6 months ago...........he said he will try to put people on the coast that they want....but in the last couple of years, most people have been wanting to stay east coast.

That's interesting.  I've always had the impression that the west coast was the more popular.

In any case, things are much more enlightened now that in the past.  I understand that there were cases in the Korean war when sailors were detained ashore for various offences, then posted to the next available ship when they got out -- even if this was a ship from the opposite coast.  (One wonders if any of them tried to get locked up a second time to play the odds again and get back to their previous home port!)
Always a chance you will not go where you want but the CMs do their best to accomodate you if you already have roots in BC or NS. After all they don't like seeing personnel get realeased after their first BE.
yep I fully understand the needs of the Navy come first, just didn't know about the Arctic Base till this posting. No worries, I'll sail where ever there's water :)
As an aside, back in the days of the chariots when I was heading for my first ship on the west coast I managed to convince my future best friend, who was from Newfoundland, to join me there. Twenty plus years later I don't think he has forgiven me. ;D
I am a Sonar tech currently in halifax working on my 4s package.  I was told that I dont actually get a posting until I am 5s qualified.  I may be posted here in Halifax or once I am done my 5s, I could very well be sent out west (dear god I hope not).  It all depends on the needs.  Long and short of it,  dont worry about it until you are done your 3s and then they will try and send you where you want to do your 4s package. That will be done in Halifax. Thats a ways away for your. If you want west, you will probably get it as most want to stay east.
From one NET(SONAR) to another, the real truth is that you do not get assigned a HPD (Home Port Division) until after your QL-5 training. 

When you get out east for your 3's, drop down to the ships and we'll give you a tour.

Good luck on basic, and hope to see you in the fleet.
