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Who'll be the next CDS? Speculation here, please!!

After hearing MGen Day speak the other day, he`s got my vote on CDS Idol. Very to the point and gave me some confidence in the leadership here.
PuckChaser said:
After hearing MGen Day speak the other day, he`s got my vote on CDS Idol. Very to the point and gave me some confidence in the leadership here.


If there were ever a case to be made for a 2-leaf to jump to 4, he's it!

Good2Golf said:

If there were ever a case to be made for a 2-leaf to jump to 4, he's it!


He was my OC in 2VP for a bit. Full of common sense, so how did he make it this far? ;)
tomahawk6 said:
Maybe the next CDS will be Air Force.

I think you may have nailed it, largely as a result of this successful operation:

Here's the next CDS:

Given the fact Canadian  Government tends to like peace and quiet .And they did set a precedent with appointing an outsider to head  the RCMP.it just possible I may a have found a candidate that I' sure would meet with their approval .
GK .Dundas said:
Given the fact Canadian  Government tends to like peace and quiet .And they did set a precedent with appointing an outsider to head  the RCMP.it just possible I may a have found a candidate that I' sure would meet with their approval .

Cheeky bugger you are!  ;)
Hunt nears for country’s next top soldier
STEVEN CHASE OTTAWA— From Saturday's Globe and Mail Saturday, Jun. 02, 2012
Article Link

A selection committee is two weeks away from drawing up a short list of candidates to serve as Canada’s next top soldier and Department of National Defence insiders say there are three apparent front-runners: the current second-in command, the head of the navy and the top Canadian at NORAD.

General Walter Natynczyk, the Chief of the Defence Staff since July, 2008, is slated to step down as early as mid-summer – and a selection panel of senior government officials is expected to suggest several candidates by mid-June.

This changing of the guard comes at a critical time for the Canadian Forces, which are grappling with budget cuts, big purchase plans for new planes and ships, and the task of readjusting to life now that the high-profile combat mission in Afghanistan is fading in the rearview mirror.

“The Afghan mission gave the military a sense of focus and cohesion. Now it’s like after the Stanley Cup run’s over. It’s hard to keep a team motivated and on track,” one source said.

It’s up to Stephen Harper to pick the next Chief of the Defence Staff and the Prime Minister’s choice will send a clear signal as to the kind of role Ottawa’s political masters want the military to play in the years ahead.

While the Tories lack enthusiasm for peacekeeping assignments that leave troops mired in lengthy conflicts, they’re looking for smart solutions to the defence of Canada’s Arctic territory and borders, and they are open to limited overseas military interventions such as the Libya mission, provided their U.S. and U.K. allies are leading the way.

National Defence sources suggest key contenders to replace Gen. Natynczyk include: Vice-Admiral Bruce Donaldson, the current vice chief of the Defence Staff; Vice-Admiral Paul Maddison, commander of the Royal Canadian Navy; and Lieutenant-General Thomas Lawson, deputy commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command.

Sources caution there’s no decision yet and that the selection committee has not indicated whom it considers top picks.
More on link
At the Admiral's town hall meeting a couple of weeks ago it was mentioned that "they" believe this century is going to be a "Maritime" one for Canada.  Trade is going to be by sea lanes and Canada will be wanting to project the interests of the GoC globally by means of sea power, and thus the move on albeit snail like to increase the needs and capabilities of the RCN.  So, if this is perhaps the direction that the GoC want the CF to shamble towards, then it might be a Sailor who gets the nod.
Much like Brazil, the future always belongs to the Navy....
Jim Seggie said:
Thank you. If you don't know knots very well, tie lots. The clove hitch is a good one.

phhhtttttt.... sounds like 50 shades of Khaki.
GAP said:
This changing of the guard comes at a critical time for the Canadian Forces, which are grappling with budget cuts, big purchase plans for new planes and ships, and the task of readjusting to life now that the high-profile combat mission in Afghanistan is fading in the rearview mirror.

More on link

My bet is on VAdm Donaldson.  The bolded areas above are among his fortes (i.e. insistence on doing things properly and transparently).  Remember, he was the one who ordered the crackdown on benefits run rampant (NB: please note that he did not order them cancelled and forgotten, but rather insisted that the proper processes be completed in order to implement them legally vice the previous practice of "implement now and we'll sort out the legalities later" - which still hadn't happened several years after the fact).

I suspect that they'll want VAdm Maddison to remain at the helm of the Navy for awhile longer in order to oversee the transformation which is just beginning.
I wouldn't take that bet...how much are you betting?  Can we divide up your money now? 

Maddison if the Gov't wants quiet, sea-state 1 operation, or Day if it wants to reinforce a bit of 'larger-than-life' character that still balances accountability and stewardship of resources.

Good2Golf said:
Maddison if the Gov't wants quiet, sea-state 1 operation, or Day if it wants to reinforce a bit of 'larger-than-life' character that still balances accountability and stewardship of resources.
My loonie, given my WAG that PM&Co. may want an even lower key CDS than the current incumbent, would be the former.
I would put safe money on VAdm Donaldson considering the other two "front runners" have only been in their new posts for a year.  I think the next go around will be incredibly interesting (LGen Beare, LGen Lawson, MGen Day, and MGen Vance among others all being very strong candidates).
I'll put a beer and a couple of pickles on it that we see VAdm Maddison appointed. Just a couple of pickles though ... I can't go bankrupt.  ;D