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"Whose War Is It?" by J. L. Granatstein

      I have heard a few people talking and debating about the book both pros and cons. Here is one of the not so good reviews. I am going to have to pick up the book and find out what all the fuss is about.

The Ugly Canadian
Embracing the American Empire

by Jim Miles; June 06, 2007 

Review of:

Whose War Is It? How Canada Can Survive In The Post 9/11 World. By J. L. Granatstein. (Harper Collins, Toronto, Ontario, 2007.)

The 'ugly American' - arrogant, ignorant, hubristic, militaristic - has in this instance a good Canadian counterpart. Whose War Is It?, to continue the image, is one of the ugliest books I have read about foreign policy in relation to the Americans and the 'war on terror'. It is similar in style to Michael Leeden, Charles Krauthammer, and Thomas Friedman, all writers who support the transcendence of America, and the use of the military to set right the world. They all support the Orientalist approach to the declared war in that 'we' are being attacked because they dislike our democracy and licentious freedoms without any consideration given for previous American actions around the globe that have created significant 'blowback' - the major and highly unexpected one being 9/11. It is perhaps uglier from my perspective in that as a Canadian military historian, Granatstein professes those same beliefs while writing a book containing many examples of patriotic military jingoism in relation to Canada.

The book is not all bad, given some decent thinking on Canadian sovereignty in Canada's Arctic territories, and valid concerns about Canada's citizenship regulations, but those are mainly internal matters. His views on foreign affairs, the military, the 'war on terror' are just as misinformed as his American counterparts. Throughout the work, there are many underlying premises that are not fully supported. The writing style is weak (again as with Ledeen, Krauthammer, and Friedman), using unsupported and somewhat fanciful conjecture, using such technically defined approbation such as "piss on", "twaddle", and "woolly headed thinking", and assuming the general foolishness of the reading public (ignorance can be overcome with education, foolishness is simply a trait).

The book starts with a conjectural story about an earthquake in Vancouver on February 12, 2008 with the 'big one' happening at 8:08. Along with all the other local scenarios, a terror group in Toronto has been waiting for just this kind of event to release anthrax in the Toronto area. The writing is a combination of Star Wars, End of Times, and Fear Factor rolled into one, setting the scene to support his subsequent arguments. It might seem a good start for some to begin with a conjectural rant of fiction and fear, and it sets the tone for the rest of the book.

Given the editorial philosophy of the publication that carried the review, one should not be surprised by both the tone and the thrust of the review. The reviewer clearly would not be out of place at a gathering of the far left and, while he identifies a number of contentious points in the book, reverts to personal abuse and the trumpeting of slogans in place of reasoned rebuttal. If I already had not read the book, this review would cause me to immediately rush to the nearest book store.
Old Sweat said:
Given the editorial philosophy of the publication that carried the review, one should not be surprised by both the tone and the thrust of the review. The reviewer clearly would not be out of place at a gathering of the far left and, while he identifies a number of contentious points in the book, reverts to personal abuse and the trumpeting of slogans in place of reasoned rebuttal. If I already had not read the book, this review would cause me to immediately rush to the nearest book store.

Yup he sure do use some purty big fancy words there. Too fancy for this poor unedumucated ex grunt. ::)
Sorry I was unable to get through all the review as I have developed a low tolerance for wasting my time.

And I knew it would be a waste of time within a few paragraphs.  ::)

Like, you know, if I said what I really thunk, the mods, like, woulda dumped on me.
Loved the book, really showed to me the stupidity of anti-Americanism to Canada.

Pity we don't have any required reading Laws, we could at least write it into the constitution I guess :P