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Why Delete Your Account?

mt.chep said:
I would like my account deleted because I do not want to be associated with the obnoxiousness of this forum/ site.
I have every right as per the terms to not be a part of this site if I want.

Hello mt.chep

It is the SOP of the Staff to observe a 24 hour administrative review period before we delete any accounts. If, after 24 hours, you feel the same then simply PM me and I will carry out the action as soon as I can.

Deleting an account is a permanent action. If in a few years you wish to rejoin, your history can not be rebuilt. We have observed members who's participation on the site ebb and flow due to taskings, deployments, and just life in general. As new questions or concerns arise, members return to the site and carry forward. This is part of our rationale for the administrative review period.
That’s fine if you want your account to be deleted. You dont, however, have to put the site and the people associated with down. To aspiring and current members, this site has been/ is a wealth of valuable information. Sure you have the recruiting centres for official information, but because of distance, scheduling, at times difficulty to reach via email and phone and the fact that questions arise once you leave the center, this is a worthy secondary resource.
He's probably just speaking out of anger...seems he didnt fit the bill for Pilot looking at his post history and that's somehow this sites fault.
There is no need to prove his point.

This will cease, now.

I have reviewed your posts, mt.chep, and the posts that immediately followed them. I saw no "obnoxiousness" directed at you, so I have no idea what your complaint is.

We perhaps tend to be blunt here, and there is perhaps some rowdy banter at times, but raw obnoxiousness is frowned upon.

Please provide some examples of this alleged obnoxiousness, or at least a little more explanation.
Jarnhamar said:
It might be beneficial if members could self-delete though.

You would think so, but the reality is we would have a spike in impulse deletes that then re-register a new account a few days later, causing challenges for continuity with posts, etc. (All old posts are "unattributed" once the parent account is deleted.)

Worse, the user may expect that their posts would be deleted too. They would not be in that case, which may trigger a request that the Staff hunt down and delete each post individually. Once the parent account is removed, that becomes a manual and time-consuming task. When an admin deletes an account, they have the option of deleting all associated posts by simply checking a box, should the user request that as well.

Bottom line, any user can request account deletion at any time. They do not need to give a reason, although I typically find it beneficial if they are willing to provide one.

Frankly, if the response to mt.chep's delete request is representative, I can understand why they asked.

We use a 24h cooling off period as SOP because experience has shown that often (anecdotally, a small majority of users in my experience), they change their mind. Sometimes because things have cooled down, and sometimes because they have identified the reason for the request and it could be mitigated via other means.

The other important point, which was touched on above, is that a request to delete is a request to abandon the site. That is, users who delete are not permitted to come back later, under a different pseudonym. This can be a problem where immediate or self-delete is available, as cooler heads prevail and folks may want back in down the road.

Hopefully that sheds some light on the process.
