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Why is the military so right wing?

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Bob Rae gave my dad a job! But they've been cutting his budget ever since. (He's a MNR Conservation Officer)

But Yea. Rae wasn't too bright.
Nemo888 said:
Do not confuse this site with the military. This site has progressively gone further and further right and no longer really represents the average military member currently serving. Most soldiers are more moderate than those in this forum.

Perhaps you would also like to advise us what type of toilet paper we should buy.

Another blank profile, everything else hidden. Figures.

Another drive by pot shot....      ::)

Oh, I dunno.  I've always considered our military to be very left wing.

Government jobs:  everyone's got one. 
Universal health care.
Universal dental.
Free education.
Governmint issued clothing.
Bucketload of paid time off.
Equal pay amongst peers.
We also share our clothing when we hand it back into Clothing stores. Sounds pretty socialist to me.
Back on track troops.....this one is fast aproaching its expiry date.....
Adrian_888 said:
I got a question.  Why does it seem that so many people in the military are all right winged and don't like socialist/liberal ideas?  I know that in this forum, i have seen people make fun of people by calling them left wings and communist, i don't see why you cant be in the military and still support left wing parties.

Come on Adrian, I am still waitng for your definition on being right winged.

Cough it up, you started this thread, how about answering my question.

Wesley (Over There) said:
Come on Adrian, I am still waitng for your definition on being right winged.

Cough it up, you started this thread, how about answering my question.


Just cause I can't wait until the smarter Mods bin this I would suggest its like being right handed or left handed..........budda-boom.
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