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Will the Shifting Economic Power Balance Topple Democracy?


Army.ca Dinosaur
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We're hitting the democracy ditch, it seems...

"Since 1999, the global democracy indicator has been on a clear downward trajectory – presenting a very different picture from the averages depicted in the first graph above. The decline is driven predominantly by the rising economic power of non-democratic states like China. You may notice that the value in 2022 is roughly the same as in the late 1970s, when the world was in the midst of the Cold War. What is more worrisome is that a reversal of the downward trend is unlikely in the near future."


Just going off of the first blurb of the article, but if they removed the word 'economic' so it just read new world order it would fit right in line with the downward trajectory of democracy & the principals that democracies tend to stand for

Across western Democratic countries, there has been a subtle yet continual assault on democratic values and freedoms, sometimes from outside forces but often from within.

Unless western countries luck out with politicians that have their ear to the ground & are familiar with what's been happening, and have enough of a spine to stand up to it...I think that downward trajectory will slowly continue to head downwards.

As illegal immigration soars in the US & Europe, the economic status of the average person will continue to diminish - and it can only diminish so much until protests start, which inevitably turn violent when people's very livelihoods are at stake...

As those protests turn into riots, and riots both breed radicals & extremists as well as make for prime targets for those of similar mindset, chaos will continue to worsen.

Sometimes in waves, other times in what seems like never ending unrest - but governments will witness what's happening and inevitably give themselves the tools necessary to keep the peace & quell any uprisings.

Que the online censorship & active viewing of people's internet activity, censorship of the news to avoid adding fuel to the fire - and voila...

Even if a government has the best of intentions for its citizens, it will find itself arming itself with the same tools as an authoritarian state because they didn't get ahead of the massive economic shift the entire world is heading towards & starting to experience.

That's my 0.02