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Women in U.S. infantry (USMC, Rangers, etc. - merged)

No women in the infantry yet.Field Artillery has been opened.Ranger School is more a leadership school which is why there are so many officers in Ranger School.The Ranger Regiment is a seperate animal entirely.
Yes yes.  And letting gays openly serve will bring the US armed forces crashing down.
Why not just open everything up and if women can pass the PT tests and the courses let them do whatever. If they can't punt them to the curb.
I admit to being old fashioned.Women dont need to serve in the infantry or special forces,there are plenty of other career fields that they make a contribution.I also dont favor gays in the military.But thats my opinion and I am not a policy maker.
tomahawk6 said:
I admit to being old fashioned.Women dont need to serve in the infantry or special forces,there are plenty of other career fields that they make a contribution.I also dont favor gays in the military.But thats my opinion and I am not a policy maker.

Tomahawk6 I'm going to take a stand opposite my fellow Canadians and applaud they way the U.S. Army and Marine Corps are going about this.  Your country is a serious military power that spends a lot of money to ensure that you have combat capable forces ready to look out for American interests worldwide. 

We have no such a aspirations in Canada.  In our recent operations the most important aspect has always been to be seen waving the flag.  Winning for us is not that important; therefore, it really doesn't matter what sort of force we put out.  Is having women serving in the infantry in Canada more important that defeating let's say the Taliban?  I would hazard that IT IS more important to the politicians who are our bosses; therefore, make it so. 

I applaud the U.S. Army and Marine Corps for sticking to their guns and refusing to lower standards.  By doing so, they have in fact empowered those women that are able to cut the mustard which will allow them to earn the respect of their peers and subordinates but also make sure nothing is left to question.  We did no such thing in Canada, we integrated women but created double standards right from the point of entry which has set women back IMO. 

We also politicized certain courses where instructors were forced to pass students they shouldn't have been forced to pass.  This cronyism and nepotism doesn't only extend to women but also covers others who have been found wanting whose friends in high places covered for them or made a phone call. 

It's these sorts of things that undermine our profession in Canada and I applaud the US Military for sticking to its guns and not caving into political pressure.  I do believe that women will eventually be integrated into US combat arms units in the US but that it will be done without a lowering of the standards.  There are women that can do the job and they should be given the opportunity but the military shouldn't lower standards to satisfy a bunch of special interest groups.

While we don't agree on certain things Tomahawk6 (i.e. Homosexuals being allowed to serve) I believe we both agree that the military is and should remain a meritocracy.  For this there should be no compromise regardless of who your mommy or daddy are, which sex you are or what your sexual orientation is.
RD if I am reading that right, you are saying you have. O issue with women in the military if they can meet the same standards as the men?
RoyalDrew said:
Tomahawk6 I'm going to take a stand opposite my fellow Canadians and applaud they way the U.S. Army and Marine Corps are going about this.  Your country is a serious military power that spends a lot of money to ensure that you have combat capable forces ready to look out for American interests worldwide. 

We have no such a aspirations in Canada.  In our recent operations the most important aspect has always been to be seen waving the flag.  Winning for us is not that important; therefore, it really doesn't matter what sort of force we put out.  Is having women serving in the infantry in Canada more important that defeating let's say the Taliban?  I would hazard that IT IS more important to the politicians who are our bosses; therefore, make it so. 

I applaud the U.S. Army and Marine Corps for sticking to their guns and refusing to lower standards.  By doing so, they have in fact empowered those women that are able to cut the mustard which will allow them to earn the respect of their peers and subordinates but also make sure nothing is left to question.  We did no such thing in Canada, we integrated women but created double standards right from the point of entry which has set women back IMO. 

We also politicized certain courses where instructors were forced to pass students they shouldn't have been forced to pass.  This cronyism and nepotism doesn't only extend to women but also covers others who have been found wanting whose friends in high places covered for them or made a phone call. 

It's these sorts of things that undermine our profession in Canada and I applaud the US Military for sticking to its guns and not caving into political pressure.  I do believe that women will eventually be integrated into US combat arms units in the US but that it will be done without a lowering of the standards.  There are women that can do the job and they should be given the opportunity but the military shouldn't lower standards to satisfy a bunch of special interest groups.

While we don't agree on certain things Tomahawk6 (i.e. Homosexuals being allowed to serve) I believe we both agree that the military is and should remain a meritocracy.  For this there should be no compromise regardless of who your mommy or daddy are, which sex you are or what your sexual orientation is.

Age should be included in this as well.  We are all fighting persons regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race ect. And should be held to basic equal standards such as fitness and marksmanship.
Halifax Tar said:
....basic equal standards such as fitness and marksmanship.

I hope you're not planning on pushing this unrealistic agenda on the Navy.  ;D
Sheep Dog AT said:
RD if I am reading that right, you are saying you have. O issue with women in the military if they can meet the same standards as the men?

Exactly, my personal opinion is we should do away with gender classification.  We don't have men or women, we have soldiers.  Standards should be tied to occupation and should be based on what we want that occupation to be able to achieve.  The US Military has a standard and they are sticking to it, whether you're a man or a woman.

The FORCE Test got it half right in that the standard is now equal.  It got the rest wrong though in that it took a broad sample of the military and how we were performing at our tasks and then came up with a testing protocol based off of how we were already performing. 

The methodology was basically "your able to do this and this at this present time so the test score should be this" when the reality was the leadership of the military has been saying the fitness standard of our average soldier is unacceptable.  Rather than correct the problem, the military simply lowered the standard so that a higher number of soldiers would get a pass on the test.

Rather then finding ways to improve the overall performance of our soldiers we opted for the easy way out and lowered the expectations.  This shows me that we are not a results driven organization. 

Milnews and Recceguy will appreciate this one:

"Yes Minister, we've made significant improvements to our fitness testing protocols and I am happy to report everyone is now passing!"

Lumber said:
I hope you're not planning on pushing this unrealistic agenda on the Navy.  ;D

Ok will throw a drinking game in or two for you lot!  ;D
Lumber said:
I hope you're not planning on pushing this unrealistic agenda on the Navy.  ;D

Chemox run and shooting....with a 57mm cannon?   

Or in the AF, a stroll to the airplane and shooting drink glasses with bar snacks  ;)
Sounds like we may have two female grads ....
Two female soldiers will graduate from the Army’s grueling Ranger School on Friday, becoming the first women to ever complete what is considered one of the U.S. military’s most difficult and premier courses to develop elite fighters and leaders, a senior Army official said.

The accomplishment marks a major breakthrough for women in the armed services at a time when each of the military branches is required to examine how to integrate women into jobs like infantryman in which they have never been allowed to serve. But even as the two new female graduates will be the first women allowed to wear the prestigious Ranger Tab on their uniforms, they still are not allowed to try out for the elite 75th Ranger Regiment, a Special Operations force that remains closed to women and has its own separate, exhausting requirements and training ....
They knew this a week or two ago, when the staff were told that the President would be there to ensure that this latest of his social engineering championing would get heat and light.

Of course, grumbling about the lesser standards, pre-training (dedicated of course), etc are just huffing and puffing by Neanderthals, so....  ::)
Both females are officers that graduated from West Point,so I would be inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt at this point.
tomahawk6 said:
Both females are officers that graduated from West Point,so I would be inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt at this point.

Indeed, and making a big deal of it lessens their own substantial personal achievement. They know what they did, and so does everybody else who has discernible brain waves.
I would imagine being accepted by their peers would be 100 times harder than meeting the physical challenges.
More on the above:

And it's official: these two are the first Women US Rangers:

Army Times

Two women earn Ranger Tabs in a first for the Army
By Michelle Tan, Staff writer 9:45 p.m. EDT August 17, 2015

The Army on Monday announced two women and 94 men met the standards of the course's third and final phase, also known as the Swamp Phase.Two women will graduate from Ranger School on Friday, becoming the first women to earn the Ranger Tab.

Their graduation ceremony will take place on Victory Pond at Fort Benning, Georgia.

The women are part of the Army's gender-integrated assessment of the grueling two-month Ranger School.

First two women to pass ranger school  ;D
(original from Funker530)

Jarnhamar said:
First two women to pass ranger school  ;D


Is it wrong of me to still have a crush on Pink Ranger?  I would love to have the opportunity to "Non-Aggressively Court" her  ;D
RoyalDrew said:
Is it wrong of me to still have a crush on Pink Ranger?  I would love to have the opportunity to "Non-Aggressively Court" her  ;D

If you were Ranger qualified I guess that you could legally 'stalk' her  8)
The Navy is going to open SEAL training to women.
