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WTB: Small pack, Cadpat biv bag, Cadpat boots

I think what everyone needs to realise is that no military ever has a perfect kit range. With this new CADPAT and IECWS equipment coming out, people are having divine fanstasies about solve-everything kit that will make them comfortable no matter what situation might arise. Being at RMC, where there seems to be a game of "who can get the new kit first"? going on, I've heard some major speculation on "what the tac vest must be like" and "how great gortex boots are". Really, no kit is ever going to solve all of your problems. Even the very well-funded Americans have troops in Iraq with a countless amounts of personal kit, making an industry out of the matter. You've got t realise that the kit we're getting is going to have some growing pain, but that troops 10-20 years ago would have been very happy to get anything  close it, so you can stop complaining. Think of the soldiers who took Europe wearing wool uniforms and thin cloth webbing!
loyalist said:
I think what everyone needs to realise is that no military ever has a perfect kit range. With this new CADPAT and IECWS equipment coming out, people are having divine fanstasies about solve-everything kit that will make them comfortable no matter what situation might arise. Being at RMC, where there seems to be a game of "who can get the new kit first"? going on, I've heard some major speculation on "what the tac vest must be like" and "how great gortex boots are". Really, no kit is ever going to solve all of your problems. Even the very well-funded Americans have troops in Iraq with a countless amounts of personal kit, making an industry out of the matter. You've got t realise that the kit we're getting is going to have some growing pain, but that troops 10-20 years ago would have been very happy to get anything   close it, so you can stop complaining. Think of the soldiers who took Europe wearing wool uniforms and thin cloth webbing!

Blah blah blah, how can you be crusty when you're not even a subbie yet?

Playing the "old soldier" and "be thankful for what you do have" is an old line, and one we have all heard before - from old soldiers!

Those of us who use the kit will stick to critiquing it without the opinions of a one bar wonder to lecture us on how fortunate we are. Stick to the books, and have a great day.
I'm not trying to speak lie an "old soldier", and your uneccesary accussing me of trying to imply that I'm arrogant enough to believe I am is really not welcome. I'm speaking from the point of view of someone who has seen people roast their feet on marhces in their "fabulous magical solve-all" gortex boots, complain incessantly about the webbing and fantasize nonstop about the tqactical vest. I then thought: what about those who were fantasizing about the 1982 pattern webbing in 1981? It's really not all that great!"
  Really, the fact of the matter is that no kit is going to solve all your problems, and knowing it's limitations is key. The new kit that I've had the joy of working with so far has been great, and I'm looking forward to all those new items they have lined up for us at DND: vests, C7A2's, ballisitc sunglasses, gucci headwarmers, gortex socks and stocking, polypro...but I'm not expecting it to be the save-all, either. Thinking that way is just depressing.

Now, back to the books.
Something I find funny is thew CFSME PATS patloon, as of last summer, had most of the new clothing/equipment except the tackvest. I found it kind of funny because the new recruts in my unit are issued a tacvest with the rest of there equipment.

My bigest beef with the tacvest is that it can only hold 5 mags (rummer mill is saying that our basic load will be upped to 10 in the next few years)
loyalist said:
I'm not trying to speak lie an "old soldier", and your uneccesary accussing me of trying to imply that I'm arrogant enough to believe I am is really not welcome. I'm speaking from the point of view of someone who has seen people roast their feet on marhces in their "fabulous magical solve-all" gortex boots, complain incessantly about the webbing and fantasize nonstop about the tqactical vest. I then thought: what about those who were fantasizing about the 1982 pattern webbing in 1981? It's really not all that great!"
Strange, I've seen men hike through Afghan mountains in the Wet weather boots with wool socks and foot powder, and while I would'nt reccomend them, they are far and away superior to putting gore tex liners into the mk 3s or buying 300$ Danners.
Really, you have'nt even been in the army yet, so lay off on the learned critiquing of kit.

Really, the fact of the matter is that no kit is going to solve all your problems, and knowing it's limitations is key. The new kit that I've had the joy of working with so far has been great, and I'm looking forward to all those new items they have lined up for us at DND: vests, C7A2's, ballisitc sunglasses, gucci headwarmers, gortex socks and stocking, polypro...but I'm not expecting it to be the save-all, either. Thinking that way is just depressing.

Want some pom poms to wave while singing the praises of the DND and toeing the party line?

Pretty amazing how you managed to turn into a "yes" man so quickly! Now tell us what you think of the great staff and seniors at RMC, and how great they all are - I know you want to!
My attitude is 'any idiot can be uncomfortable in the field'. I take the kit I'm issued, do as best I can with it, and if absolutely necessary supplement it with something civvi-side- for instance I had a family member pick me up some OD green Under-Armor in Qandahar when she was last there.

I refuse to wait with baited breath for anything the Puzzle Palace has working it's way down to us- I'm no 'old soldier' or battle hardened grunt, just an R031, but I've got enough familiarity with DND through my family that I don't expect miracles of them.

When a new piece of kit rears its pretty head, that's great, but (in my limited experience) I've gotten by just fine with what I have. If the army wants my Goretex to be OD green so someone with a real job to do can get it, that's fine by me, and if the new private who somehow has an ICE Goretex jacket wants to flaunt it, good for him.

That's not to say I'm not a bit of a kit-whore; if I can get it I generally will, but I don't hold with the line of thought that the army has a God-given obligation to get every reservist into CADPAT everything as fast as humanly possible. I don't see a need for my bivvy bag or ground sheet to be CADPAT when there are other priorities. I'll take something plain green and combat effective over something purely gucci and unproven any day.

Maybe I'm right out to lunch though; I trust you guys'll let me know if that's the case.
Piper said:
You guys got WWB's and were allowed to wear them on course? I'm jealous (MK III's do a nasty little number to my feet).

As GO said, wait until you have actually used the kit to critique it.

BTW, gortex boots are far and away more comfortable then MK III's...and I've seen many a soldier wear them in the summer with nary a problem.

Personally, I want some of them Oakley desert boots....its like a combat boot, but 'pimped out'.  :P 

I'm not critiquing. I've said that I've heard all kinds of stories about the new kit. I was using this to back up my argument that it's porbably wise not to make any fantastic expectations about the awesome abilities and magical new kit.
Some of the stories I hear about new kit sometimes sound almost as promising as some of that junk email I get in how miraculous it's supposed to be.  ;D
Well, I for one wear my WW Boots every day, winter & summer, marches and all. I have not experienced any problems with them feet-wise. One of my Cpls, on the other hand, marched in hers a couple of times and had major troubles. I personally prefer them over the MKIII but many others have their own stories. What works for one person does not necessarily work for all.
armyvern said:
What works for one person does not necessarily work for all.

Very true, and something worth keeping in mind for both sides. That's exactly why I like to have the options.
The markIII with vibram soles are a good combo. I find the wwb is good for regular work days in the winter when out of doors. Garbage for me when marching. Too hot and create blisters very easily.