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WTF? Another Monument Desecration?

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You can't change a leopards spots by changing the name ::)

I'd be careful about calling out someone's experience, dedication and service around here if I were you.
recceguy said:
You can't change a leopards spots by changing the name ::)

I'd be careful about calling out someone's experience, dedication and service around here if I were you.

I am not sure where you get that from what I said which was
I am actually disappointed to see you say that, knowing your position in the CF.

I say what I mean, and mean what I say, and obviously didn't say what you are suggesting I did. 
Eye In The Sky said:
Mandatory service of 3 years in an Inf Bn should be the punishment for acts like this.  Maybe then they will appreciate what the monument represents and have some respect.  But the punishment should also educate.

Yes.  3 years in a Reg Force Inf Bn should do nicely.  Any Jnr or Snr NCOs on the forum think they could assist in the education of these offenders?

Service in an infantry battalion is an honour not a punishment. We don't need garbage.
General said:
Service in an infantry battalion is an honour

Exactly, which would be the lesson imparted on the person...to take with them the rest of the lives.

Respect for those who serve, from serving themselves and then getting a smick about what its all about.
Eye In The Sky said:
Exactly, which would be the lesson imparted on the person...to take with them the rest of the lives.

Respect for those who serve, from serving themselves and then getting a smick about what its all about.

If that theory actually worked effectively, then the Army would long ago have lobbied for the apocryphal "jail or the recruiter" to have become a normal method of obtaining recruits.

The truth is, we cannot make good soldiers of of most of the folks in the judicial system because they don't have the parts to begin with.  Most denizens of the judicial system are not the misled unfortunates that people think we can rebuild into good citizens.

Michael O`Leary said:
I Most denizens of the judicial system are not the misled unfortunates that people think we can rebuild into good citizens.

Hallelujah brother...
Michael O`Leary said:
Do we really need to get into debating the physics of fecal events in order to try and establish whether we need to organize an intervention or a lynching party?

I guess the point I was trying to make was missed.
I have removed the post in question.  My apologies.
Well to add to it, there was another monument vandalized last night in a park in St. John's, NL.  The monument is dedicated to all the Newfoundlanders who lost there lives during the first world war.  Just seen the story on the on a local news flash, hopefully I will be able to post a link.

Its a saluting area in the heart of skid row - hence of military interest - so maybe a military / civil authority solution is in order

You may wish to check this webpage http://www.ottawa.ca/city_hall/mayor_council/mayor/index_en.html

Hizzonner Larry O`Brian Mayor of the monument challenged down town core email Larry.OBrien@ottawa.ca

Alternatively you may wish to tell the Lord Elgin Hotel staff your concerns  about staying in the best hotel near the monument http://www.lordelginhotel.ca/contact_us/index.aspx
NL_engineer said:
Well to add to it, there was another monument vandalized last night in a park in St. John's, NL.  The monument is dedicated to all the Newfoundlanders who lost there lives during the first world war.  Just seen the story on the on a local news flash, hopefully I will be able to post a link.

Here you go ...

Reproduced under the fairdealings provisions of the copyright act ...

St. John's mayor furious...

The mayor of St. John's is furious after vandals sprayed graffiti on The Fighting Newfoundlander monument in a well-known public park.

22/07/2008 4:31:21 PM

This war memorial, The Fighting Newfoundlander, was vandalised with graffitti.
(City of St. John's)

CBC News

Vandals painted the words "stupid Newfies" on the monument as well as a stone gate marker in Bowring Park over the weekend. The words have since been removed.

Mayor Dennis O'Keefe is angry that anyone would mark up such an important symbol - the monument was unveiled in September 1922 as a tribute to Newfoundlanders who had served in the First World War.

"It is simply mystifying why any individual would put that kind of offensive language on a statue that means so much to everybody in Newfoundland and Labrador. I classify this as more than graffiti, it's more in the manner of hatred than anything else," he said.

O'Keefe said the city hired two companies to remove the graffiti, but the shadow of the words is still visible.

The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary is investigating.

When the incident was first reported to the media on Monday, police wouldn't say which monument was hit or release pictures to the media as they had in the past.

"We find these people who are doing this are looking for attention. And by getting the media involved right away and showing what they are doing, it only feeds to their ego. So we don't see the need to feed their ego," said RNC Const. Steve Knight.

Vandals steal cancer garden lights
Kind of a little bit of a highjack, but relating to disrespect....
Today while we were out the Highway of Heroes waiting for Cpl Arnal's return, some bonehead stopped and waved over a gentleman putting up his flags and and asked "How much is Harper paying you to be here?" Of course, this respectful gentleman told him to f**k off.  If it had been me I would of told him 'probably about the same as get from him for being an a$$hole'.  And a little later so bonehead leans out her window while going under the overpass and holds up both of her middle fingers at us.  I am glad it was us and not Cpl Arnal's family that had to see it.
It boggles my mind that people go out of there way to be so rude and disrespectful. 

Debating about who and why people do this stuff, is kind of pointless. 

At the end of the day, I know what is right. Some jacka$$ taking a dump on a war memorial, some jacka$$ giving me the finger as I pay my respects to the fallen or some jacka$$ making a point to say something rude does not in anyway shape or form take away anything from how I feel.  I certainly WILL NOT change my feelings or convictions.  And karma's will get them good. >:D

And now back to our regularly scheduled program.... :)
milnewstbay said:
I can't speak for anyone in a current Inf Bn, but speaking as a taxpayer, uh, do we REALLY want folks like this in ANY units?  "Jail or the CF?", to me, isn't necessarily the best recruiting strategy.

That said, if intent to desecrate can be proven, relevant community service might be in order - any ideas?  Say, shoveling the snow from vets' sidewalks or other chores, vigorously enforced?

- edited to clarify -

I can think of a place about a 1 hour and a half from there, where they can shovel snow (plus run for groceries and the other milions of tasks that fall into the laps of spouses).
Snow shoveling... how about they get a ride to BMQ or a healthy stay in one of our fine military prisons... no snow shoveling isn't nearly punishment enough.

The St John's case is by far the worst, as it appears the vandals knew what they were doing and made a reasoned choice to do what they did. As for the Ottawa incident, other members are correct - it's not intentional disrespect per se but mentally disturbed homeless people who likely committed the act. They're a fact of life for people in uniform working in Ottawa. While I don't defend what they did any punishment has to be balanced with the realization that military monuments in the public space are magnets for the disturbed.

With regards to the incident on the Highway of Heroes: there are many simple-minded folks who cling to politics because it gives them hope, a sense of connectivity in a disconnected world, etc. They've bought into the whole left versus right thing to give themselves meaning. For some of those who happened to latch onto the left (and wear those ironic, offensive Che T-shirts), the rise in popularity of the CF, our "war of aggression for oil in Afghanistan", and the rise of the Conservative Party have blown them away. See them for what they are: petty people who need to feel like a somebody by engaging in petty yet shocking acts like giving the finger to people they identify as "right-wingers".

They are nobodies: to be treated as nobodies is their worst fear. So do so.
North Star said:
The St John's case is by far the worst, as it appears the vandals knew what they were doing and made a reasoned choice to do what they did.
I agree. The bas*ards :rage:

Wish I knew who done it....

North Star said:
They are nobodies: to be treated as nobodies is their worst fear. So do so.

I agree. That was where I was trying to go with my previous post. I wish these acts did not receive attention from the media but I doubt that will happen.
I think in cases such as the one in St.John's those who are caught,if they ever are, should have to go stand in front of the vets and explain to them why they treated a monument dedicated to those they fought with like total crap. That is on top of any other sort of punishment they receive. I would say standing in front of the vet's and seeing the emotions they would probably have towards them would be a bit of an eye opener.
Flawed Design said:
How come there are no signs suggesting we cut off their heads?

I think some people are a little disturbed by that, but that's just my opinion.

I read this in the news paper yesterday. After reading it man I would volunteer to guard this monument. Or any monument in Ottawa representing our soldiers and vets. I wish they allowed you to do this.
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