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Attitudes towards the Liberals


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As a somewhat avid newspaper and media junkie I must admit to being confounded by the levels of barely-suppressed violence towards the Liberal government of late.

I realize that certain papers, such as the National Post and the Toronto Sun, cater to those readers who are more conservative while others, such as the Toronto Star, appeal to those with a more liberal bent. Ok, I get it. And I can appreciate dissent. But what I don’t get at all are those readers who are calling for violence against those who were elected and, in particular, our PM. Although I was generally glad to see Harper’s tired Conservatives thrown out and a new government put in, I am not happy at all with most of Trudeau’s decisions and directions. I have posted many comments here and started more than a few threads myself pertaining to what the Liberals have either done or failed to do. I agree with many members here who are worried about Trudeau’s extreme leftist (if not communist) leanings.

Having said all that, I am worried about the tonality being expressed both in the primarily conservative media as well as here about what should be done. Just a short while ago, while reading some of the National Post articles pertaining to Chinese influence, I saw comments such as “hang ‘em high”, which some may say should not be taken literally, to others such as to lock Trudeau up for “five to twenty five years”. I could go on and on with some of the suggestions either of violence or imprisoning a politician because we don’t like the way the country has been run. I could also point out that some of those who have posted comments in the media may not actually be Canadians but may well be foreign operatives or trolls.

The tonality and the rhetoric being used are IMHO not dissimilar to that which was used prior to the storming of the U.S. capitol last year. To those who wish to see something like that occur here because “the system is broken” I say be carefull what you wish for. Although I want to see Trudeau removed from office, I especially want it to be done democratically. Hopefully he and his ilk won’t get back in power. If he does, it’s not necessarily because he and his party will have won but more likely because those trying to replace him will have failed. That’s the way politics works in a system such as ours. To circumvent our system could well prove to be dangerous to say the least.

By all means complain against “being woke”, the “rainbow mafia”, Chinese influence, the WE scandal, the hypocrisy of Trudeau, the deficit spending…you name it. But unless you can persuade others to side with you and to vote with you, then the deadwood Liberals will get back in office. In parting, just remember…the Chinese fear the power of the ballot box, which is why they are doing their utmost to control what happens in our elections. And I think that in itself is telling.
As a somewhat avid newspaper and media junkie I must admit to being confounded by the levels of barely-suppressed violence towards the Liberal government of late.

I realize that certain papers, such as the National Post and the Toronto Sun, cater to those readers who are more conservative while others, such as the Toronto Star, appeal to those with a more liberal bent. Ok, I get it. And I can appreciate dissent. But what I don’t get at all are those readers who are calling for violence against those who were elected and, in particular, our PM. Although I was generally glad to see Harper’s tired Conservatives thrown out and a new government put in, I am not happy at all with most of Trudeau’s decisions and directions. I have posted many comments here and started more than a few threads myself pertaining to what the Liberals have either done or failed to do. I agree with many members here who are worried about Trudeau’s extreme leftist (if not communist) leanings.

Having said all that, I am worried about the tonality being expressed both in the primarily conservative media as well as here about what should be done. Just a short while ago, while reading some of the National Post articles pertaining to Chinese influence, I saw comments such as “hang ‘em high”, which some may say should not be taken literally, to others such as to lock Trudeau up for “five to twenty five years”. I could go on and on with some of the suggestions either of violence or imprisoning a politician because we don’t like the way the country has been run. I could also point out that some of those who have posted comments in the media may not actually be Canadians but may well be foreign operatives or trolls.

The tonality and the rhetoric being used are IMHO not dissimilar to that which was used prior to the storming of the U.S. capitol last year. To those who wish to see something like that occur here because “the system is broken” I say be carefull what you wish for. Although I want to see Trudeau removed from office, I especially want it to be done democratically. Hopefully he and his ilk won’t get back in power. If he does, it’s not necessarily because he and his party will have won but more likely because those trying to replace him will have failed. That’s the way politics works in a system such as ours. To circumvent our system could well prove to be dangerous to say the least.

By all means complain against “being woke”, the “rainbow mafia”, Chinese influence, the WE scandal, the hypocrisy of Trudeau, the deficit spending…you name it. But unless you can persuade others to side with you and to vote with you, then the deadwood Liberals will get back in office. In parting, just remember…the Chinese fear the power of the ballot box, which is why they are doing their utmost to control what happens in our elections. And I think that in itself is telling.
People were saying worse, and set up bouncy castles withing throwing distance of Parliament Hill... The Jan 6th idiocy is not likely here.
The entire business model of any number of 'news' organizations depends on outrage. They feed that outrage to make money.


Something that is entertaining because of how pissed off it makes you.
This iteration of the LPC is so sure of its righteousness and purity of purpose that they are totally incapable of seeing the potholes in their yellow brick road. That is why so many people are pissed off at them. The just don't listen!

not listening stephen colbert GIF

From Paul Wells:

An Emergency in Ottawa

My new book, An Emergency In Ottawa: The Story of the Convoy Commission, is an odd duck.

First, while it inhabits the space between two covers and will be sold in bookstores, it’s not a freestanding book. It’s the second issue of Sutherland Quarterly, an ambitious new project in long-form journalism from Sutherland House Books publisher Ken Whyte. (John Fraser’s travelogue of Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral,
Funeral For a Queen, was the first issue.) Sutherland Quarterly will publish a new issue on a single subject every three months. A new writer, topic and stylistic approach every issue. Who’s publishing 25,000-word essays and reportage these days? Sutherland Quarterly will.

Second, by the nature of the subject,
An Emergency in Ottawa covers several periods at once. It’s about Justice Paul Rouleau’s Public Order Emergency Commission, which heard witnesses in October and November 2022. Those witnesses discussed the Freedom Convoy’s occupation of downtown Ottawa, which happened in February 2022. Rouleau’s report came out in February 2023. So the book describes what the hearings were like, what the Convoy was like, what Rouleau concluded, how we got into this mess and what we might have learned since — all in 100 pages. I decided early there would be no point, and no fun, sticking to a straight chronology.

What could I bring to this strange episode that few observers had tried? I chose empathy. I tried to listen to everyone — Ottawa residents, police, protesters, governments — and understand what this unprecedented situation was like for them all. Everyone was already exhausted and dysfunctional before the crisis started. Nobody’s plans worked. In every group there were people who wanted to talk and listen instead of confronting. Even, as we see in this excerpt, among the protesters. The conciliators in every group lost. But were they wrong?

-Paul Wells
I think its more that we are seeing people starting to push back against the MSN, Big State and Academia. I have in all my life never seen it. Media loosing the control of the narrative is a large factor.

The "left" has always been organized, connected and controlled. Unions, Schools and the Civil Service. The right for the time can connect to other that may think the same.
As a somewhat avid newspaper and media junkie I must admit to being confounded by the levels of barely-suppressed violence towards the Liberal government of late.

I realize that certain papers, such as the National Post and the Toronto Sun, cater to those readers who are more conservative while others, such as the Toronto Star, appeal to those with a more liberal bent. Ok, I get it. And I can appreciate dissent. But what I don’t get at all are those readers who are calling for violence against those who were elected and, in particular, our PM. Although I was generally glad to see Harper’s tired Conservatives thrown out and a new government put in, I am not happy at all with most of Trudeau’s decisions and directions. I have posted many comments here and started more than a few threads myself pertaining to what the Liberals have either done or failed to do. I agree with many members here who are worried about Trudeau’s extreme leftist (if not communist) leanings.

Having said all that, I am worried about the tonality being expressed both in the primarily conservative media as well as here about what should be done. Just a short while ago, while reading some of the National Post articles pertaining to Chinese influence, I saw comments such as “hang ‘em high”, which some may say should not be taken literally, to others such as to lock Trudeau up for “five to twenty five years”. I could go on and on with some of the suggestions either of violence or imprisoning a politician because we don’t like the way the country has been run. I could also point out that some of those who have posted comments in the media may not actually be Canadians but may well be foreign operatives or trolls.

The tonality and the rhetoric being used are IMHO not dissimilar to that which was used prior to the storming of the U.S. capitol last year. To those who wish to see something like that occur here because “the system is broken” I say be carefull what you wish for. Although I want to see Trudeau removed from office, I especially want it to be done democratically. Hopefully he and his ilk won’t get back in power. If he does, it’s not necessarily because he and his party will have won but more likely because those trying to replace him will have failed. That’s the way politics works in a system such as ours. To circumvent our system could well prove to be dangerous to say the least.

By all means complain against “being woke”, the “rainbow mafia”, Chinese influence, the WE scandal, the hypocrisy of Trudeau, the deficit spending…you name it. But unless you can persuade others to side with you and to vote with you, then the deadwood Liberals will get back in office. In parting, just remember…the Chinese fear the power of the ballot box, which is why they are doing their utmost to control what happens in our elections. And I think that in itself is telling.
Dude, read the room. Seriously.

Trudeau can't answer a question.
Trudeau can't answer a question honestly.
Trudeau can't answer a question timely.
Trudeau has no moral values, like zero.

The big thing that Trudeau lacks is integrity, accountability and transparency.

Look at the recent China interference fiasco. Its similar to every other scandal he has been involved with.
"There was no election interference"
"There was no Beijing election interference in Canada, to suggest so is racist"
"The assistance from Beijing did not alter the election results"
"I am appointing a made up position to look into (obvious) election interference"

Do you get the picture? Do you have a clue how dangerous Trudeau is? Why do you think old school liberals have turned against him openly?

Read the room.
As a somewhat avid newspaper and media junkie I must admit to being confounded by the levels of barely-suppressed violence towards the Liberal government of late.

I realize that certain papers, such as the National Post and the Toronto Sun, cater to those readers who are more conservative while others, such as the Toronto Star, appeal to those with a more liberal bent. Ok, I get it. And I can appreciate dissent. But what I don’t get at all are those readers who are calling for violence against those who were elected and, in particular, our PM. Although I was generally glad to see Harper’s tired Conservatives thrown out and a new government put in, I am not happy at all with most of Trudeau’s decisions and directions. I have posted many comments here and started more than a few threads myself pertaining to what the Liberals have either done or failed to do. I agree with many members here who are worried about Trudeau’s extreme leftist (if not communist) leanings.

Having said all that, I am worried about the tonality being expressed both in the primarily conservative media as well as here about what should be done. Just a short while ago, while reading some of the National Post articles pertaining to Chinese influence, I saw comments such as “hang ‘em high”, which some may say should not be taken literally, to others such as to lock Trudeau up for “five to twenty five years”. I could go on and on with some of the suggestions either of violence or imprisoning a politician because we don’t like the way the country has been run. I could also point out that some of those who have posted comments in the media may not actually be Canadians but may well be foreign operatives or trolls.

The tonality and the rhetoric being used are IMHO not dissimilar to that which was used prior to the storming of the U.S. capitol last year. To those who wish to see something like that occur here because “the system is broken” I say be carefull what you wish for. Although I want to see Trudeau removed from office, I especially want it to be done democratically. Hopefully he and his ilk won’t get back in power. If he does, it’s not necessarily because he and his party will have won but more likely because those trying to replace him will have failed. That’s the way politics works in a system such as ours. To circumvent our system could well prove to be dangerous to say the least.

By all means complain against “being woke”, the “rainbow mafia”, Chinese influence, the WE scandal, the hypocrisy of Trudeau, the deficit spending…you name it. But unless you can persuade others to side with you and to vote with you, then the deadwood Liberals will get back in office. In parting, just remember…the Chinese fear the power of the ballot box, which is why they are doing their utmost to control what happens in our elections. And I think that in itself is telling.

Trudeau's PMO is the grit party. The rest of the caucus are trained seals that vote the way they are told and bark when they are told. Trudeau himself is responsible for the Canadian political divide created by his Us v, Them rhetoric. Opposing views to him and his bleetings are racist, misogynist, small fringe hicks that don't believe his science, the list goes on.

Canadians are frustrated, tired of being called names, being taken advantage of, both financially and morally, being the brunt of his socialist/ globalist failures. All this affects Canadians at their most basic level. They have no outlet for their frustrations. The government just ignores them as they sink deeper into debt, can't provide for their families. They see their taxes being wasted on personal vanity projects that very often fail or provide zero net gain for Canada, except for increasing debt and mealy mouthed platitudes from a supposed leader who admires the concept of communist dictatorship.

Canadians are well within their right to call out trudeau for his constant specious attitude towards them. His 'let them eat cake' attitude galls those that actually listen to him.

He is only Canadian by virtue of his passport. He doesn't work for Canadians or the country.

Canadians are slow to ire, but when they pass the breaking point, which they haven't yet, they are a force to be reckoned with.

The rumblings and disgust currently worrying you are a forewarning that only the most conceited, ignorant, egotistical type of git would choose to ignore.

He will reap what he has sown. It's his doing, not the citizens of Canada. Canadians are simply reacting to their treatment by trudeau. They are tired of being treated like shit on the bottom of his shoe.
The United States - and a former US president in particular - has normalized vitriol and hatred.

The entire business model of any number of 'news' organizations depends on outrage. They feed that outrage to make money.
This is Canada. Trump is not the fault of our woes. While there is some TDS up here, trudeau is the one creating the divisiveness. Our legacy media are just his bought and paid for propaganda arm. If they are feeding on outrage, it's on the orders of the PMO.
Having said all that, I am worried about the tonality being expressed both in the primarily conservative media as well as here about what should be done. Just a short while ago, while reading some of the National Post articles pertaining to Chinese influence, I saw comments such as “hang ‘em high”, which some may say should not be taken literally, to others such as to lock Trudeau up for “five to twenty five years”. I could go on and on with some of the suggestions either of violence or imprisoning a politician because we don’t like the way the country has been run. I could also point out that some of those who have posted comments in the media may not actually be Canadians but may well be foreign operatives or trolls.
By all means, if it’s going on here, use the Report to Moderator function. Are the specific examples to which you allude, worrying enough for you to report them? I don’t recall seeing a report from you on any specific post regarding this topic.
Perspective: anger has been a feature of political disputes forever, although there was a quiet-ish interval between the end of the Great Depression (start of WW II) and the start of the '60s-era protests.

Progressive politics drags people along at different speeds, so it is inevitable that an increasingly large gap develops between the masses of people who are approximately progressive and those who are approximately conservative. I suppose every once in a while a great crisis can push people together for a while (eg. WW II) and then they diverge again.

An increasing factional gap in principles I doubt is sufficient to poison politics. What is also needed is an arrogant majority that keeps pushing a minority up against a wall.

Progressives insist on fighting almost every battle and prefer to block all the lines of retreat. They simply can't leave people who don't want to be part of their "project" alone. Eventually those people, who are mostly not trained to examine every issue dispassionately in its own narrow circumstances, just get tired of the whole ball of sh!t and react accordingly.
Dude, read the room. Seriously.

Trudeau can't answer a question.
Trudeau can't answer a question honestly.
Trudeau can't answer a question timely.
Trudeau has no moral values, like zero.

The big thing that Trudeau lacks is integrity, accountability and transparency.

Look at the recent China interference fiasco. Its similar to every other scandal he has been involved with.
"There was no election interference"
"There was no Beijing election interference in Canada, to suggest so is racist"
"The assistance from Beijing did not alter the election results"
"I am appointing a made up position to look into (obvious) election interference"

Do you get the picture? Do you have a clue how dangerous Trudeau is? Why do you think old school liberals have turned against him openly?

Read the room.
Read the room? Anger. Yes, I get it. And I feel it too. But what I’m railing against is not the anger but what some people have suggested. Are you suggesting that Trudeau’s party wasn’t lawfully elected?
By all means, if it’s going on here, use the Report to Moderator function. Are the specific examples to which you allude, worrying enough for you to report them? I don’t recall seeing a report from you on any specific post regarding this topic.
I have made posts in the past saying it’s important to vote, to engage in discourse with others to hopefully persuade them to your way of thinking (or to otherwise change yours), to send letters or emails to politicians where appropriate and, most of all, to vote.
Read the room? Anger. Yes, I get it. And I feel it too. But what I’m railing against is not the anger but what some people have suggested. Are you suggesting that Trudeau’s party wasn’t lawfully elected?

If anyone makes a credible threat towards the government, they'll likely be getting a visit from the RCMP, at a minimum. Don't worry about it.

Being lawfully elected doesn't give you carte blanche to treat the electorate like shit.

Unless, of course, you decide to act like a third world despot.
If anyone makes a credible threat towards the government, they'll likely be getting a visit from the RCMP, at a minimum. Don't worry about it.

Being lawfully elected doesn't give you carte blanche to treat the electorate like shit.

Unless, of course, you decide to act like a third world despot.
In which case, thrown the bastards out. But do it peacefully. That’s all I’m saying. And, yes, it can be done.
I have made posts in the past saying it’s important to vote, to engage in discourse with others to hopefully persuade them to your way of thinking (or to otherwise change yours), to send letters or emails to politicians where appropriate and, most of all, to vote.
What should a person do when all that fails?
In which case, thrown the bastards out. But do it peacefully. That’s all I’m saying. And, yes, it can be done.
You mean sit and stew and take it up the ass until he decides to call an election or he pisses the orange liberals off enough that they join a vote of no confidence. We could petition the GG to remove them, but you'd get soaked pissing into the wind on that one.
As a somewhat avid newspaper and media junkie I must admit to being confounded by the levels of barely-suppressed violence towards the Liberal government of late.

I realize that certain papers, such as the National Post and the Toronto Sun, cater to those readers who are more conservative while others, such as the Toronto Star, appeal to those with a more liberal bent. Ok, I get it. And I can appreciate dissent. But what I don’t get at all are those readers who are calling for violence against those who were elected and, in particular, our PM. Although I was generally glad to see Harper’s tired Conservatives thrown out and a new government put in, I am not happy at all with most of Trudeau’s decisions and directions. I have posted many comments here and started more than a few threads myself pertaining to what the Liberals have either done or failed to do. I agree with many members here who are worried about Trudeau’s extreme leftist (if not communist) leanings.

Having said all that, I am worried about the tonality being expressed both in the primarily conservative media as well as here about what should be done. Just a short while ago, while reading some of the National Post articles pertaining to Chinese influence, I saw comments such as “hang ‘em high”, which some may say should not be taken literally, to others such as to lock Trudeau up for “five to twenty five years”. I could go on and on with some of the suggestions either of violence or imprisoning a politician because we don’t like the way the country has been run. I could also point out that some of those who have posted comments in the media may not actually be Canadians but may well be foreign operatives or trolls.

The tonality and the rhetoric being used are IMHO not dissimilar to that which was used prior to the storming of the U.S. capitol last year. To those who wish to see something like that occur here because “the system is broken” I say be carefull what you wish for. Although I want to see Trudeau removed from office, I especially want it to be done democratically. Hopefully he and his ilk won’t get back in power. If he does, it’s not necessarily because he and his party will have won but more likely because those trying to replace him will have failed. That’s the way politics works in a system such as ours. To circumvent our system could well prove to be dangerous to say the least.

By all means complain against “being woke”, the “rainbow mafia”, Chinese influence, the WE scandal, the hypocrisy of Trudeau, the deficit spending…you name it. But unless you can persuade others to side with you and to vote with you, then the deadwood Liberals will get back in office. In parting, just remember…the Chinese fear the power of the ballot box, which is why they are doing their utmost to control what happens in our elections. And I think that in itself is telling.

I think we all want peace and stability. And the internet is a semi-anonymous place where folks talk shit.

Having said that, as a person who voted LPC because of JT, he has made sure to divide this country on many lines during his tenure. Any threats of violence are a reaction to policies and statements generated by the previously mentioned divisive government.

If you want this to stop start encouraging your political representative to govern from the middle, not the extremes.
I have made posts in the past saying it’s important to vote, to engage in discourse with others to hopefully persuade them to your way of thinking (or to otherwise change yours), to send letters or emails to politicians where appropriate and, most of all, to vote.
I think you missed the point I was making. If there is something that contravenes the Site Guidelines in a particular post, then please report it.

Otherwise, the issue is just that someone’s view doesn’t align with your view, so perhaps you could rename the thread, “Attitudes towards the Liberals, that while technically acceptable to Army.ca Site Guidelines, don’t align with my attitude.” 🤷🏻‍♂️