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A majority are concerned about the new federal budget increasing the country’s deficit to over 40 billion dollars


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Quel suprise....

A majority are concerned about the new federal budget increasing the country’s deficit to over 40 billion dollars; two in five say the new federal budget has done a poor/very poor job addressing the issues they and their families are worried about (CTV/Nanos)​

2023-04-14Written by Nanos Research

A majority of Canadians are concerned (42%) or somewhat concerned (29%) about the new federal budget increasing the country’s deficit to over 40 billion dollars, which is 10 billion dollars more than estimated in last fall’s economic snapshot. Residents of the Prairies are most likely to report being concerned (54%), while those from Quebec are least likely (27% concerned).

Based on what they’ve heard about the most recent federal budget, about two in five Canadians say it has done a poor (19%) or very poor (20%) job addressing the issues they and their families are worried about, while one in three say it has done an average job (33%). Residents of the Prairies (35%) and B.C. (26%) are most likely to say the new federal budget has done a very poor job.

About two in three Canadians support (36%) or somewhat support (32%) tax dollars being used for an initiative like the recently tabled federal budget which prioritized more than 20 billion dollars towards a multi-year green plan aimed at building environmentally friendly projects and businesses in Canada and to compete with the USA to attract green investments.

The usual problem.
"Too much spending!"
"Don't cut anything I like!"

Borrowing is necessary to spend in deficit. Borrowing ultimately can only be cleared from the books by future revenues (mainly, taxes), although we kick the problem along by paying off what is due today by borrowing anew. The underlying assumption is that nothing will break the government's ability to borrow. So far, so good.

Related but not obvious observation: as governments increasingly take on responsibilities, people become more apathetic, which cuts into the productivity growth necessary to allow governments to increasingly take on responsibilities.
Some people were concerned when the budget didn’t balance itself in 2019…

It remains to be seen whether Canada, at this point, is past the point of no return and will pull an Argentina 2.0
Quel suprise....

A majority are concerned about the new federal budget increasing the country’s deficit to over 40 billion dollars; two in five say the new federal budget has done a poor/very poor job addressing the issues they and their families are worried about (CTV/Nanos)​

2023-04-14Written by Nanos Research

A majority of Canadians are concerned (42%) or somewhat concerned (29%) about the new federal budget increasing the country’s deficit to over 40 billion dollars, which is 10 billion dollars more than estimated in last fall’s economic snapshot. Residents of the Prairies are most likely to report being concerned (54%), while those from Quebec are least likely (27% concerned).

Based on what they’ve heard about the most recent federal budget, about two in five Canadians say it has done a poor (19%) or very poor (20%) job addressing the issues they and their families are worried about, while one in three say it has done an average job (33%). Residents of the Prairies (35%) and B.C. (26%) are most likely to say the new federal budget has done a very poor job.

About two in three Canadians support (36%) or somewhat support (32%) tax dollars being used for an initiative like the recently tabled federal budget which prioritized more than 20 billion dollars towards a multi-year green plan aimed at building environmentally friendly projects and businesses in Canada and to compete with the USA to attract green investments.

making spending on needed kit and personnel for the CAF even harder to sell to the public.
making spending on needed kit and personnel for the CAF even harder to sell to the public.
Remember that this government has been minority position since 2019. They have ruled by opinion poll ever since.

My wife retained her Alberta cellphone's area code when we moved for business reasons. She was given a call by a polling agency to see what her opinion was on EVs and what buying options/subsidies she would like to see for EVs coming from the feds. She answered the poll honestly and then when it came time for the demographic info, they shit canned her answers because she was living outside of their target areas.

This leads me to believe that the poll was being used to situate the estimate on policy by saying "well we polled Albertans and they said this. So screw the Opposition MPs that say the constituents they represent don't want this..."

If you translate that over to defense spending... You can see where the DPU "we're consulting with Canadians..." smoke and mirrors is going to be heading.

Part of being the governing party is doing what is necessary, but unpopular. In majority territory...much easier. Minority...well...this is where you need to tailor your ideas to gain support on the other side of the aisle.

Instead, this government propped up by the NDP, have found a way to push their age da, while also "consulting" with Canadians on what the policy should be (by asking a select, targeted, audience that will help paint the narrative).

Short of the Russians or Chinese beating down the gates in Montreal or Toronto... I don't see Defense ever being top of the To Do list for any government of any colour.
Short of the Russians or Chinese beating down the gates in Montreal or Toronto... I don't see Defense ever being top of the To Do list for any government of any colour.

Need to be embarrassed on the national or international stage.

Pretty sure we started looking at strat lift capability when it was revealed that any disaster assistance internationally would take over 30days to deploy to or something to that effect.

Imagine the CAF announcing that they can’t support a flood deployment and that people would have to fend for themselves.
Need to be embarrassed on the national or international stage.

Pretty sure we started looking at strat lift capability when it was revealed that any disaster assistance internationally would take over 30days to deploy to or something to that effect.

Imagine the CAF announcing that they can’t support a flood deployment and that people would have to fend for themselves.

I dunno, I think we're pretty much ignored now. No one expects anything, so we don't have to provide anything.