I'll agree with the "appearance" of "prestige." When I joined my regiment as a newbie subbie there were three of us who were OCTP, two RMC and one ROTP by way of civvy university. The two RMCers were considered God's gift to the world, us three OCTP rats were the scum of the earth and the civvy U guy was seen as the invisible average in the middle. I reality he was the brightest of the six of us (and of the other dozen older lieutenants already in the unit) and went on to become a corporate lawyer and CEO of a big military equipment supplier out of the US. It's not even a matter of first appearances, its a preconception which predominates and, as so often in a hierarchy, promotion comes by way of "promotion in their own image." In those days, RMC trained leaders preferred and promoted RMC subordinates.
The first rule of building an "elite" unit in the Military is that... you need to tell them they are 'elite' aka special.
There is a very simple set of reasons for this:
Enhanced Motivation and Pride:
Being part of an elite unit can create a strong sense of belonging and purpose, motivating individuals to strive for excellence and meet the high standards expected of them.
Increased Self-Perception:
When individuals are told they are part of something special, they are more likely to believe in their own abilities and capabilities, leading to improved performance and confidence.
Stronger Team Cohesion:
A shared identity as "elite" can foster a sense of camaraderie and unity among team members, as they work together to maintain and uphold the unit's reputation.
Higher Standards and Expectations:
Elite units are often held to higher standards, which can drive individuals to train harder and perform better, pushing them to reach their full potential.
Psychological Advantage:
The psychological advantage of being perceived as elite can translate into a competitive edge on the field, as the unit can maintain a higher level of confidence and determination.
This is what used to be done at RMC. It's the same means that are used to create Special Operations Units. Now is it necessarily true in all cases...no of course not. But that's the general idea.
The whole idea behind RMC falls apart when you eliminate the prestige and the sheen that comes with graduating from that program.
Much of that I also learned as an OCTP cadet during my eleven months of basic officer training, but admittedly it wasn't until the old Avenue Road Staff School that I was actually taught time management in a systematic way. As a nineteen-year-old cadet I was sick and tired of academics - the hands on stuff was much more to my style. As a twenty-two-year-old I was ready to learn. People respond differently. That three month course did more to prepare me as a staff officer than four years of RMC ever could.
How do you know that? You never went to RMC. You have no idea how hard the program is or was because you never attended it so you're speaking from a position if ignorance tbh. You may have had some experiences with certain RMC grads that gave you a negative perception but I would challenge you to find any unit that doesn't have idiots in its ranks... even JTF2 has had some absolute zingers make it through
My biggest problem with RMC is that it wastes the most important four years of a young officer's life in a
fairy-tale pseudo military environment. Those years could be spent more constructively with a more focused education opportunity for those down the road who need and can make the most use of it.
I can say exactly the same with respect to my OCTP experience and subsequent training. And I can say even more so for those civvy university trained individuals I met along the way. People are different across the board. Some will fail, some will survive and some will thrive, regardless.
What's 'fairy tale' about it? I got exposed to lots of Military concepts while studying at RMC. Way more than if I had gone to civilian university. I also had some pretty awesome professors with actual bona-fide Military credentials including the former DCO of JTF2, TF Commanders overseas, etc... I also went to school with some pretty amazing people who went on to do some pretty impressive things and have bled for this Country.
RMC is steeped in blood and it's built on the blood and sweat of thousands of everyday Canadians who took up the call.
The real thing I like about RMC is that it isn't like every other Ivy League prissy school where rich parents pay for their kids to attend. It's Canadians from all walks of life that are selected based off merit to become Officers in the Armed Forces. They come out of the program extremely fit, bilingual, with an education and a military bearing.
Most of the hate regarding RMC comes from people who never went there. They hate it because they don't benefit from it so their reasons are usually 100% pure self-interest aka "selfishness".